"Hahaha, I won!"

"I knew that my judgment was correct! How could there be any invincible person in this world!"

"The Almighty Martial God has just yet to meet someone who can control his existence!"

Sauri had his feet on the commentary table and his hands were shaking wildly with the virtual champagne he had just purchased.

Golden wine splashed everywhere.

It was also accompanied by the unique fireworks special effects of the virtual world, flashing behind Sao Rui.

He used his crazy roar to infect his inner emotions.

Many of the ordinary people in the audience who were still confused and couldn't understand the situation were also affected by him and couldn't help but frown.

Did the Almighty Martial God really lose?

When thinking about this, some real fans feel heart-wrenching and uncomfortable.

"Even if Brother Wu Shen really loses, he is still my idol."

Soon, there were people with red eyes.

Obviously in his heart, he could not accept this fact.

I just want to think of this as a nightmare.

"Me too, Almighty God of War inspired me to go through the lowest point in my life.

Just for this reason, I will be a fan of him for the rest of my life. "

"Me too."


While Saori was celebrating with champagne, ordinary fans were doing some mental building up.

The system's beep, which had no emotional ups and downs, sounded in the air.

"The winner, the Almighty God of War."

When these six words spread in the air.

Ordinary fans who had just sworn that even if the Almighty God of War lost, they would continue to follow him.

At this moment, the expression on his face was completely frozen.

The entire huge and noisy arena fell into silence at this moment.

The champagne in Sauri's hand was still spraying, and the fireworks effects behind him were still going on.

But standing on the commentary stage, he seemed to be petrified.

He just stayed there, motionless.

After a while, the ordinary fans of the Almighty Martial God finally confirmed that they heard correctly.

Those whose noses were red from crying just now were the first to send out the loudest congratulations.

"Holy shit, let me tell you, how could the Almighty God of War lose? That idiot Sao Rui mistook me!"

"My idol will never lose or fail, he is invincible!"

"I was actually doubting Brother Martial God just now? I confess, I am guilty."


Loud celebrations echoed throughout the arena.

Everyone is celebrating, celebrating this victory.

And amidst the hustle and bustle, there is still a quiet place.

The fat man Ma Mingjie stood up and patted Sao Rui, who was still standing on the commentary table like a sculpture:

"You don't have to worry about the pool. Brother, I will help you prepare."

"Don't worry, I will make sure you have all you can eat this time."

Ma Mingjie's whisper in Sao Rui's ear seemed to unlock the petrification spell.

His whole body couldn't help but tremble.

After a moment, Sao Rui suddenly jumped down from the commentary table, then jumped and grabbed Ma Mingjie's leg and said:

"Fat man, no, Brother Jie, I was wrong."

"I have always been a fan of the Almighty God of War, please give me a break!"

Ma Mingjie touched Sao Rui's face gently.

Sauri looked excited at this situation.

Could things be turning around?

"Brother Jie, when I first saw you, I thought you were handsome..."

The fat man said slowly:

"I don't know where you marinated this piece of shit for a few months to get the flavor."


After hearing this, Saori's face turned green.

He wanted to continue saying something, but Ma Mingjie was already offline at this moment.

"Brother Jie, don't want it!"

Sauri let out one last wail.

Then the expensive electronic champagne he had just purchased slipped from the commentary table and hit him on the head.

Immediately afterwards, Sauri fainted and was forced to log off.


A few seconds after Saori logged off, Sugu looked around and then chose to log off as well.

The departure of the Almighty Martial God did not make everyone go offline.

There were many people still sitting there, discussing the battle just now.

Discussing what they could see about the details of the battle between the two sides.

"Whether it is combat skills or supernatural abilities, both sides have shown extremely high levels." Keyua said slowly:

“Go and recycle the video of this battle at a high price from different angles.

This kind of high-level battle is worth watching over and over again.

Be sure to let other members of the school team take a look as well. "


Anderson and Schiller responded simultaneously.

At the same time, the two of them also complained in their hearts.

Boss, are you really doing this for the rest of the school team? Don’t you want records from other angles related to the Almighty God of War?

Of course, the two of them only dared to say these words in their hearts.

At this moment, Keyua whispered softly:

“In the virtual spirit world, I defeated the genius from several eras ago.

The impact of this kind of thing is probably greater than everyone expected.

Whether this is in the virtual world or in reality. "


It seems to be confirming Keyua's prediction at the end step by step.

The birth of this battle itself is a powerful bomb of several density.

The result of this battle was to directly ignite the bomb.

The buzz it generated is immeasurable.

Needless to say, it is the most searched on all major platforms.

Because of this incident, many online community servers were burned to the point of smoking during this period.

Even some people who resist the Internet and only like to read physical books can't help but join in the discussion about this battle.

“It’s really possible to awaken the martial arts will of the martyrs in the virtual spiritual world, and to be tested by the seniors?!

This kind of thing is not an urban legend! "

"What surprised me more than this kind of thing was that senior Ji Lie obviously had a personal consciousness in the battle.

Can he still be considered alive like this?

If so, what kind of life form are they?

Will this kind of trial cause harm to the seniors? "

"How can I trigger the trial? Please tell me, Brother Martial God, I'm willing to be beaten up."

"Thesis, these things can irritate many papers.

This year, major martial arts universities have defrauded funds (crossed out), and the direction of scientific research has been settled! "


This kind of discussion is no longer limited to one circle.

This has already caused the fate of the federal government and several of the top ten families.

And it has set off a wave of discussion throughout mankind.

After all, Ji Lie is truly recorded in the history books as an invincible figure of his generation.

His battle after hundreds of years has naturally succeeded in touching the hearts of all humans.

And because too many people have joined the discussion, it has far exceeded the capacity of Almighty Martial God fans.

Regarding the victory of the Almighty God of War, two theories gradually emerged.

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