Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 241 Where is the Blue Moon Wolf?

One of the theories is that this battle was a victory achieved after both sides tried their best.

This theory is naturally supported by the fans of the Almighty God of War the most.

In their view, this is another powerful enemy defeated by the great Almighty God of War.

Many people who support this theory are busy cheering and celebrating the victory of the Almighty God of War.

Another theory was proposed by the group of people who were attracted by Ji Lie's awakening and joined the discussion.

In the eyes of these people, although the Almighty God of War won, Ji Lie must have kept a backhand.

It can even be said directly that the victory of the Almighty God of War was because Ji Lie let the water go.

"Is it hard to understand?"

"The Almighty Martial God is fighting against Ji Lie, who was invincible several generations ago.

How could he be defeated so easily by everyone in this era when he is in good condition?"

"In my opinion, that ray of martial arts will cannot perfectly restore the power of Senior Ji Lie in his heyday.

Otherwise, the winner will never be the Almighty Martial God."

"The nature of this battle was determined from the beginning. This is Senior Ji Lie's test of the Almighty Martial God.

Which examiner would fight desperately when testing a student?"

"What happened in the smoke produced during the final fight, none of us knows.

What happened after the Almighty Martial God won in the end? Why did he win after being fatally injured?"

"I don't think the Almighty Martial God can be compared with those heroes in ancient times."


There are a lot of these people, and they stubbornly repeat their own views.

For many of these people, it is not the first time to hear the name of the Almighty Martial God.

But in these days, people who avoid the hot events on the community list are in the hearts of those who avoid them.

The Almighty God of War is just a warrior who doesn't even want to reveal his true face.

And how can such a person be compared with the hero of the last era, Ji Lie.

Not to mention defeating him.

This is absolutely impossible!

"Bah, winning is winning, and you still say you didn't try your best. Isn't it shameful to say such things?"

"You people who value the past and despise the present, can you roll aside and watch ancient images to be spiritual!"


Soon, in the virtual world, the two forces started a round of crazy verbal battles.

The sound of keyboards rang out in countless cities on the habitable planet of humans.


But not long after, the fans of the Almighty God of War fell behind.

It's not that they don't have the perseverance of those people, and they don't have those people who can spray people.

It's because of the people who were attracted by the battle of the Almighty God of War this time.

Many of them are researchers who usually don't pay attention to the Internet and focus on their own fields.

These people may be fond of the past and despise the present, or they may be stubborn. But they do have a very high level of professionalism.

They are professional in debates on martial arts.

Soon, countless battle analysis videos were produced by these people.

They either show off some high-sounding terms or find some unique angles to explain their views.

There are scholars who study psychological reactions, who analyze the direction of the battle between the two great warriors from the expressions on their faces.

There are also experts who study the field of neural networks and virtual world connections, who analyze the virtual spiritual world at that time and whether it has any impact on the battle between the two sides.

Of course, the most ridiculous are some people who study divination, who want to explain this battle from the perspective of mysticism.


For a while, the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie became the battle with the most diverse analysis angles since the birth of the martial arts arena.

And for Xiaobai, who knows nothing, on one side are people who support Ji Lie, who seriously analyze this battle from their own professional perspective.

On the other hand, the Almighty Martial God knows how to abuse, and even gives people the feeling that there is no way to discuss rationally.

Not to mention that Ji Lie is a hero with outstanding achievements. Even if he is not usually exposed, he has a very strong influence in the hearts of ordinary people.

In such a situation, even a fool knows who to support.

Regarding this discussion, the balance of public opinion gradually tilted towards those who were attracted by "Ji Lie's revival".


"Where is the boss of Cang Yue Wolf?"

"Why hasn't the boss's video been released yet? I feel that without the boss, we can't beat others."

At this moment, on the website of the God of War, countless fans of the almighty God of War said indignantly.

Many people directly chose the ID @Cang Yue Wolf, hoping to blow up Ke Yuya.

After trying many times without success, it was determined that Ke Yuya was completely offline.

These people directly @the webmaster of the website, wanting Ma Mingjie to help contact Cang Yue Wolf.

After reading these requests, Ma Mingjie was sweating profusely on the spot.

"Sometimes, I wonder if these fans are crazy."

"If I had the ability to hook up with the Stark princess, would I have to cling to Brother Su so much?"

Ma Mingjie said, shaking his head.

After complaining in his heart, the fat man continued to hum softly.

In his favorite happy atmosphere, he prepared his favorite pool for the bitch Sao Rui.


On the side of the Almighty Martial God, the ID of Cangyue Wolf disappeared.

The battle between the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie is gradually coming to a conclusion.

"As we said, the Almighty Martial God's victory over Ji Lie cannot be considered a victory at all."

"That's right, it is likely that Ji Lie left directly after seriously injuring the Almighty Martial God in the smoke.

After all, from the battle scene, it can be seen that the system of the martial arts arena is completely unable to restrain Ji Lie."

"After all, in Ji Lie's eyes, this is just a guidance battle for the seniors to guide the juniors, and winning or losing is completely unimportant.

Let the junior Almighty Martial God get a good reputation."

"From this point of view, he is worthy of being a senior who has been fighting on the front line in the dark age.

He really has a great mind that we mortals cannot understand."


The words that praised Ji Lie and belittled the Almighty Martial God made the fans of the Almighty Martial God itch with hatred.

But at this moment, they dared not to attack him again.

After all, the previous lesson reminded them that if they were to swear at the white lotus without reason, it would have the opposite effect.

"Damn it, I've never felt so aggrieved."

"Where is the boss of Cang Yue Wolf? Didn't she confess directly after the fight with Brother Wushen last time?

Why isn't she making an analysis video now?"

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