At this moment, Ke Yuya, who was expected by all the fans of the Almighty God of War to update the video quickly.

He was shooting flying targets crazily in the training room of the Stark Family University.

A group of ten steel flying discs at a speed of 100 meters per second flew irregularly over the training ground.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ke Yuya held the large-caliber gunpowder gun steadily in her right hand, and fired a burst of shots as if she could not feel the recoil.

The bullets accurately shot down the flying disc flying in the sky,

and every shot hit the target.

But even though she shot down the flying disc perfectly, the expression on Ke Yuya's face became more and more irritable.

For her, the boring game lasted for another ten minutes.

Ke Yuya seemed to finally lose patience and threw the gun in her hand to the ground fiercely.

"How could those old guys at home do such a thing!"

"In order to prevent me from contacting the Almighty God of War, they actually blocked my social account!"

After saying that, Ke Yuya was so angry that she stomped her feet fiercely.

"And those people in the God of War's House are also useless. They were actually refuted by those people with those ridiculous views.

Are there no warriors who practice meditation among them!"

Ke Yuya became more and more angry as he thought about it. He sat on a chair beside him, feeling depressed.

Schiller and Anderson on the side saw this and had tangled expressions on their faces.

After a while, Schiller stepped forward and said:

"Boss, if you really want to release the video, I have a way."


After hearing this, Ke Yuya jumped up.

"Accounts are essentially data. You can copy the account data and then log in by hacking into the backend of the website."

"But doing so is a bit troublesome, and..."

Before Schiller finished speaking, Ke Yuya interrupted directly:

"You can do it, right!"

Facing the straight eyes of his boss.

Schiller felt his heart being tightly pulled.

And before he could say anything else, Ke Yuya jumped up and quickly made an analysis video.

"Are you a bad mouth? Why did you tell the boss this?"

"If the elders at home know about this, you will definitely be scolded."

Anderson looked at Schiller and said with a puzzled look.

Schiller shrugged helplessly and said:

"Although it is a bit presumptuous to say this, in my heart, I actually treat the boss as my sister.

I can't help seeing him suffer."

Anderson looked at Schiller and sighed slightly:

"You are really a bad mouth."


Under the terrifying efficiency of Ke Yuya's sleepless and crazy progress.

In just two days and one night, the integration of most battle perspectives of the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie was completed.

And the analysis video was perfectly produced.

And when Ke Yuya uploaded this analysis video to the Martial God's House.

Without any surprise, this video was recommended on the homepage of the Martial God's House.

"The analysis video of the Blue Moon Wolf boss is finally made."

And then, the ordinary fans of the Almighty Martial God cried with joy and shouted to each other.

In these days, they have suffered too much injustice.

They have been looking forward to the video of the boss for too long.

Soon, without any organization, the fans of the Almighty Martial God spontaneously spread the link of Ke Yuya's video.

On major online communities and platforms.

Under the entry about the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie, Ke Yuya's analysis video was completely flooded.

Originally, the popularity of this battle had slipped a little, but with this operation, the popularity quickly rebounded.

Soon, the discussion of this battle once again topped the hot search list of major platforms.

And those old scholars who support Ji Lie with a heavy heart and a heavy heart.

Seeing this situation, they were neither positive nor negative under these entries.

"I remember that Ke Yuya Stark publicly confessed to the Almighty Martial God a few months ago.

In this case, her analysis video must have strong subjective feelings."

"From this point of view, how credible is this video?"

The strongest point of view is this reason.

This statement was also agreed by many people.

"I think it makes sense. After all, there is a saying that a lover sees beauty in his eyes.

No matter what the truth of this battle is, it is hard to believe that Ke Yuya is analyzing it from her perspective."

"I agree very much. As the fan leader of the almighty martial god, how can the analysis video she made be fair and objective?"

"I think the topic of who is stronger and who is weaker in this battle has already come to an end, and there is no need to argue about it anymore."


Under the words of these people, Ke Yuya's analysis video has not been clicked on a large scale.

It is questioned in terms of fairness.

"Damn, do you guys have any shame? Was your analysis fair?

You are so eager to praise Ji Lie that you are almost going to Mars."

"I am speechless. You guys are too lazy to even discuss it and just start to accuse him."

"I respect Senior Ji Lie very much, but his fans really make me feel sick."

"These are the people who are called Senior Ji Lie's fans? You think too highly of them.

These people just stubbornly believe that the ancients hundreds of years ago must have been stronger cultural necrophiles than today! "


Soon, the fans of the Almighty Martial God couldn't stand it anymore, and were about to start a war of words on the Internet again.

And those old scholars who supported Ji Lie were naturally happy to accompany him.

Just when the atmosphere of this discussion was still getting more and more distorted.

Ke Yuya stood up again.

This time, she directly used the official account of Stark University to release a video.

"I know what you are thinking, thinking that I will lose the fairness of the analysis of martial arts videos because of my personal preferences."

"If I have to prove this kind of completely subjective thing, I can't prove it."

"But now, I do have one thing I can do."

Ke Yuya's face was pressed against the video, and she said without emotion or any fluctuations:

"I, Ke Yuya Stark, swear by my own surname.

In the analysis of the analysis video of the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie, there is absolutely no personal affection mixed in.

Everything is based on objective facts and analyzed in sequence.

No Almighty Martial God is biased. "

Swear by your own surname?

After hearing this news, both the fans of the Almighty Martial God and the opponents of this matter swallowed their saliva.

Ordinary people may say this, but this is Ke Yuya, her surname is Stark!

This is to prove it in the name of the family.

If she fools others in this matter, if it goes wrong, Ke Yuya will be attacked by the political enemies of the family behind her.

Will she go to this extent?

No matter what the attitudes of those people were before, after seeing Ke Yuya do this, they were reluctant and chose to end their doubts.

And then, those people clicked on the video.

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