It wasn't until Keyuya swore by his last name that the number of rhythmic people in the online community decreased a lot.

More and more people chose to click on the analysis video produced by Keyuya to see what it said.

"I don't even know what else to analyze. Haven't I analyzed everything that needs to be said about this battle in the past few days?"

"It was a lucky coincidence that a martial artist with internet celebrity status was lucky enough to match up with senior Ji Lie.

As a result, greed is not enough, but he still wants to prove that he is better than the other party. "

"I can only say that this kind of person just can't recognize himself. Oh, not only himself, but also his fans."


I just clicked on the video and before I heard what was said, a lot of rhythmic barrage flew out of the video.

Except for not mentioning Keyua's bitter love for the Almighty Martial God, these people still have a lot of rhythm to lead.

Keyua's battle analysis video seemed to have anticipated this situation.

Three seconds after the beginning of the video, her voice slowly came out.

“I know that at this time, there will be a lot of barrages here to set the rhythm, and I won’t clear these barrages themselves and just leave them there.

Those who click on my video to explore the answer can take a look at my video and see which of these barrages is more convincing. "

His calm words revealed a strong sense of confidence.

Just this absolute confidence in oneself makes people unable to help but ignore those rhythmic barrages and start reading below.

"From my perspective, this battle is divided into three parts."

"And among them, I can say that the winner of every part is the Almighty Martial God."

Keyua said confidently.

Such war-inducing words, before those who supported Ji Lie could respond in the barrage, the video had already switched to the first battle scene.

That was the first time the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie fought against each other at the beginning of the battle.

"At this stage, the battle between the two sides is mainly based on testing their combat skills. At the beginning, the advantage was still on Ji Lie's side."

The accelerated battle advancement video enters its first pause here.

That was when Ji Lie suppressed the S-level combat skills of the Almighty Martial God with only A-level combat skills.

Seeing this, those who supported Ji Lie nodded secretly.

This is also the reason why they believed that Ji Lie was stronger than the Almighty God of War and later let him go.

Why was it possible to suppress high-level combat skills just by relying on low-level combat skills before?

In the subsequent battles, using the same level of combat skills, they were evenly matched.

Isn't this obviously Ji Lie's betrayal?

At this moment, Keyua's voice slowly came out.

“The fundamental reason why senior Ji Lie can gain an advantage here.

It lies in the familiarity with the combat environment. "

"During most of his life, he spent most of his time in space, fighting to the death with alien races."

"This gravity-free environment has no impact on him at all."

"Relatively speaking, the Almighty Martial God is not unfamiliar with this environment. But he is far from familiar with it."

After saying these words, Keyu Ya intercepted some shots of the use of combat skills.

The focus is on the analysis of the state of the Almighty Martial God and Ji Lie's use of combat skills at that time.

It can be clearly felt that Ji Lie's combat skills are more smooth and natural.

"So what? This battle scene was chosen by the Almighty Martial God himself. He won't want to default on his debt now."

"The strong are the strong. Don't think of blaming the reasons for failure on other places."

After hearing these words, someone immediately said in the barrage.

And Keyua continued:

"Many people must have thought that I pointed this out to show that the two sides have different adaptability to the combat environment, and then to support the Almighty Martial God and show that he is weak?"

"No, my point of view is exactly the opposite. It is precisely because of this that it shows the power of the Almighty Martial God."

While speaking, Keyuya intercepted this battle and the subsequent combat skills of the Almighty Martial God separately and slowed them down.

What can be seen with the naked eye is that the Almighty Martial God is becoming more and more natural and proficient in the use of combat skills.

Even the same combat skills were used in his hands one after another.

The one you use later will have a lot more different charm than the one you used before.

Keyua calmly commented on these changes in the Almighty Martial God.

Then some comparative clips of Ji Lie's combat skills were shown.

Then, even the most stupid people have now realized the fact.

"Holy crap, the Almighty Martial God is secretly learning how to use Ji Lie's combat skills in this environment?"

After understanding this, many people's minds were buzzing.

What a powerful self-confidence and terrifying martial arts talent.

Only in this life-and-death battle can we use the enemy as our teacher and improve ourselves.

Keyua said calmly outside the video:

"It seems that there is no winner between the two sides, but the Almighty Martial God has fully achieved his strategic intention."

"In this short period of time, he has completed his adaptation to the combat environment and the gravity-free space."

"This makes it impossible for Ji Lie to take advantage of him in the next battle by relying on his familiarity with the combat environment."

"When entering the latter stage and starting to use superpowers to fight, Ji Lie was completely forced by the Almighty Martial God."

"If he continues to fight like this, not only will he lose sight of the chance of victory, but his opponent will become stronger and stronger."

"So in my judgment, this first part of the battle is a complete victory for the Almighty Martial God."

After hearing these words spoken by Keyu Ya, those who supported Ji Lie showed unwillingness on their faces.

What a joke.

How can this be? !

How is it possible for someone to quickly absorb the opponent's combat experience while fighting against them?

But no matter how suspicious they were, the facts Keyua revealed were calmly placed in front of them.

There is no way to turn a blind eye.

It seemed that just as Keyuya said, the first half of the battle ended with Keyuya's complete victory.

"It's just a battle of combat skills in the first half. The two sides are still in the testing stage. The outcome at this time has no influence on the final victory."

"Yes, you must know that in the end, the winner"

"I still insist on believing that the final winner is senior Ji Lie."

But soon, these stubborn people found a new angle.

Started to explain in the video crazily, swiping the screen.

At this moment, Keyua's voice said calmly in the video again:

"Although I don't have any foreknowledge of my powers, I know that after my video is released, the barrage during this period will be very urgent."

"But I'm telling you, don't worry yet."

"I'm not finished yet."

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