In the virtual spiritual world, on a quiet island in a chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

Ji Lie's figure slowly emerged from it.

His shadow was illusory, like a transparent ghost.

After stabilizing his body, he sighed slightly.

At this moment, a burst of laughter sounded in his ears.

As the laughter floated, figures one after another appeared around him.

"Ji Lie, I really didn't expect that you would be here today. How does it feel to be forced into this by a junior?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ji Lie, we have been fighting for so long, and I haven't beaten you once.

Unexpectedly, a junior could actually do it. He has lived so long that he can see everything. "

"Although in the end, the junior named Sugu was fatally injured, but to reach this point with you, it is still an honor to be defeated.

It is really gratifying to see this news before the consciousness is completely wiped out and returns to the sea of ​​consciousness. "

Beside Ji Lie, the figures floating around kept mumbling.

If there were any human beings at this moment who were lucky enough to see such a scene, they would probably kneel down in excitement.

Anyone who has just spoken out is a martyr who has left his or her own mark in human history.

At this moment, they were all "alive" and talking and communicating.

At this moment, Ji Lie heard the sarcasm from his companions, and the expression on his face was unexpectedly calm.

Then he slowly said:

"Senior, you are wrong. I lost the final collision with Sugu."

Ji Lie's words made the "undead" around him slightly stunned.

They also didn't expect that Ji Lie, who was usually tough-tongued and irritable, could actually say these words calmly.

For a moment, they stopped making such unnecessary jokes, and an old man with a respectable appearance came out and said:

"This is impossible. According to our judgment, it is possible when you use your soul-shaping realm cultivation and use your deified abilities.

It is impossible for a Self-Seeking Realm warrior to support immortality for ten seconds, let alone exist.

Beats you in that situation. "

Another undead man who was the same generation as Ji Lie and had a good relationship with him also came out and said:

"You're right."

"In fact, even if you don't use the deification ability, after you use the soul-shaping realm power.

Any warrior in the Self-Seeking Realm who can remain immortal for thirty seconds can be said to be an unparalleled genius.

If you are kicked out early at the end, there is a high probability that you will be ejected directly because you used the power of the Soul Shaping Realm and triggered the alert.

It's not a question of strength. "

Immediately afterwards, several other undead also said similar words in agreement.

Each of the "people" standing here is a big figure who has left his name in the history of martial arts.

Even if they stand together, they can represent the history of human martial arts itself.

And their judgment was unanimous.

It can even be said directly that it is the truth in martial arts.

It was impossible for Su Gu to defeat Ji Lie in that situation.

"No, I really failed."

Ji Lie slowly exhaled and said:

"Although I also left that boy with a fatal wound that would definitely lead to death in the real world."

"But I did die before him, that's undisputed."

Ji Lie's words made everyone frown.

No one will deny his judgment of his own victory or failure. This is the most basic trust and respect for a top powerhouse.

But what exactly made him make such a judgment?

"This... is impossible." Someone soon murmured:

"How is it possible that someone in the Seeking Me Realm can compete with your power in the Soul Shaping Realm?"

After a while, someone looked at Ji Lie and asked slowly:

And Ji Lie himself did not try to sell it off, but said slowly:

"All judgments we make are based on our own practice system."

"And what if I tell you that this Sugu uses a different practice system from ours in the practice of supernatural powers."

When they heard this, the undead were either thinking hard or gloating about their misfortune.

Their eyes lit up.

"Is this true?"

Someone couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"It's true." Ji Lie's voice was also a little excited.

"According to my observations, this system can completely free humans from dependence on the blood of aliens."

"You can improve your superpower level through your own hard work."

"And judging from the superpowers displayed by Sugu at the last moment. This system, which we don't know yet, can also allow humans to master double-digit superpowers."

"The potential is even higher than the current system!"

After hearing this, these people couldn't help but opened their eyes wide.

Then one by one, they were so excited that their souls and bodies were trembling.

Everyone here is a great being who is willing to dedicate everything to humanity.

After hearing that humans finally had the means to get rid of their dependence on the blood of aliens, they were naturally overjoyed.

"God favors my human race."

Finally someone said with emotion:

"Before I die, the Dark Ages have ended and the alien races have retreated hundreds of light years away."

"At that time, I felt that human beings' single system of improving themselves through different blood was a curse."

"Until today, I finally found a solution."

And another person said:

"Ji Lie, the little guy you're fighting with is called Sugu, right?"

"I hope he can grow up safely, but it's a pity that we can't do anything for him in our current situation. Otherwise, I will give him all I have learned in my life."


Seeing the excitement of these people, Ji Lie shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity that in the end I was able to bring out all the potential of that boy."

"By the way, I use some means to cover it up so that no one can see the strangeness of the superpower."

"But in the end, he probably won't be able to fully control that power."

"Otherwise... tsk tsk, the power of destruction is the fusion of hundreds of superpowers."

"I'm afraid even ordinary deified powers are just like a bunch of rubbish in front of him."

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