Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 247 A force that cannot be controlled for the time being

"Tsk, it still doesn't work."

"I can't find that feeling."

Su Gu sat cross-legged in the underground practice room of the dormitory, frowning slightly.

At this moment, he looked a little embarrassed. The white martial arts uniform he wore was tattered, and there were many black stains on his exposed body.

And around him, the practice room made of the solid body bones of the alien race mixed with black gold, had dozens of large and small pits.

These were the scenes caused by Su Gu's experiment with his own superpowers.

At the end of the battle between himself and Ji Lie, under the pressure exerted by the opponent, he burst out with amazing power.

Release the superpowers he has comprehended at the same time and melt them into one.

Relying on the weird superpowers that can destroy everything, Su Gu can compete with Ji Lie in that situation.

Although Su Gu successfully defeated Ji Lie with that power, he was also fatally injured.

If such a wound happened outside the virtual spiritual world, Su Gu would definitely die.

This kind of ending of mutual destruction is absolutely unacceptable to him.

He wanted to turn this sudden burst of energy into a regular means that he could control through practice!

"If I can completely master that power, I believe that even if I face a warrior in the Free and Easy Realm, I will not be completely powerless to resist."

Su Gu clenched his fists and said softly.

In his mind, the scene of his encounter with those Free and Easy Realm warriors of the Orange Family in the Star Air Brigade once again emerged.

The opponent's terrifying power, but he had no means to fight back.

Su Gu didn't want to have a second time.

Then he closed his eyes again and used runes to reconcile the complex superpowers in his body.


The superpower fusion failed again, and Su Gu once again released the uncontrolled power in his body to avoid affecting himself.

The terrifying energy hit the ground, and a pit was directly smashed out of the practice room.

Su Gu was not discouraged and continued to repeat the same work.

Once, twice, three times...

The explosions in the practice room also rang one after another.

"There were several times when I almost succeeded, but I just missed that little bit."

Su Gu frowned deeply.

"Why can't I find the feeling of success in the battle with Ji Lie?"

"Do I need an enemy who really brings me life and death crisis to put pressure on me before I can awaken?"

Su Gu clenched his fist and punched the ground unwillingly.

"As long as I can use that destructive power again, I will definitely master it completely."

"Then, with the ability to become stronger by breathing, this power will definitely become my normal ability."

"It's just a little bit short, but my own practice is stuck here."

The more Su Gu thought about it, the more unwilling he felt.

He had a feeling that if he could completely master this power and push it to the peak.

Then maybe he would be not far from the Soul Shaping Realm!

"Forget it, there's no need to eat a fat man in one bite."

"Since I can't control this power for the time being, let's put it aside for now."

"I can do some practice that I can control myself first."

Su Gu said softly.

Then, he began to practice using runes to improve his own abilities.

If he could truly master that destructive power, he could combine the abilities of level B and C.

And combine them with the abilities of level A and S.

Then naturally, the latter would be more powerful.

Su Gu was also paving the way for the future by doing this.

When he really stepped into the realm of

[Complete one breath, experience +72 in runes of lightning ability, current level of lightning ability: B. ]

[Complete one breath, experience +123 in runes of earth ability, current level of earth ability: C]

[Complete one breath, experience +73 in runes of wind control ability, current level of wind control ability: B. ]

[Complete one breath, experience +43 in runes of flame ability, current level of flame ability: A. ]


In his mind, he kept using the rune system he controlled to construct and analyze the abilities.

As Su Gu kept breathing in and out, his experience value was growing rapidly.

The growth rate of those higher-level abilities began to slow down.

And those with lower levels were still being updated rapidly.


Just when Su Gu was immersed in his own practice, it was unknown how long it had passed.

At the entrance of the underground practice room, a voice came.

"I'm really thankful that you finally stopped demolishing the house. Do you know how much it costs me to repair a practice room?!"

Ma Mingjie stood at the entrance, looking at the scene here, and said with a complaining face.

Hearing the fat man's voice, he opened his eyes and said in confusion:

"Didn't I say that I'm going to retreat these days, don't disturb me if there's nothing important?"

"What happened?"

Ma Mingjie looked at Su Gu's appearance and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"My dear Brother Su, you really don't care about what's happening outside the window, and you only think about practicing."

"You don't know how long the online quarrels have been because of your matter these days."

"Most people would have been holding their phones, scrolling through the messages and secretly happy."

"I'm really not interested in those things." Su Gu shrugged and said:

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly, don't waste time."

"Someone is here to see you in the dormitory, Bai Yujing and Yu Cunxiao."


Su Gu walked out of the practice room, threw away the martial arts uniform he didn't wear, and changed into a casual outfit.

Then he went to the living room with the fat man.

The president and vice president of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University Student Union were sitting on the sofa, with a somewhat restrained and nervous expression on their faces.

"What's the matter?" Su Gu stepped onto the sofa, sat down and asked with a relaxed look.

After seeing Su Gu coming, Bai Yujing and Yu Cunxiao looked at each other.

Then Bai Yujing said:

"Su Gu, do you remember what I told you last time, that I would let you be the captain of the school team?"

"This time, there are more mentors who oppose you being the captain than we expected. Even the mentors who I judged to be neutral before have turned against us."

"But this matter is not without room for maneuver. Many mentors secretly gave me a name.

They said they hope their people can join the school team, even if they can only give you a substitute position, they will support you."

"But according to what these mentors said, if you don't support their people to join, they will do their best to prevent you from becoming the captain."

The captain of the school team, to a certain extent, controls the list of school team members.

This is the captain's right.

After hearing this, Su Gu nodded and said:

"Let me hear who those who want to join are."

He is not a rigid person. If there are capable and qualified people among the people reported by these teachers, it doesn't matter if they give them a substitute position.

As for whether these people will cause trouble later, Su Gu doesn't care.

He is confident that he can control the situation.

Soon, Yu Cunxiao, who was standing by, handed Su Gu a stack of paper materials.

Su Gu quickly flipped through them, looking at the various data of these people, as well as their achievements in the four years at Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

The more he looked, the more his brows furrowed.

Then he flipped through the stack of materials faster and faster.

After he threw the thick stack of materials aside, he exhaled lightly and asked a serious question.

"Can these people reported by the instructors beat the fat guy next to me?"

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