"Can these people reported by the instructor be able to beat the fat man next to me?"

Su Gu looked at Bai Yujing and Yu Cunxiao on the side and asked very sincerely.

In fact, there was no sarcasm in these words.

During the time when Sugu went to the rune laboratory, Ma Mingjie was trained by two free-spirited masters in turn for several months.

In addition, he didn't know what stimulation he had received, so he no longer tried every means to be lazy during the training period.

From Sugu's perspective, Fatty's force value has increased significantly.

At least he won't be weaker than the average Starry Sky Martial Arts University student.

These Xingkong Martial Arts University did not support the names on the list of instructors who came to Su Gu's position.

If a fight breaks out, he may not be better than this fat man.

However, because Ma Mingjie stayed with the pervert Sugu all year round, he was the least aware of the growth of his own strength.

Of course, when his words were spoken, they sounded very sarcastic to the ears of others.

Bai Yujing and Yu Cunxiao looked embarrassed.

And it was Ma Mingjie who was the first to attack.

He jumped up and hit Sugu's shoulder with his right fist.

"Damn it, what does this have to do with me! Don't take me with you."


After a burst of impact, Sugu's face showed a dull expression.

Ma Mingjie's face quickly turned from red to purple.

Then he let out a scream.


"Are you still a human being? The metal stakes are not as strong as you."

Fighting and failing to win,

You can't win with words.

Ma Mingjie looked at Sugu and sat on the sofa again with an indignant look.

Bai Yujing and Yu Cunxiao on the side saw this opportunity, and the embarrassment on their faces eased slightly.

Bai Yujing said helplessly:

"We don't know exactly what happened. But those instructors suddenly went crazy and wanted to add people to our school team."

"Not only are you directly given to the list, but there are also people who want to contact you, want to spend money or cherish materials, and change the position of a substitute."

"Of course, the people they want to add to the team are all related people who have some relationship with them."

Sugu frowned.

He doesn't have much opinion on related households. As long as your abilities are up to par, don't hold yourself back.

You can also rely on them to make daily activities more convenient, so why not do it.

But this......

He looked at the information at hand again.

These are all rotten fish and shrimps.

"Actually, you don't have to agree with everyone." Bai Yujing said with some anxiety:

"In the school, there are only a few people who really have some say in the position of captain of the school team."

"We can definitely release a few spots to win their support."

"In this case, there won't be much internal controversy about you becoming the captain."

Yu Cunxiao on the side also said:

"Sugu, the chairman said this is a good idea."

"The left and right are the substitute places, so just give them to them."

After hearing these words, Sugu raised his forehead slightly.

Then he said in an extremely sure tone:

"I can allow there to be a few less capable people in my team."

"But I can't tolerate some trash getting into the team."

"Please help me get rid of all these things."

After hearing this, Yu Cunxiao on the side became a little anxious.

"Sugu, do you really not think about it?

Now, at this juncture, these mentors work together to add people who are somewhat related to them by blood into the team.

There must be a reason why they must do this. If you do this, you will lose all your allies.

And these people are not too bad either. After all, he is also a student of Xingwu University.

It would be good to at least put one or two in. "

After hearing this, Sugu frowned slightly and said:

"No, I don't want to help others carry garbage."

Yu Cunxiao stood up and wanted to give some more advice.

When Bai Yujing saw this, she pulled him and told him to shut up.

Then she looked at Su Gu and said:

"Since this is what you mean, Sugu, then I will convey it truthfully."

"But your attitude is too tough. I'm afraid you will encounter some trouble later, so be mentally prepared."

After hearing this, Sugu nodded.

Now that he had made this decision, he was naturally mentally prepared to bear the consequences of this decision.

After hearing this, the two stood up.

Then, Bai Yujing seemed to have remembered something for the last time, and looked at Su Gu and said:

"By the way, since Sugu, your criteria for selecting team members is based on personal strength, then I think you need to meet those two people in advance.

After all, in terms of ability, not many in the school can compare with them. "


"Yue Yuzhong and Arnold."


The process of making an appointment with these two people was much smoother than Sugu expected.

It was Sugu who had obviously invited the two to meet, but the two of them were repeatedly confirming whether Sugu was available.

Seeing this, Sugu simply invited over all the people he thought could be selected for the main position in the school team.

We made an appointment to go to the best canteen of Xingwu University and discussed matters related to the school team while eating.

So, Feng Yan, Bai Yujing, Yue Yuzhong, A Nuo and Sugu sat around the table.

The five people here are the five people that Su Gu believes can enter the main selection position of the school team.

"Everyone, please feel free to order. I'll treat you today." Su Gu said calmly.

As he spoke, he swiped his student card.

Although we ate in the school cafeteria, this is the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, which is a school and a city.

The food you can taste in the top cafeteria here is no worse than that of the top restaurants.

You can even eat delicious food cooked with foreign meat as ingredients.

Of course, what you spend here is the credits of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, which is more precious than money in the outside world.

However, these credits are just a drop in the bucket for Su Gu now.

Five people sat around a table, and Su Gu, who was sitting in the upper seat, smiled faintly.

Then he said:

"I think everyone knows why I invited you here."

"After a while, the school will announce that I am the captain of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University team. I want to invite you to join my team."

"I came here to ask for your opinions."

After hearing Su Gu's words, the five people smiled.

"I have no objection."

"I agree."

Arnold and Bai Yujing said at the same time.

"Of course I will listen to Brother Su. When I join the school team, Brother Su, you can give me more guidance." Feng Yan also said with a smile.

Among the four people, only Yue Yuzhong was left, and he kept frowning.

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