Yue Yuzhong's brows were furrowed.

He was expelled from the army and labeled a deserter, but these did not erase the label of genius on him.

In fact, not long after he left the Union Army.

Many forces came to him, offered generous terms, and invited him to join.

In the end, Yue Yuzhong rejected all of these.

Instead, he chose to join the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, which he had little contact with. There was only one reason for this.

Yue Yuzhong raised his head and looked at Sugu sitting directly in front of him.

The man in front of me won the title of human hero in peaceful times because he killed aliens.

And because of his tasks related to alien races, his whole life fell into darkness.

No matter what, Yue Yuzhong wanted to communicate with the person in front of him.

He wanted to understand how he viewed today's humans and alien races from his perspective.

The invitational meeting with the school team members further confirmed that his previous judgment was correct.

Whether Sugu did it intentionally or not, everyone here is a survivor of the accident that made him a hero.

This time, it's a good opportunity.

"Hey, transfer student. How are you?

Brother Su invites you to join the school team. Do you agree or reject? "

Seeing that Yue Yuzhong didn't respond for a long time, Feng Yan couldn't help but ask.

Bai Yujing and Arnold also looked over.

Joining the school team is obviously beneficial and harmless. As a transfer student, Yue Yuzhong received the invitation just after joining the school, so he should be extremely lucky.

What was he hesitating about?

Under the confused gazes of everyone, Yue Yuzhong took a deep breath and slowly said:

"Before joining, I would like to ask a question."

Sensing the other party's eyes looking at him, Sugu nodded and said:

"Excuse me."

Yue Yuzhong said: "The people sitting here are all survivors of the Star Force brigade incident."

"Can you tell me what happened in that incident and what the truth is."

After Yue Yuzhong asked this question, the expressions of several people changed.

When Yue Yuzhong saw the reactions of several people, his frown deepened.

Then he continued to ask: "In the past few days, Arnold and I, who also transferred to this school, have become quite familiar with each other.

I have asked before why he decided to transfer from Kaiyang Martial Arts University to Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

Obviously according to the ranking of universities, Kaiyang Martial Arts University has been ranked higher than Xingkong Martial Arts University in recent years. "

"But Arnold has been silent on this question of mine and avoided talking about it."

"Although I have no evidence for this, I have always had a vague feeling."

"All this is related to the Star Force brigade incident I just mentioned."

Immediately afterwards, Yue Yuzhong took a deep breath, stared at Sugu and said:

"It's more about you."

Sugu was silent for a moment and then said:

"The official has already explained this matter, so why are you still asking me?"

Yue Yuzhong said:

"For personal reasons, I am always skeptical of any official documents.

As for this kind of alien incident involving multiple forces. I don’t believe even a single punctuation mark in the so-called official report sent to the people. "

"I want to know the truth from you."

"Since you invited me, Sugu, and want to get me to join you, please don't hide this from me."

Listening to Yue Yuzhong's words and looking at his attitude, Feng Yan frowned deeply.

The expression on Bai Yujing's face looked even stiffer.

The two of them were at the scene when Sugu saw through the alien race in the starry sky and had a relationship with the current high-level human beings.

Naturally, he knew how serious this kind of thing was.

If someone knew that they knew about this kind of thing, they would probably run into unimaginable trouble.

The best way to deal with it is to act like you don’t know anything.

"Classmate Yue, we did not hide it from you deliberately, but because everyone here has signed a confidentiality agreement."

"In order to abide by this agreement, we have no right and no obligation to tell you anything." Bai Yujing said in a calm tone.

Hope this can be deceived.

In this regard, Yue Yuzhong did not accept this trick at all.

He snorted coldly and said:

"Don't fool me with this kind of talk, and I didn't ask you, I asked Sugu."

Seeing the other party's attitude, Feng Yan looked impatient.

"Brother Su, since this guy doesn't want to join the gang, just kick him out."

He stood up and wanted to drive people out. His posture looked like he wanted to take action directly.

And how could Yue Yuzhong, who was born in the military, be afraid of this?

He also stood up and faced Feng Yan.

The atmosphere between the two people was like a powder keg ready to explode at the first touch.

Arnold stood up quickly and seemed to want to pull the two people away.

But although he was tall, he also looked slightly thin when sandwiched between the two of them.

"Everyone stop it."

But at this moment, Sugu's words poured a pot of cold water on the powder keg that was about to explode.


Feeling the emotion in Sugu's words, Feng Yan snorted unwillingly.

Then he sat back down in his seat and kept silent.

The kid from an aristocratic family who had been acting like a mad dog just now was actually stopped by Sugu's words.

Seeing this, Yue Yuzhong became more and more curious about Su Gu.

He also retracted his aggressive posture, and he looked at Su Gu and waited for his answer.

Su Gu and Yue Yuzhong looked at each other, and after a moment, he slowly said:

"Yue Yuzhong, since you want to know the information from us, you naturally need to exchange something."

"Can you tell us the real reason why you were expelled from the army?"

"I'm a little curious about this."

Hearing Su Gu's question, Yue Yuzhong's originally firm eyes paused slightly, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

Then he lowered his head and fell into a long thought.

At this moment, in this compartment, there was a quiet atmosphere, and no one said a word.

After about a minute, Yue Yuzhong slowly said:

"Okay, if it's you, I can tell you these things."

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