Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 250 The Story of Yue Yuzhong

"Okay, if it's you, I can tell you these things."

After Yue Yuzhong finished speaking, he did not continue.

After sensing the other party's concerns, Sugu glanced at Feng Yan.

Feng Yan understood immediately, and he immediately used his own powers to control the flowing wind and sense the room.

After a moment, he said: "There is no monitoring equipment."

Immediately afterwards, the five people on the table stood up in unison, took out all the electronic devices they carried, and placed them openly on the table.

After doing this, Yue Yuzhong slowly spoke:

"In my third year of joining the army, the military gave me a top-secret assignment."

"The mission target is related to the Medici family, one of the top ten families."

"In areas where the Medici's power had influence, large numbers of people disappeared every year.

According to rough statistics from the military ministry, the ratio of missing persons to the total population is four points higher than that of other regions.

And this data does not include unregistered people, homeless people, those who have disappeared and no one knows, and single-parent families. "

"The task of our team at that time was to investigate this matter within half a year."

After Yue Yuzhong said this, he took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

Obviously these things are not good memories for him.

"According to our team's investigation for more than half a month, most of the missing people disappeared in the area managed by a little-known family under the Medici family."

"And what that little family was running was a meat processing plant."

"We lurked into their main factory area and quickly found out the truth about the missing persons."

"Those missing people are processed like livestock in factories and packaged into industrial food,"

Hearing this, Bai Yujing felt nauseated and vomited.

"Actually, our team has successfully completed the mission here. At that time, our captain hoped to go back directly to resume his life."

“I didn’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I advocated a more in-depth investigation into this incident.

At least we need to find out how deep the relationship between the Medici family and this incident is. "

"The captain agreed with me at that time."

When Yue Yuzhong said this, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his face full of pain.

Obviously, this incident was a shadow that he couldn't get out of.

"Those processed canned human meats have different labels than ordinary industrial foods."

"And this style of canned human flesh is not a commodity circulating in society."

"Obviously, this is specific to each customer segment."

"We initially suspected that these cans were meant to satisfy the perverted desires of a certain figure in the Medici family."

"After all, isn't it often said that once people sit in a certain position and experience all human happiness, they will pursue some strange and perverted interests."

"At the beginning, we just thought that this incident was just that."

"But soon, we realized we were wrong."

"Those canned human flesh are not specially supplied to the Medici family. They are circulated in the form of logistics to all habitable planets in the solar system."

"Those circulation areas are not all within the power of the Medici family."

"What makes us feel strange is that even some forces that are not afraid of the Medici family have given those canned human flesh a professional green channel."

"It seems that these top forces all silently follow an unspoken rule that only they know internally."

When they heard this, everyone sitting at the table showed disbelief.

Bai Yujing covered her mouth because of the shock in her heart.

Sugu was also surprised. He could already guess the ending of the story.

What he didn't expect was that these Yue Yuzhong and the team of federal soldiers he called could actually investigate all this to this extent with their own strength.

It’s really admirable!

"We all knew at the time that it was best to stop this kind of thing quickly. This is no longer something we can intervene in."

"But none of us raised the idea in our minds. We were all silently thinking about how to conduct the next step of the investigation."

Yue Yuzhong said with a slight sigh.

I don’t know whether he was lamenting his behavior at that time or regretting it.

"We know that if we investigate from within those logistics organizations, 80% of them will be exposed."

"So the captain proposed that the target of the investigation be placed on the recipients of the canned human flesh."

"Sure enough, the harvest is huge."

Yue Yuzhong sneered and said:

"According to our investigation, none of the recipients of canned meat are 'human beings.'"

"Those are all aliens who have taken human form and are above the commander level!"

"These top-level families, tacitly, use human flesh and blood to raise these alien races in the human world!"

Arnold on the side swallowed his saliva and murmured:

"It's the same situation as the Tachibana family that time."

Yue Yuzhong continued: "We still want to continue the investigation, but the target of the follow-up investigation is, after all, the leader-level alien race."

"Soon, two of my companions were discovered and killed by aliens."

"We were not completely exposed at the time, but this mission was directly forced to stop by an unknown high-level official in the military department."

When he said this, Yue Yuzhong's tone and expression became calmer.

"We applied to restart this mission many times and asked about the details, but they were all rejected."

"And everyone in our team was given a gag order on this matter."

"And then, the tasks assigned to our team began to become more and more dangerous."

"In half a year, only three people died in the original team of eight."

"At that time, we clearly sensed the danger, but we were powerless. Even under the circumstances at that time, we didn't even know who was targeting us."

"In the end, the captain of the army with some background did not know what kind of exchange.

I was the youngest and youngest in the team. I was forced to retire on the grounds of poor mission performance and multiple escape records."

"Even after I left the army, I signed a confidentiality agreement, which focused on the mission I told you about."

"After I left the army, I learned that the fact that I became a deserter had been spread all over the world.

I am afraid that no matter what I say in the future, no one will believe what I say."


After hearing this, everyone fell into silence.

Even Feng Yan, who had been unhappy with Yue Yuzhong before, did not make any more sarcastic remarks at this moment.

Everyone here had lost their classmates and friends in the Star Air Force Brigade.

They all understood this feeling.

This depressing atmosphere lasted for more than ten minutes before Yue Yuzhong finally came out of his anger.

Then he looked at Su Gu with a sharp gaze and said firmly:

"It's your turn next."

"Tell me what you have experienced."

"I want to know if we can become new teammates."

Looking at the other party's determined eyes, Su Gu nodded gently and said:

"Okay, now let me think about where to start."

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