Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 251 Cheers to the uncertain future!

"Okay, now let me think about where to start telling you."

After Su Gu finished saying this, he looked away.

He was now thinking seriously about how much he should tell the people present about the Star Air Force Brigade incident?

Should he describe what he experienced in the Star Air Force Brigade without any subjective feelings.

Or should he reveal Yu Si's identity and his own understanding of the intrigues between the alien race and the human high-level officials?

This decision was not difficult to make.

In a short while, Su Gu made up his mind.

He glanced at Yue Yuzhong, then looked around at everyone sitting here and said:

"Okay, I will tell you everything I know, without any reservations."

"But let me make it clear first, some things are better not to know.

After all, what I am going to say cannot be changed at all with our current strength.

And once you know it, it will only add to your troubles.

It may even bring great trouble to your own life safety.

This kind of trouble is not something that Xingwu University or the family behind you can help you deal with."

After analyzing the pros and cons of this matter in public, Su Gu looked around at everyone again.

"Now, are you sure you still want to hear these things?"

Looking at Su Gu's serious eyes, these people fell silent.

Su Gu can say these words very seriously. There is no doubt that this matter, just knowing the information in it, will bring life and death crisis to oneself.

Just to know a piece of information, put yourself in danger.

Is it really worth it?

Everyone present was weighing this question in their hearts.

Su Gu stood aside, silently observing the performance of everyone present.

There are so many people in Lan Qing's rune laboratory who know that studying the method of replacing alien blood to enhance superpowers has touched the taboos of this world.

But they still choose to join the research of runes one after another.

Although Su Gu did not say this, he was undoubtedly touched in his heart.

The truth of this world is very dark, but human beings themselves may not be as unbearable as they see.

There are still people in the world who are willing to sacrifice themselves and do something for the human race without asking for anything in return.

Su Gu looked at the other four people sitting at the same table with him.

He didn't know among these people, after hearing the truth, they would choose to give their own strength and do something for the human world.

But we have to try to see if we can ignite a spark.

Even if the world is dark, a spark can always set the prairie on fire.

Among the four people, Bai Yujing took the lead and said:

"Su Gu, I want to follow you."

The look she gave Su Gu had other emotions besides determination.

After a moment, Feng Yan said:

"Listen, I want to follow Su Gu and raise you, and the rest doesn't matter."

These two people already knew the general situation in the Star Air Force Brigade.

Now they expressed their opinions in front of everyone, which further demonstrated their determination to follow Su Gu.

The one who expressed his opinions after these two people was Yue Yuzhong.

"Of course I will listen to you. Revenge and why my teammates died are my knots."

"Even if knowing the truth really puts me in danger, I will not hesitate."

He had a serious expression on his face, and he was obviously determined.

The last one to express his opinion was Arnold, who looked a little dull.

"There is a reason why I chose to leave Kaiyang Martial Arts University.

At that time, Su Gu, you had already solved the alien crisis. The free and easy masters of our school had entered the space and came to my side to rescue the students of Kaiyang.

At that time, I saw that you were targeted by the people of the Ju family, and I hoped that they would go to support you.

But this was rejected by the free and easy masters of Kaiyang Martial Arts University without hesitation.

It would be fine if you couldn't stand up to save the situation in a crisis, but facing you who saved so many students and owed you a big favor, you still made this choice.

This made me feel sincerely disappointed.

So not long after, I went through the procedures for dropping out and transferring to another school."

Arnold took a deep breath and continued:

"But at the same time, I also want to know what exactly happened that made the free and easy masters of our school so taboo."

After listening to everyone's statements, Su Gu nodded.

Then, he slowly spoke.

He told the situation he knew without reservation.

Every time he said a word, the expressions on the faces of the four people changed a little.

When Su Gu finished speaking, the four of them fell silent.

"Now, are you willing to join my team?"

It was also an invitation to join, but at this moment, when Su Gu finished speaking, this invitation seemed to be full of other meanings.

Arnold looked at Su Gu and smiled bitterly.

"I did think about following you, but at that time, I just wanted to pursue a more peak martial arts."

"I didn't expect that the truth of the world would be like this..."

Looking at Arnold's appearance, Su Gu said calmly:

"If you feel dangerous, you can just leave. Don't worry, no one here will despise you."

"Even after that, we can still be friends."

Su Gu looked at Arnold and said lightly.

Expecting everyone to join in without hesitation after listening to what he said.

This kind of thing is absurd.

Sugu didn't have high expectations for this either.

Yue Yuzhong frowned. He had guessed before that the aliens in the starry sky had connections with some of the top forces in the human race, but he never expected that they had reached such a level.

What made him even more unexpected was that the truth that his team had been investigating for nearly a year but could not get was actually found here.

He looked at Sugu and said seriously:

"No matter what, I want to thank you."

"Your words have solved a knot in my heart."

"I finally know what happened to those green express delivery missions located in various weeks."

"I also know who I should take revenge on."

"Thank you, Sugu."

Yue Yuzhong took a deep breath and said:

"I choose to join your team."

"From today on, Sugu, you are my second captain. You can use my power at any time."

After Arnold pondered for a moment, he finally said firmly:

"I'm joining!"

"Although it is very dangerous, I already know this. If I don't do anything, I will definitely regret it in the future."

“I don’t want my future self to regret my current choices.”

Bai Yujing looked at Su Gu and said in her heart: "I feel at ease being by your side."

Feng Yan smiled at Sugu and didn't say much, but his attitude said everything.

Sugu nodded. He ordered a few glasses of the most expensive wine here, and then filled it for everyone present.

"Cheers to the great cause of saving mankind!"

Feng Yan said coaxingly.

"What kind of career? Nothing has started yet." Yue Yuzhong glared.

Watching the two fighting, the originally tense atmosphere was dissipated.

"In that case, let's drink to the undetermined future." Sugu said with a calm smile.

Everyone echoed in unison.

In the cafeteria of Star Martial Arts University.

Five glasses filled with golden wine shook as they collided.

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