Starry Sky Martial Arts University, student dormitory area.

At this moment, there were bursts of wailing coming from the underground practice room in the dormitory building where Su Gu was.


"Senior Bai, Bai Yujing, please let me go and let me rest for a while."

"Su Gu, you are a bastard, you are not a human being. You bring these people here every day to torture your brothers."

In the training ground, Ma Mingjie was running desperately.

Behind him, Bai Yujing raised a soul rifle and fired a soul bullet every three seconds at the fat man's position.

Although as a long-range warrior, firearms are not the most familiar type of weapon for Bai Yujing.

But as the captain of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University team before Su Gu.

Her boasted unfamiliarity, her ability is already above the level of warriors of the same realm.

Not only can she shoot arc bullets that can change direction at will.

The unpredictable trajectory of the strange bullets is also pinched by her nature.

What's even more precious is that she is also very good at controlling the power of soul bullets.

Every soul bullet shot at Ma Mingjie was deliberately controlled by Bai Yujing, and its power was even smaller than that of ordinary metal bullets.

Even if it hits ordinary people, it is difficult to cause fatal damage.

Not to mention the warriors with thick skin and flesh.

But it hurts.



Another bullet was fired, followed by a scream from the fat man in the distance.

"Fatty, come on, run faster!" Su Gu, who was watching this scene, said happily.

"I feel that the footwork combat skills you are using now are almost on the verge of a breakthrough."

"And the A-level defensive combat skills I taught you the day before yesterday are about to be used."

"You are making rapid progress."

After hearing Su Gu's voice with some gloating emotions,

Ma Mingjie immediately said angrily:

"You are not a human being for coming up with this method to torture me!"



Bai Yujing's gunshots rang out again, and Ma Mingjie's screams followed again.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Gu's eyes flashed with a smile.

In the school cafeteria, he chose to be honest with Bai Yujing, Feng Yan, Yue Yuzhong, and Arnold.

The five of them drank and expressed their aspirations to each other.

Since then, the relationship between them has rapidly become closer.

During this period, everyone often used Su Gu's dormitory as a base to get together and talk about martial arts and the future.

Similar age, similar experience.

It seemed that they had endless things to say.

This made Su Gu, who was immersed in martial arts practice, have a rare feeling of finding a friend.

And by chance, Ma Mingjie was a little slack in completing the practice plan that Su Gu had set for him in those days.

And Su Gu himself was too familiar with Ma Mingjie, so it was difficult for him to really look serious with a straight face.

So Su Gu asked these people to help him train Fatty.

Since it was Su Gu's request, Bai Yujing and others naturally agreed.

What Su Gu didn't expect was that the effect of these people training Fatty was beyond his expectation.

And... everyone was really ruthless.

Although Feng Yan knew Ma Mingjie before, he was a little cautious.

But once his temper was ignited, Fatty would cry for his parents all day.

Not to mention Yue Yuzhong, who came from the army and completely imposed the training standards of the army on Ma Mingjie.

Every time Yue Yuzhong finished training Fatty, Fatty didn't even have the strength to speak, and the whole person lay directly in the training room and fainted.

And Arnold, who looks like a robot, is even more old-fashioned.

Although his training is not as Spartan as Yue Yuzhong and Feng Yan.

But if the combat skills are not in place, they have to start training from scratch, or even practice more.

His serious look always made Ma Mingjie feel like he was going crazy.

Compared to the three people in front, Bai Yujing's training program was the most gentle.

At least he could still run.

These four people perfectly implemented the requirement that Su Gu put forward before starting to train the fat man.

As long as he can't be killed, train him to death.

Even if his physical strength was exhausted, Su Gu used his endless credits to buy top-level energy supplements for Ma Mingjie.

He wanted to squeeze out Ma Mingjie's potential completely during this period.

So, after Cheng Ziwen and General Yin left, Ma Mingjie's hellish life began again.

"Senior Bai, the power of the soul bullet can be slightly reduced." Su Gu commented on the side.

His words stunned everyone on the side.

All along, Su Gu's requirement for them was to train the fat man to death as long as he couldn't be killed.

Why did he suddenly regret it now?

When Ma Mingjie heard this, he almost cried with joy:

"Brother Su, I know you can't bear to see your brother being beaten to death."

"From now on, I will mark your number on my phone and never use 'my son' again."

"I will..."

Before Ma Mingjie finished speaking, Su Gu's next sentence made his eyes go dark.

"This fat guy has a good talent in defensive skills. I just saw that he can use the A-level defensive fighting skills I taught him."

Su Gu looked at Bai Yujing and said:

"Next, you can attack the weak points of this fat man's skills and the weak points of his body. Don't use too much force, otherwise he won't be able to bear it."

"This will cause less damage to the human body, but the pain will be more intense."

"I believe that under this stimulation, the fat man will be able to quickly improve his proficiency in this defensive combat skill and reduce the number of weak points."

After hearing Su Gu's request, Bai Yujing smiled.


"Damn, Su Gu, you..."


Then, the fat man's wailing became more shrill.


While training the fat man and communicating with the team members, Su Gu also went to the rune laboratory several times.

He communicated with Lan Qing about some new understandings and confusions about his own practice.

In general, Su Gu has lived a fulfilling and happy life these days.

And just when Su Gu was preparing to continue to enjoy this life quietly.

Bai Yujing sent a message.

"Su Gu, just as I guessed before, the teachers in the school have jointly opposed you becoming the captain of the school team of Xingkong Martial Arts University."

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