"What is the specific situation?"

After hearing the information from Bai Yujing, Su Gu himself was not surprised.

He asked very calmly.

After Su Gu reported the list of school team members he had chosen.

He guessed that he would definitely face this problem later.

He had already made the corresponding psychological preparations.

Bai Yujing paused, then continued:

"Because your personal ability is beyond reproach in the school."

"Now those instructors focus their attacks on you, Su Gu, on three things."

"First, you have worked hard on the school's regulations.

It is not in line with the school's rules to be the captain of the Xingwu University team in your freshman year."

"The second thing is to question your leadership ability.

They think you are very successful as a warrior, but an excellent warrior may not be an excellent captain."

"The most important thing is actually the third thing."

Speaking of this, Bai Yujing paused, then continued:

"They said that as the captain of the school team, the list you submitted was completely unacceptable."

"It is obvious that personal feelings outweigh justice. After this happened, they determined that you could not be qualified for the position of captain."

After hearing this, Su Gu hadn't said anything, and the faces of the other people beside him showed indignation.

"Are these people's brains filled with shit?" Feng Yan said angrily:

"The point mentioned above has something to do with Brother Su."

Yue Yuzhong on the side also frowned and said:

"There are really many insects like this who don't know what they are thinking about and only know how to hinder others wherever there are people."

Arnold also shook his head and said:

"I really don't know if there is any private affair in forming such a team."

"The personal abilities of all our members are definitely above the level of this school."

"What are they thinking about in their minds?"

After these people finished speaking, Bai Yujing on the side said awkwardly:

"In fact, Brother Su added Ma Mingjie to the team, and those instructors focused on attacking this point."

After saying this, the originally indignant atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Everyone's eyes wandered back and forth around Su Gu and Ma Mingjie.

Su Gu coughed awkwardly a few times, and then explained:

"Fatty's strength naturally cannot be used as a regular, he is my substitute."

"And the team I formed is not just to deal with a school competition.

The situation we will face in the future will definitely not be solved by just fighting and killing.

We will definitely face more complicated situations."

"Although Fatty's ability is not top-notch, after our training during this period of time, he has reached a level that is enough and will not be a drag."

"And when dealing with complex situations, to be honest, even I am not as strong as him.

On the whole, he is indeed the most suitable candidate."

Hearing Su Gu's explanation, everyone recalled Ma Mingjie's performance in training these days.

Although there is still a slight gap with the other people present, he is undoubtedly at the level of Xingwu University's top students.

Thinking of this, everyone's face improved slightly.

Before these people could say anything else, Ma Mingjie on the side hurriedly said:

"Don't, I beg you not to be so confident in me all of a sudden."

"I've been beaten up by you guys for a while, and I have a psychological trauma."

"Please let me go, I'm fine as a cheerleader in the back."

Hearing Ma Mingjie's wailing, everyone's expression twitched a little.

Yue Yuzhong on the side said: "You kid, don't take advantage of it.

Do you know that we can get together and take turns to teach you.

Ordinary students can't do it even if they use a lot of credits to exchange.

If you tell this to others, I don't know how many people will envy and be jealous."

Seeing Yue Yuzhong speak so seriously, Ma Mingjie seemed to think of some bad memories.

The fat on his body trembled.

But after thinking about it, this place is not in the training room, and he immediately said with courage:

"Why do you envy me? You five people take turns to beat me all day long. Now I feel that I am worse than Sao Rui who is soaking in the septic tank."


The two quarreled for a while, and this brief quarrel eased the slightly tense atmosphere among everyone.

"So what is the situation now? How many teachers oppose me to be the captain of the school team?"

Su Gu looked at Bai Yujing with some curiosity and asked.

"There are a total of 72 tutors in the school. Among them, more than 37 openly oppose you, and the votes have exceeded half."

"If it weren't for the two votes of Principal Cheng Ziwen and Tutor Lan Qing, you would have been forced to abdicate now."

After hearing this, everyone's face changed slightly, and even Su Gu was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that I have such a bad relationship with people."

Bai Yujing continued:

"The situation is indeed much more serious than we expected."

"If you don't handle it well, you may break several records in the school in succession."

"Break the record?" Su Gu was a little surprised.

"You are the youngest captain of the school team in the history of Xingwu University."

"You are also the captain who has been opposed by so many teachers in all the years since the establishment of the school."

"If you don't do well this time, you may become the fastest to leave office."

"Break three records in a row."

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they heard this joke.

"In that case, why not open up some places and recruit some people to help us." Ma Mingjie said on the side:

"This kind of thing can be settled by exchanging interests. Among the 37 mentors who oppose us, satisfy the two most powerful ones and gain their support."

"I believe this matter can be solved."

As soon as Ma Mingjie finished speaking, everyone present said in unison:

"No, we must not do this!"

These days, when they gathered together to chat, they often exchanged information about alien races in the human world.

Because the people present had different experiences, classes, and backgrounds, they often exchanged ideas with each other, and wonderful sparks would often collide.

If another person joined at this time, it would inevitably make everyone present have concerns.

This is what they didn't want to see.

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, a gleam of light flashed in Ma Mingjie's small eyes.

Then he said naively: "Okay, I'll listen to you and won't comment."

Looking at the fat man's expression, Su Gu frowned slightly.

"The fat man is still as sharp as ever. He can sleep every day after training, but he can still perceive some things keenly."

"I'll talk to him when I have a chance."

Just when Su Gu was thinking this.

Arnold on the side looked at Bai Yujing and said:

"After saying so much, have the Xingwu University instructors said how they want to solve this problem?"

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