"Here we come, Su Gu is here."

Su Gu and his group, including Su Gu, Bai Yujing, Arnold, Yue Yuzhong, and Feng Yan, all behaved calmly.

They looked as if they were just attending an ordinary dinner party.

Such performance made those who were ready to watch the show feel disappointed.

But soon, this feeling of loss was filled by the fat man in the middle, Ma Mingjie.

Walking behind the five people, there was a chubby figure, with a hunched body, and a cautious walking posture.

It looked like a frightened quail.

Seeing this, the ordinary students of Xingwu University gathered here couldn't help but sneer.

"I thought these guys were so calm, but it turns out that being opposed by so many mentors would make people panic and afraid."

"I heard that the fat guy who was shaking like a quail was Su Gu's deskmate in high school. I guess this is why he pulled this fat guy into our school team."

"Haha, this fat guy is said to be from the command department, and even the professional performance of the command department is not outstanding. It seems that Su Gu is completely "abuses his power for personal gain."

"Now that mentor Jiang Rusheng is taking the lead, so many mentors are openly opposing Su Gu. I don't know if he will regret it."


Amid the voices of so many people gloating, a group of six people slowly walked to the arena of the martial arts arena.

And there, the school's mentors had already arrived in advance.

Among them, the leader, the man with a gentle face and a smile on his face, was the leader of the mentors who took the lead in opposing Su Gu and became the captain of the school team of Xingkong Martial Arts University.

Jiang Rusheng

At this moment, he looked at Su Gu who had arrived, and said in a gloomy tone:

"You are really so arrogant that you let so many teachers stand here waiting for you."

"You didn't even come here in advance."

"But it's no wonder. Su Gu is a hero of mankind. With Lan Qing as a guarantor, he doesn't even have to attend professional courses in school. How can he look down on us little tutors?"

Even when he was being sarcastic, he still had that signature, elegant smile on his lips.

He is a smiling tiger.

Su Gu said in his heart.

He didn't want to pay attention to the other party's sarcasm at all, and Feng Yan, who was beside him, had been holding back his anger for a long time, but he couldn't help it.

He said immediately:

"Didn't you arrive ten minutes early? You tutors, you do nothing all day long, and you have time to target ordinary students."

"Do you think we are the same as you?"

Feng Yan's words only earned Jiang Rusheng a smile.

He didn't say much, but many tutors behind him showed dissatisfaction.

This even includes those mentors who support Su Gu or are neutral.

Seeing this situation, Yue Yuzhong quickly grabbed Feng Yan and signaled him to shut up.

"Calm down, can't you see that the other party is just trying to provoke us and make us lose control?"

"The more anxious we are, the more unfavorable the next situation will be for us."

Feng Yan, who heard this, suppressed the anger in his heart again.

But the feeling of dissatisfaction in his eyes became stronger.

"As a captain, can't you even control the players you choose?"

"This is not a good sign."

Jiang Rusheng still said sarcastically.

Facing the verbal attack from the other party, Su Gu neither lost control like Feng Yan nor showed dissatisfaction.

He just said calmly:

"Since all the mentors asked us out, it's nothing more than wanting to solve this problem, tell us how you want to solve this matter."

Seeing that the other party's mentality was not unbalanced, he still followed his own pace and steadily promoted the development of the situation.

Jiang Rusheng frowned slightly. This Su Gu is really difficult to deal with.

It would be great if they were all the same as Feng Yan.

But his face did not show his attitude, and he said calmly:

"The solution to the problem is naturally very simple."

"As the captain of the school team, Su Gu's selected school team members obviously pay more attention to the personal relationship with the team members than to the improvement of the team's strength."

"Among them, Ma Mingjie and Feng Yan are classmates who have been close to Su Gu since he entered the school."

"And Yue Yuzhong and Arnold also directly stated that they wanted to interact with Su Gu when they transferred to Starry Sky Martial Arts University."

"Four of the five team members have direct personal relationships with Su Gu."

" In summary, we think Su Gu is not suitable for the position of captain of the Xingkong Martial Arts University team. "

"I hope you can resign from this position here."

After Jiang Rusheng finished speaking, another mentor walked out behind him and said with a kind smile:

"Although you are only resigning from the position of captain, we believe with a high vote that you are still qualified to join the Xingkong Martial Arts University team."

"You can continue to stay in the school team and shine here."

"Of course, we will give you all the resources that should be given to you."

After hearing these words, the students who were watching the excitement on the side became even more noisy at this moment.

"Damn, it finally started. Do you think Su Gu will resign like this?"

"It is likely that he will. Now there are so many mentors who are jointly putting pressure on him. How can a student withstand it?"

"And the conditions given are not bad. He can continue to stay in the school team.

You know, in our Xingwu University, there are not many people who can join the school team in the first grade. "


The whispers of these people floated on the field.

Everyone looked at Su Gu with expectation, hoping to see the submissive side of this human hero.

This will make everyone feel refreshed.

At this moment, after hearing these words, Su Gu looked around at the mentors in front of him.

Then he slowly smiled and said:

"Except for the title of mentor on your head, are you just a slacker at other times?"

The expressions on the faces of the students who were watching were stunned.

Bai Yujing beside Su Gu's eyes went dark.

And Jiang Rusheng showed a hint of joy on his face.

"Haha, this kid finally couldn't hold it back."

Jiang Rusheng thought to himself, and then he looked back.

As he expected, after hearing these words, all the mentors frowned deeply.

Their faces showed displeasure.

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