After Sugu just finished speaking, the instructors behind Jiang Rusheng could no longer suppress the anger on their faces.

They looked at Sugu and couldn't help but said:

"What did you say? How could you talk like that!"

"You don't look like a student at all. It's a shame I didn't directly vote against it before, so you shouldn't be the captain of the school team."

"Hurry up and ask him to remove himself from the position of captain of the school team. I feel upset when I see such disrespectful students."


Jiang Rusheng looked at the situation in front of him with a smile on his face.

This effect is even better than I expected.

Sure enough, he was a young man, too young to choose such an impulsive way to solve the problem.

At this moment, Jiang Rusheng even felt that he was sure of victory.

The ordinary students who were watching had stunned expressions on their faces after hearing Sugu's speech.

"Holy shit, you're so fierce. You actually started squirting in front of so many instructors."

"It seems that the rumors are true. After Sugu got the results, his mentality was completely lost and he didn't take anyone seriously."

"Tsk, tsk, that's interesting. Fortunately, I skipped class and came here, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to watch this great show."


During a heated discussion, the expressions on the faces of the ordinary students who were watching gradually changed from stunned to gloating.

Seeing the scene of a college god like Sugu falling to the altar, they were vaguely looking forward to it when they came here.

"Brother Su, what are you... doing?" Bai Yujing asked with a numb scalp.

She never imagined that Sugu, who had always been modest and calm, would actually say such a thing.

Isn’t this kind of thing usually said by Feng Yan?

Ma Mingjie, Arnold, and Yue Yuzhong on the side also looked at Sugu strangely.

They also didn't understand why Sugu did this.

"Brother Su, well done! These people deserve to be scolded!"

Feng Yan heard what Sugu said and agreed with him enthusiastically.

He likes to solve problems directly and straightforwardly. Now that he sees his boss doing this, he feels really happy.

Facing the doubts of his companions, Sugu said calmly:

"Courtesy is for opponents who can still negotiate."

"When Jiang Rusheng provoked us just now, those so-called mentors who did not directly jump out to object have actually made their attitude clear."

"In this case, if you still treat these people politely, it would be a slap in the face."

Sugu said calmly: "If these people call us here, I'm afraid there will be no option for peaceful negotiations."

When one party is at a disadvantage and is being humiliated, as a bystander, sometimes even if you don't express an opinion, you can still take sides.

After hearing this, his companions all showed thoughtful expressions.

Feng Yan said excitedly:

"In this case, let's use fighting to solve it. As expected, when a warrior encounters this kind of thing, it still depends on whose fist is bigger!"

Feng Yan's voice was loud, and he didn't lower his voice on purpose.

His words directly tore off the last fig leaf of these mentors.

The expressions on these people's faces were as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

Seeing this situation, Sugu smiled and continued:

"Teachers, there is no need for us to perform any affectionate teacher-student relationship here."

"You want my position, and then you put your people in it. But I have no intention of giving up my position. How do you want to solve it?"

"Do you want the people you selected to fight with me?"

Sugu's voice was not loud, but when he proposed fighting, he seemed to have an incoming momentum.

The noisy martial arts arena with thousands of people sitting around became quiet because of Sugu's voice.

Facing Sugu's proposal, Jiang Rusheng said coldly:

"In terms of personal force, you are indeed blameless. We have no doubts about your combat effectiveness."

"What we question is your selection of these other members."

"We don't think that all of them are qualified to be members of the school team."

Jiang Rusheng's words, using retreat as advance, blocked Sugu's idea of ​​​​fighting next.

But the expression on Sugu's face didn't bother him at all.

Then he said: "I am protected by Cheng Ziwen and Lan Qing, so even if you join forces, you can't make me leave the captain's position directly."

"But so many instructors have signed a petition to oppose it. If there is no explanation, it would be unreasonable for Xingwu University."

"In that case, let's use fighting to solve the problem."

"I have confidence in my teammates."

Listening to Su Gu's words, Jiang Rusheng showed a smile on his face.

"In that case, don't regret it."

As soon as he finished speaking, five students, three men and one woman, walked out from behind the instructors.

Looking at the four people, Sugu tilted his neck. He vaguely remembered the appearance of these people.

Bai Yujing had previously taken a stack of information, which contained these instructors, people she hoped to recruit into the school team.

Among them, these five people should be the slightly stronger among the rags.

"Holy shit, it's actually President Dong Li. Didn't he go to the space base for an internship? Now he's back to compete for a spot on the school team."

"There is also senior Liu Haixin. It is said that when he was a junior, he once won the school's best heavy equipment selection.

Now that he is a senior, he feels even more unfathomable. "

"And Li Lili, I remember isn't she the daughter of instructor Li Zheng? She was brought up by a martial arts instructor and taught her from ear to ear. I feel that her aura is different from ours."

"That's Zhang Zongsheng. He and Bai Yujing were both candidates for the captaincy of the school team before, but later he gave up and did not continue to compete.

Unexpectedly, he came out this time. "


Looking at the people who came out, the students of Xingwu University all made sounds of surprise.

Although these people are not as good as Sugu, they can still be regarded as influential figures in the school.

Now they are actually gathered here.

It was really fun to join in the fun this time.

Amidst the ordinary students' exclamations, the expression on Jiang Rusheng's face rose.

These are outstanding students jointly selected by the tutors and at their disposal.

Although he is far inferior to Sugu, can he still be unable to defeat the person chosen by Sugu?

This time, they won.

While Jiang Rusheng was thinking this, he said calmly:

"Sugu, these people will not fight you, they will fight the team members you selected."

"Of course the losing party must listen to the winning party's decision."

"What do you think?"

Hearing Jiang Rusheng's words, Sugu had a smile on his face.


And when the two sides confirmed the agreement to fight, the four people on the stage had a glint in their eyes at the same time.

Then almost at the same time, the four people's fingers pointed in the same direction.

"I want to challenge him!"

The four of them said in unison.

And Ma Mingjie, who was pointed at by those four fingers, felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

"It's not like this!"

He let out a scream and hid behind Sugu and his teammates.

That way, he looked like a shrunken turtle.

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