"Senior, you fell in love with me at first sight, so you chose to let me go?"

Ma Mingjie moved back and forth during Li Lili's attack.

Then he whispered this sentence.

Although his voice was not loud, all the people watching here were warriors.

How could he miss this sentence.

"Is this... true?"

"I really didn't expect that Senior Li's taste is so unique. No wonder I haven't heard that she has a boyfriend in four years of college."

"So Senior likes this one."


Hearing the discussion around them, Su Gu and others smiled.

This is really the talent of the fat man. Even if it's just a meaningless sentence, it can immediately make his opponent furious.

Sure enough, just as Su Gu expected, after hearing those words, Li Lili's face flushed red.

She looked at Ma Mingjie and said angrily:

"I will kill you!"

While speaking, she didn't hold back at all.

A-level ability, tarsal fire!

A-level combat skills, red lotus fire whip!

At this moment, Li Lili released the strongest superpower and the strongest fighting skills at the same time.

Dark red flames wrapped around the barbed long whip.

At the same time, the long whip danced around her like a lotus.

Facing such an attack, the fat man naturally did not dare to neglect it.

He quickly used the best footwork fighting skills that he had learned with great difficulty during this period of time.

Moved back and forth in the flaming red lotus swung by the fire whip.

But this time, Ma Mingjie was not so lucky.

The chemical reaction produced by the addition of suitable superpowers and fighting skills is by no means as simple as one plus one.

The fire whip danced, and it would hit Ma Mingjie's body almost every seven seconds.

Leaving a red mark.

"Ahhh!" Ma Mingjie made a series of strange noises, and then said:

"Senior sister, don't do this."

"My family and I are all very traditional people."

"I can't accept this kind of play!"

His words made the already angry Li Lili's forehead bulge with blue veins.

"Fatty, you dare to ruin my reputation! I'll kill you!"

As she spoke, the fire whip in her hand danced more fiercely.

"After all this trouble, it's just this level."

"It's estimated that it won't be long before Senior Sister Li will win this battle."

Looking at the scene on the field, the students who were watching said easily.

Compared to the relaxed expressions of these students, the expressions on the faces of those instructors of Xingwu University who were really standing behind Li Lili were extremely solemn.

"It's troublesome. How can this fat man's defensive combat skills be so proficient?" Jiang Rusheng murmured.

As instructors, they know the power of Li Lili's set of combined skills best.

It has a very high burst, a range attack, and a fire poison attack.

In the past, when using this move to attack the opponent, it often took less than 20 seconds to decide the outcome.

And now?

The fat man has been resisting for almost two minutes!

"Damn, this set of combined attacks is powerful, but Li Lili can't use it for a long time."

"This fat man's defensive combat skills are so powerful that they can directly defend against Li Lili's fire poison!"

"Lili's attack limit is almost reached, and it will be troublesome next."

As expected, it was just as these people expected.

Li Lili's set of combined abilities and combat skills was still effective at the beginning, and she could leave a scar on the fat man in seven seconds.

And now, these seven seconds have gradually extended to fifteen seconds.

Soon it will be thirty seconds again.

"Sure enough, you like me, senior sister." Ma Mingjie said excitedly:

"If you continue to maintain the fierce offensive just now, I can't hold on for long."

"As a result, you can see that I can't resist it anymore, and I actually took the initiative to reduce the speed and frequency of the attack."

After hearing this, Li Lili felt like she was going to vomit blood.

What's wrong with this fat guy?

It's okay that his vision is completely inconsistent with the information provided by the teachers.

During the battle, he can still say such trash talk to distract the opponent.

Damn, it's really shameless!

Li Lili has experienced countless battles, some of which are real, and they have made her face life and death crisis.

But there has never been a battle that made her feel so angry.

"Although the things you like to play are quite perverted. But I have completely felt your intentions."

"Wait until this battle is over, I will give you a chance to pursue me."

Ma Mingjie said in a deep voice.

"Fuck you!"

"Don't give me a chance, or I will castrate you!"

Li Lili finally couldn't help it and cursed.

Fatty didn't care about these words at all, and became even more arrogant.

"Wife, it's okay."

"We are opponents in the ring now, but it doesn't affect our opponents in the bed in the future."

"No matter what you say now, I don't care. We should do our best for each other's position."

As he spoke, Ma Mingjie faced Li Lili's terrifying whip dance and began to move forward.

His heavy body, like a tank, moved forward.

Li Lili wanted to curse again, but seeing the other party approaching her, she had to swallow the words on her lips.

As a medium-to-long-range weapon, the whip will be completely useless once the enemy approaches it at close range.

Damn it.

Li Lili cursed in her heart.

The goal of her, her companions and mentors behind her is to get the invitation quota of the Stark family to the Xingwu University team.

If you can take this opportunity to get in touch with the people of the top ten families, there must be countless benefits.

Maybe you can soar to the sky!

And looking at the composition of the Su Gu team, this fat man named Ma Mingjie should be the biggest weakness among them.

I also faced this fat man very smoothly.

But what is going on now?

This fat man is much stronger than they expected.

Li Lili thought anxiously in her heart.

In front of her, Ma Mingjie was like a tank, holding a knife and rushing towards her.

The whip on him was mostly blocked by the knife in his hand.

If I let him move forward and get close to the whip, I will lose all my advantages.

I will lose to this disgusting fat man in front of me under the gaze of so many people?!

This thought flashed through Li Lili's mind. Then came a lingering feeling of nausea.

"No, I can't allow this to happen!"

Li Lili bit the pill shell that had been pressed under her tongue.

A stream of black liquid flowed out of the pill and went down her throat.

Then, an unimaginable force filled Li Lili's limbs and bones.

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