Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 260 The Power of Krypton Gold

This elixir can completely eliminate all negative states of oneself, and at the same time allow a short-term burst of personal abilities in all directions.

It was originally prepared by Li Lili for Bai Yujing.

In her opinion, each is the only girl in the two teams.

There is a high chance that they will meet.

Li Lili asked herself that her own strength was slightly inferior to Bai Yujing's.

This pill is just to make up for that gap.

Unexpectedly, the pill originally prepared for Bai Yujing was actually used on this disgusting fat man.

Li Lili thought with hatred.

Taking this elixir that depletes your strength in advance means that after a battle with this fat man, you will no longer be qualified to fight with other people.

Thinking of this, Li Lili thought that the fat man had been spreading rumors in front of her since the beginning of the battle.

The anger in her heart could no longer be contained.

The momentum of the burning fire whip in his hand changed.

The whip technique, which was originally like a blooming red lotus, began to feel like it was opening and closing.

It was as if he was holding an invisible long knife and slashing rapidly.

A-level combat skill, Blood Blade Whip!

"Damn, my wife doesn't do this."

"Don't you really feel sorry for your husband?"

"Ah, hit it over there, you won't want happiness in the rest of your life."

Feeling the more fierce attack in this whip technique.

Ma Mingjie's scalp was numb and he quickly retreated.

Although this set of attacks is not as airtight as the Red Lotus Fire Whip just now, it has few flaws.

But more powerful.

Ma Mingjie felt that if he really received a whip, even the most rough-skinned and fleshy himself would not be able to bear it.

"Step back first and let this woman exhaust herself."

Ma Mingjie thought as he backed away.

And Li Lili seems to be a tireless and crazy attacking machine.

He began to press in the direction of the fat man.

The other party's performance made Sugu frown slightly.

I was almost exhausted just now, now I'm recovering...

"How shameless." He snorted coldly.

Despite this, he did not stop the fight.

Even if you point it out in public, I'm afraid they won't admit it.

The most important thing is that Ma Mingjie can solve it at this level.

There's no need to spoil his mood.

"Senior Sister Li finally regained control."

"Let me tell you, how could Senior Sister Li lose to this command department? She is a waste who can only rely on money."

"What happened just now was probably just a coincidence."

"Look at it this way, this battle will be over soon."


Looking at the situation on the field, the ordinary students who were watching were discussing excitedly.

At the same time, Jiang Rusheng's mentors looked at Sugu cautiously.

Then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Good thing he didn't notice.

"In the next half hour, Li Lili's strength, soul power, and condition will remain at their peak."

"Although taking the elixir against this fat man will make us a little passive, it is still better than losing."

"Yes, the winner of this battle will definitely be Li Lili."

Just when these people were thinking this, Fatty was already forced to the edge of the arena by Li Lili.

Just one step away from exiting.

"Damn Fatty, I'm going to tear your mouth apart!" Li Lili wielded the Blood Blade Whip Technique and struck the Fatty's mouth with a ferocious smile.

But this time, Ma Mingjie did not dodge, but directly blocked the whip with his hand, and then grabbed it easily.

In an instant, where he was hit, his skin and mouth were fried and blood flowed.

At the same time, he grabbed the whip with his left hand, and the barb was hooked into the flesh.

Li Lili took out the whip, and then realized that despite her strength, the fat man was actually stronger than her.

"court death."

She snorted coldly and stepped up her ability output.

The flames followed the whip and burned on the fat man's body.

But Ma Mingjie didn't even hum, as if he didn't even notice.

His move made everyone watching the battle look surprised.

Does this fat man still have such a side?

"They say I'm rich."

"I'm going to prove it to you right now, money is everything."

Ma Mingjie let out an angry roar, and then his whole body flashed with golden light.

"Fat man actually has superpowers?" Bai Yujing said in surprise.

They were responsible for training Ma Mingjie these days, and even when Fatty was on the verge of reaching his limit, they had never seen him use his powers.

They thought that the fat man didn't have any special powers.

Everyone looked at the golden light flashing on Ma Mingjie's right fist and the astonishing momentum emanating from his whole body.

The power of this power is probably not inferior to those of offensive A-level powers.

"How can this fat guy hide so deeply?" Feng Yan asked.

Everyone's eyes turned to Sugu who was standing aside.

As a good brother, he must know something.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Sugu coughed dryly and said:

"You really can't blame Fatty. It's actually his superpower that's a bit weird."

"Before the superpower is activated, you need to prepare in advance before the battle..."

Sugu deliberately lowered his voice and introduced the fat man's powers in a tone that only the people around him could hear.

After everyone heard this, their eyes widened.

Is there such a superpower in this world?

B-level superpower, a gold-gathering strike!

Before activating the ability, gold, emerald, diamond, agate, black gold... need to be consumed in advance.

and other precious metals in human cognitive system.

The more metal consumed, the more valuable it becomes.

The greater the attack power is.

On the other hand, if you only consume a small amount of metal, or use abilities directly without consuming resources, there will be no bonus effect on yourself.

To put it simply, you can become stronger by spending krypton gold.

"How much precious metals did Mingjie consume for this battle?" Bai Yujing said in surprise.

No one could answer his question.

It can increase the power of B-level superpowers and C-level combat skills to be enough to suppress the superposition of A-level superpowers and A-level combat skills.

I'm afraid only the owner of the superpower knows how many resources it will consume.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Li Lili shouted loudly:

"How could you have such power!"

Isn't this Ma Mingjie a rubbish in the command system and a rubbish in martial arts?

Why is it so strong?


"I have money!"

Ma Mingjie said.

Immediately afterwards, his slashing attack turned into a faint golden light and blasted out.

The cook Ding untied Li Lili's whipping attack like an ox.

The power of the sword directly blasted Li Lili out of the field.

Li Lili's bulging body drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and then fell straight down.


After a dull sound of flesh colliding with the floor, Li Lili fell down, fell unconscious and fell asleep, never getting up again.

Such a scene made everyone swallow their saliva.

After a while, the mentor who acted as the referee murmured:

"The winner is Ma Mingjie."

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