"The winner is Ma Mingjie."

When the referee's mentor reluctantly announced this information.

Ma Mingjie endured the physical damage caused by the rapid increase in strength.

In front of everyone, he struck a pose that he thought was cool.

Seeing Ma Mingjie's gesture, the expressions on the faces of the students in the audience were stunned.

How could this happen?

Twenty seconds ago, wasn't it Li Lili who was pressing forward step by step and taking the absolute advantage?

But now why did Li Lili fly backwards? How could the winner be the fat man Ma Mingjie?

Looking at the fat man standing on the field with a victorious posture, everyone felt a sense of unreality.

"Holy crap, how is this possible? This fat man actually defeated Li Lili?"

"What kind of superpower was that just now? Why is it so strong?"

"Let me see, a gold-gathering attack? Consume precious metals to increase attack power?"

"What kind of outrageous power is this?"


Amidst all this discussion, Ma Mingjie raised his hand and wanted to smooth his hair.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, he let out a scream.

"Oh, it fucking hurts me!"

"What's going on? Why does it hurt like this!"

Looking at the fat man's appearance, Bai Yujing, Feng Yan and others beside him couldn't help but smile.

The fat man was screaming so miserably now, not because of the injuries he sustained in the fight.

That's because this guy hasn't encountered such a high-intensity battle for too long. Suddenly, he used his full strength in the battle, and his body felt like tearing pain.

Just like a person who has not exercised for a long time and suddenly moves heavy objects for a day, his body will feel pain the next day.

"Leave him alone. His condition will get better after a while."

Sugu said with a smile.

On the side, the instructors looked at this situation with gloomy expressions on their faces.

In other words, the fat man in front of me, who is not amazing in appearance, has not fought for a long time, and he just defeated the elite players they selected when he came on the field?

How could this be?

Where do they put their face?

"Let's carry Li Lili to the infirmary first." Jiang Rusheng said in a deep voice.

He was originally strategizing, but now he feels that what is happening in front of him is getting out of his control.

This made him feel terrible.

"Teacher Jiang, how do you want to fight next?"

Sugu looked at Jiang Rusheng and said with a smile.

Looking at the other party's extremely relaxed smile, Jiang Rusheng gritted his teeth, and the unwillingness in his heart became stronger.


We can't let this student lead us around now.

We have reached this point, no matter what, we must win the final victory!

Jiang Rusheng took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Since Sugu-kun is so anxious, how about deciding the outcome in one round?"

"We will directly send Dong Li, Liu Haixin, and Zhang Yusheng, and you will also send three people. We will directly fight three on three."

He suggested tentatively.

When he said this, he had already written a lot of drafts in his heart.

When Sugu refused this request, he used these words to persuade him.

What he didn't expect at all was that Sugu just nodded and said:


"This is your...ah...ah, you said it's okay?"

Jiang Rusheng was a little confused. The words he was about to say were blocked as if someone had pinched his neck.

Sugu actually agreed directly like this?

"Nothing to be surprised about."

Sugu laughed and said:

"I have confidence in the team members I selected. If I can't crush you scraps and scraps, you still want to engage in conspiracy."

"These people don't deserve to be by my side."

After hearing this, before Jiang Rusheng said anything, Dong Li, Liu Haixin, and Zhang Zongsheng on the side all knitted their brows into the character "Sichuan".

"Sugu, don't be too arrogant." Dong Li snorted coldly.

Comparing themselves to scrap metal makes them angry at the slight.

Faced with Dong Li's questioning and the angry looks of the remaining three people.

Sugu didn't pay attention at all.

Feng Yan, who was on the side, couldn't help but said:

"Why, what Brother Su said has touched the sensitive hearts of some people?"

"I'll do the next one. I can't defeat you in three minutes. I'll kneel down and apologize to you!"

After saying that, Feng Yan jumped directly onto the ring.

Looking down at the three people below, he said coldly:

"Even if I beat you three, there's no need to bother. I can do it alone."

"How about you guys come together?"

No warrior could bear to hear such contemptuous words.

Dong Li, Liu Haixin, and Zhang Yusheng all had angry expressions on their faces.

Before they could say anything, two figures appeared next to Feng Yan.

Yue Yuzhong and Arnold.

"Eat three for one person and leave none for your brothers. You are greedy."

"Let's take it one person at a time."

The two of them spoke calmly.

Looking at his teammates beside him, Feng Yan chuckled and said:

"Okay, it's hard for everyone to go out. If you have the chance, you really need to relax your muscles and bones."

Looking at the opponents in front of them, Dong Li and others who were originally angry now calmed down.

The three people walked onto the ring without saying a word and faced Feng Yan and the others.

Looking at the two sides confronting each other, no one could show any contempt for the people on Sugu's side this time.

After all, the fat man they looked down upon before had already caused such horrific damage.

And the three people in front of them, except Feng Yan, are even geniuses with some reputation.

How could it be weak?

No way is he better than that fat man.

"I'm afraid, this will be a hard battle."

At this moment, this is the common thought in the minds of onlookers in this battle.

"What should I do? Can I win?"

At this moment, the instructors were also talking softly.

"This Feng Yan may be okay. After all, he is only a freshman. How can he be a monster no matter how evil he is?

People like Sugu can only be exceptions.

The troublesome ones are Yue Yuzhong and Arnold. "

Looking at Yue Yuzhong and Arnold, a trace of worry flashed across the faces of these instructors.

"Can win."

Jiang Rusheng gritted his teeth and said:

"Before taking the stage, these three people have already taken pills to improve their abilities in all aspects."

"On stage, I can definitely kill the opponent instantly."

After hearing this, everyone gasped.

A pill to improve one's abilities in all aspects? !

The damage this thing does to the body is much greater than the pill Li Lili used to eliminate the negative effects on the body and keep the body in peak condition.

"Dong Li and the others agreed to this. Of course they are willing to give it a try for their own future."

Jiang Rusheng said in a deep voice:

"After all, this matter is about Stark's invitation quota."

"If we can build a relationship with Stark, they won't have to worry about anything in the future."

After hearing this, these instructors nodded in understanding.

At this moment, the six people facing each other in the ring, the atmosphere between them became extremely depressed.

Then with the referee’s order,

The battle begins!

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