Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 262 From the looks of you, you have no intention of stopping

The referee has just announced the start of the fight.

Dong Li, Liu Haixin, and Zhang Yusheng rushed towards Feng Yan like crazy.

Surging soul power, energy and blood burst out from the bodies of the three of them. Three different lights of superpowers intersect with each other.

"These three seniors are so strong. They are much stronger than the previous battle records show."

"Probably another breakthrough, now Sugu's teammates are in trouble.

You must know that these three people were famous for their combined attack skills before they became famous.

Now that they have become so much stronger, Feng Yan is being targeted. "

"I guess it's because this Feng Yan is still a freshman, so I regard him as the biggest weakness in the opponent's team, and prepare to attack the weakness to directly kill one person."


The spectators who watched made bursts of comments.

Many people looked at Feng Yan with some sympathy.

Being targeted by three powerful warriors of the same level at the same time, even if you just think about it, you will understand how uncomfortable it is.

Facing this kind of oppression, Feng Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Immediately afterwards, Guao's complex tattoos began to appear everywhere on his body.

Looking at the tattoo pattern that appeared on Feng Yan's body, Sugu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Has this kid finally mastered this power?

A-level superpower, three-color Yuanfeng.

Feng Yan was a power that he could not fully control during the freshman competition.

This time it was completely controlled and released without reservation.

The three powers of wind, thunder, and fire were released simultaneously when he pulled out the long and short blades on his waist.

In the next moment, the three of them collided with Dong Li.


The terrifying power turned into a shock wave, blowing away some guys who were close but not strong enough.

And many people who had been watching this battle had shock in their eyes.

How can one person contain the combined attack of Dong Li and the others?

How can this be?

And the shock of these people has not yet faded.

The other two people who had just been watching from the sidelines also joined in the fight.

"I told you not to eat alone, Feng Yan, you are unreasonable."

Yue Yuzhong relied on space travel and directly entered the battlefield.

Then with a casual blow, Zhang Yusheng was knocked unconscious on the flank.

His attack speed was so fast that some of the warriors watching didn't even see it clearly.

"Then this person belongs to me." Arnold said in a deep voice.

Then he casually attacked Liu Haixin.

The two of them are both heavily equipped, and Liu Haixin is now exerting his own power to the extreme in order to suppress Feng Yan.

On Arnold's side, his aura was stable, and it even felt like his soul power didn't fluctuate much.


After a loud explosion, Liu Haixin was blown away directly.

This is power, completely suppressed.

After losing his two companions, Dong Li had a desperate look on his face.

And in an instant, his figure was engulfed by the light of soul power emitted by Feng Yan.

Winner: Feng Yan, Arnold, Yue Yuzhong.

Less than a minute into the battle, the winner was already decided.

Many people’s brains haven’t even reacted yet.

"Just like that, lost easily?"

The student who is about to graduate from Star Martial Arts University cannot support him for even a minute when facing the teammates selected by Sugu.

And this is no ordinary failure.

Defeat the enemy with one blow,

Power suppresses,

Superpower suppression.

This is an all-round crushing.

These top students are like this, but what about us ordinary students?

After this question emerged in the mind, a huge sense of disparity filled the hearts of all viewers with a feeling of despair.


The three men under Sugu defeated their opponents with completely different fighting styles.

Everyone understood that Sugu didn't need to prove anything next.

Everything that happened before his eyes was the most favorable evidence.

Standing on the field now are the strongest students of Starry Sky Martial Arts University.

Gathering these people closely together to form Xingwu University's varsity team, is it possible for Sugu to influence the selection of varsity team members with his own selfish desires?

This frivolous accusation is self-defeating.

"Mentors, do you still have anyone here?" Sugu said with a smile.

"On our side, Bai Yujing hasn't played yet."

"She's been eager to try."

When Jiang Rusheng and the mentor behind her heard these words, their faces looked as if they had been stabbed in front of everyone.

As a result, he couldn't fight back.

Bai Yujing was the former captain of the school team.

There are not many people in the school who can compete with her strength.

The most elite group of students have been wiped out by the group.

Where will you find your opponent next?

Jiang Rusheng looked at Su Gu and gritted his teeth and said:

"Sugu, you won this battle."

"What you said was a misjudgment made by our mentor."

After saying these words, the unwillingness in Jiang Rusheng's heart made his eyes bloodshot.

The treatment of this year's Xingkong Martial Arts University team is very different from previous years.

Not only in the near future, but also in the solar system college martial arts competition, there are opportunities that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even the Stark family, one of the ten major families, was willing to provide a training spot.

You know, if you can receive this quota, you will have the opportunity to board the Stark family's warship.

That is a top family, a top force on the human side. If you can get someone you like in there, you won't have to worry about your future martial arts.

This is why these instructors tried every means to use their own energy to put more people in the school team.

Even if they just go as substitutes, it's okay.

But this road was completely blocked by this student named Su Gu. They didn't even have a little room for maneuver.

So they resorted to this desperate measure, and a group of people opposed Su Gu and wanted to pull him down from the position of captain.

These instructors who are used to being overbearing with their students. At first, they thought it was a trivial matter, but they didn't expect to be counterattacked to this extent.

Damn, it's a disaster.

Jiang Rusheng thought bitterly.

"Su Gu, your matter was our misjudgment, and now the matter is resolved."

"You can leave now."

A instructor said casually.

Since this plan has failed, let's send Su Gu away first, and then try to think of other ways.

This is what these people are thinking at this moment.

When Su Gu heard the orders from the instructors, he had a calm smile on his face.

But there was no sign of his footsteps moving.

And the companions around Su Gu did not move their steps either.

His performance made everyone frown.

"Su Gu, I told you to leave, why are you still here?"

"We all said that you won."

Facing the questions from these instructors, Su Gu chuckled.

"You picked the fat guy to fight, and you wanted to use your combined attack technique to fight the enemy, and everyone even had banned drugs in their mouths."

"Although we won in the end, it seems that you don't intend to stop."

"So this problem, in my opinion, has not been solved yet."

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