What Sugu said made the surrounding students whisper.

The instructors took their students to challenge Team Sugu, and actually took banned drugs.

This kind of thing was brought out directly in person.

Some things are not worth two or two if they are not weighed. If they are weighed a thousand pounds, they will not be able to stop them.

"Sugu, what do you mean!" Jiang Rusheng shouted sharply.

This scolding even used soul power to achieve an effect similar to sonic combat skills.

All the voices of those who were whispering and discussing were suppressed.

Then Jiang Rusheng looked at Su Gu, and the expression on his face became extremely irritable.

He never expected that this group of people would be ready to let Sugu go and let him go.

But Sugu was so ignorant that he took the initiative to stir up trouble.

"Are the words you just said something a student said to the teacher?"

"You're still taking banned drugs, so don't spit on people here."

"If you can't provide evidence to prove these things, I will definitely let you go without food."


Those mentors who know these things are grasshoppers on the same rope as Jiang Rusheng.

At this moment, everyone spoke up and scolded Sugu.

Faced with these words that confuse right and wrong and blur the key points, Sugu shrugged indifferently.

He did not dwell too much on such a boring little issue and said calmly:

"From the looks of you, you will most likely cause trouble for me next time."

"And I came here this time to completely resolve this boring trouble and dispute."

"So I thought of a good way."

Speaking of this, Sugu paused.

What he said next made everyone stunned.

"Teachers, since you let the students have a fight with my team members."

"Then how about a fight between us next?"

"You win, I admit all the crimes you mentioned before."

"Of course, if you lose, you won't bother me shamelessly anymore."


When Sugu said these words, the mouths of the bystanders opened wider every time he said a word.

Soon someone's mouth even seemed to be dislocated and could not be closed.

Sugu wants to challenge his mentor?

After hearing this, everyone's first feeling was that this guy was completely crazy.

"What on earth is Sugu going to do?"

"Challenge the mentor? The mentors are all warriors in the Soul Shaping Realm. Many of them have been immersed in this realm for many years.

Haolai thought that there was no hope for a second life, so he gave up pursuing martial arts and focused on teaching students.

Can students challenge such a person? "

"Why bother with your head and fight a battle that you will definitely lose."

Many people's faces showed strong confusion.

Compared with the discussions among the students, the instructors of Xingwu University, who were the ones being challenged, had various expressions on their faces.

Some of them were provoked because of their majesty as a teacher. The expression on their faces was surprisingly angry, and they were glaring at Sugu.

Some mentors feel that they have lost their chance, but suddenly things turn around. The expression on his face at this moment was overjoyed.

There were also some neutral instructors with expressions on their faces that looked like they were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"To answer or not to answer?"

Jiang Rusheng and the people beside him were discussing in low voices.

"I heard that this Sugu, in the Star Force brigade, has shown the ability to kill commander-level aliens and fight across ranks."

"Judging from how confident he is in himself, the possibility of this is probably not low."

"I'm afraid, if we, the instructors, are challenged by students in front of so many people, and we don't dare to fight, where will our dignity go?"

“If you really send someone up, and are defeated in public, it will be a disgrace to Sugu’s reputation.

Do you think this is a good deal? "


Regarding this matter, a group of tutors began to argue.

At this moment, Jiang Rusheng felt that the head on his head was as big as two.

To fight or not to fight, it seems inappropriate.

The instructors discussed for too long, and the students who were watching gradually began to show dissatisfaction.

"Damn it, Sugu couldn't have invited a mentor from the soul-shaping realm to a cross-level battle, but no one dared to challenge him."

"Our Xingwu University is also a martial arts school after all. The instructors there are not so timid."

"It's hard for me to tell. Look at this group of people. They have been discussing it for so long and there is no result."

"Sugu is so majestic. There is no chance of me being like him in this life. I hope I will have a son who can be like him."

"Ah...this...brother's xp is weird, I can't understand it."


This burst of joking sounds reached the ears of the Xingwu Grand Instructors who were making decisions.

The expressions on these people's faces turned red.

Damn it, these students were originally sent here to mock Sugu and the others and put pressure on them.

As a result, these students, who were completely out of control, began to bite them back.

The expression on Jiang Rusheng's face was irritated. Just when he wanted to repeat his old trick, he suppressed the voices of these students with a voice mixed with soul power.

At this moment, Sugu spoke again, interrupting his attempt.

"I forgot to mention it just now. I guess if you beat one or two people, you won't be able to remember it."

"This time, I'll hit twenty."

"You can choose twenty mentors at will, come together and fight with me."

Is he crazy?

There is no need for Jiang Rusheng's voice to suppress it. Everyone in the entire venue is looking at Su Gu.

There is only one expression on their faces.


Those who are confident in fighting across levels are undoubtedly top-level geniuses.

If Su Gu challenges one or two people, they can still regard it as absolute confidence in themselves.

But fighting across levels is still one against twenty.

This is no longer a cross-level battle, this is a cross-level sweep.

I have never heard of such a person.

Everyone's eyes are on Su Gu.

At this moment, in those clear eyes, the will to fight is burning.

One person fights twenty Soul Shaping Realm mentors.

This is also a big challenge for Su Gu.


If there is no challenge, what fun is there in fighting.

Besides, for future goals, he needs to have such strength.

This is a test of Su Gu's own strength.

"Su Gu, no matter what honors you have achieved, you are just a student at Xingwu University now."

"How can a student talk to a teacher like that?" Jiang Rusheng calmly rebuked.

Su Gu glanced at him and said:

"After saying so much, do you accept the challenge I just proposed or not?"

"Of course I will accept it!"

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