"Of course I'll take it!"

Jiang Rusheng said quickly as if he was afraid that Su Gu would suddenly regret it.

Then he seemed to feel that this would undermine the dignity of his teacher.

Quickly make up for yourself:

"We are doing this not just to solve this incident."

"I also want you to understand that no matter what grades you get, don't provoke at will and violate the majesty of the teacher!"

After hearing these words, Feng Yan and others all showed mocking smiles.

This is a lie to fools.

"How shameless."

Feng Yan, who had just finished the battle, snorted coldly.

The companion beside him also nodded in agreement.

Only Sugu himself didn't pay much attention to these people's words.

"Now that we have decided to fight, let's quickly select twenty people."

He said calmly.

Then the whole person jumped up, jumped directly to the ring, and waited quietly.

With Sugu looking like this, it was obvious that he didn't care about anything else except fighting.

His attitude made the instructors snort coldly.

Then, under the leadership of Jiang Rusheng, the leader, they began to discuss who would be more suitable to send to the field next.

The tutors began to think about candidates for the show, and the ordinary students who watched the excitement did not take it too seriously.

Now, under the instigation of a busybody, the betting market was started directly on the spot.

Start placing bets on the outcome of this battle.

"With twenty credits, the instructor will definitely win this battle... Huh? How come no one bets on Sugu to win in the betting?"

"Are you stupid? These are twenty strong men in the soul-shaping realm. These twenty are all a level higher than Sugu.

Do you actually think that in this situation, Sugu still has a chance of winning? "

"Well, if everyone buys the tutor to win, how is this a bet?"

"The bet here is how long Sugu can last under the hands of these mentors."

"Interesting, can we still play like this? I bet ten minutes, Sugu will lose in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes? This is so many tutors beating up a student. Five minutes is too long!"

"I'll bet three minutes. I think this time is the most reliable."


Before the battle started, a group of students had already started betting on their respective credits.

Watching his captain fight and being treated like this.

Bai Yujing frowned slightly, then walked over with a smile.

Seeing the president of the student union approaching, those students who had already placed their bets, but who had not yet placed their bets, ran to the side in panic.

Only the student who was betting at the opening was left.

The student union has certain real power in the school.

For ordinary students, if you see someone you can't offend, you won't offend. When you encounter them, it's best to avoid them if you can.

Among the people who quickly dispersed, only the sophomore student who was betting at the opening was left.

The opening student cursed in his heart, then smiled at Bai Yujing and said:

"Senior sister, I remember that in our school rules, there is no prohibition against playing like this.

Schools generally ignore gadgets like this that can add some fun to battles between warriors. "

After hearing this, Bai Yujing smiled and said:

"I didn't say I wanted to take care of it."

"But I see you guys are having so much fun, so count me in as well."

"I bet you seven minutes."

After hearing this, the student who opened the market secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he smiled and said:

"Okay, since senior sister is interested in playing, it is our honor."

After that, the man planned to use his mobile phone to record Bai Yujing's choice.

Looking at what the man recorded, Bai Yujing said lightly:

"No, you're mistaken."

"My seven-minute bet is not for my mentor to win."

After hearing this, the opening student was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face became stiff.

"My bet is that it will take Sugu seven minutes to deal with these mentors."

Bai Yujing said categorically:

"And, I bet two thousand credits."

After hearing this, the student's eyes widened.

Some even pinched their ears in disbelief.

Is Sugu crazy? Is the student union president next to him also crazy?

This is two thousand credits!

Ordinary students can only earn a thousand credits after working hard for a year.

These two thousand credits can be said to be the total income of an ordinary person in two years.

This does not include all the expenses incurred for practicing.

This credit, even for the student union president, is not a small amount of money.

"What, no?"

"Are you afraid that I will default on your debt?"

Bai Yujing said coldly.

"Okay, okay, why not?" the student who opened the betting hurriedly said.

Then he muttered something in his mind, just give me credits, what's the big deal?

The moment the man nodded, Bai Yujing used her mobile phone to bet two thousand credits.


The student who opened the betting table beamed with joy when he saw the extra number in the mobile phone system.

When this battle is over, these credits will be enough for him to live a luxurious life at Xingwu University for a long time before graduation!

When he thought of this, the happy expression on his face seemed to be uncontrollable.

"Look, for the next fight with Sugu, the twenty instructors have already lined up."

Just when the students were noisy because of these boring things.

The twenty instructors have already stepped onto the stage.

"Teacher Fang Jun from the Warrior Academy, I haven't seen him take action for a long time. Rumor has it that he was once the strongest warrior in a second-tier city."

"Teacher Liu Huimin from the Distance Academy is also here. She specializes in firearms."

"And Mr. Liu An from the Assassin Academy actually wants to take action."


Watching the man who once taught his course, a well-known practical instructor, step onto the stage.

The students howled with excitement.

For these martial arts students, there is probably nothing in the world that excites them more than watching their mentors fight against their students.

Jiang Rusheng, standing at the front of these instructors, said:

"Sugu, it's still too late for you to just admit defeat."

"The fight here is actual combat, not a small fight in the virtual spiritual world."

"It would be bad if I accidentally hurt you."

The calm words contained naked contempt for Sugu.

The people standing here are all instructors from the Xingwu University Practical Sect.

Sugu has no chance of winning here.

"No, it's just cleaning up a few old wastes, it won't have any impact." Su Sheng said with a smile.

"I really don't know how to respect my teachers. The current environment is really declining."

"Don't be too gentle later. You have to let this kid teach you a lesson."

After hearing these words, some instructors snorted coldly.

The rubbish meeting before the game did not have any impact on the fighters on both sides.

But it did make the audience below feel even more excited after watching it.

The loud cheers seemed to pierce the sky.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth." Jiang Rusheng snorted coldly.

He and Sugu were facing each other, and their eyes seemed to be shooting out of sparks.

When both sides have completed their pre-fight preparations, the instructor as the referee gives an order.

The battle begins.

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