Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 27: Principal's congratulatory message, mayor's gift, military commendation (1/2)

At the entrance banquet, not only did the classmates and alumni of Su Gu's liberal arts and martial arts classes come, but even martial arts students from other schools who were impressed by Su Gu also came to congratulate.

There were also many people who didn't know the situation and only knew that there was a free banquet here, and were dragged to join in the fun. But because Ma Mingjie said that everyone would be welcome, he let them in.

The original 300 tables of banquets reserved by Tenglong Hotel were not enough, and Ma Mingjie temporarily added 200 tables to barely seat everyone.

For a while, the whole hotel seemed like a 3A tourist attraction in the peak tourist season, with a sea of ​​people and a lot of noise.

At this moment, in the chattering noise, those who didn't understand the situation and just came to join in the fun were mixed with ordinary students, and the scene was very spectacular.

When the host finally stabilized the scene, those elders and respected people began to walk onto the podium to bless today's protagonist Su Gu.

"First of all, we two would like to thank classmate Su Gu on behalf of the school and the class."

"I believe that many years later, when you become a powerful warrior, many younger students will come to our school for your name."

"It is an honor for our Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School to have a student like you. The school is proud of you."

"Congratulations to classmate Su Gu again, and may you always have a prosperous martial arts career."

At first, it was nothing when the neighbors came on stage, until the principal Lu Yuanmin and the head teacher Zhou Li came on stage to congratulate, and then those who didn't understand what was going on started a discussion.

"My goodness, the principal and the head teacher came on stage to give a speech and congratulations. How many points did this student named Su Gu get in the exam? I'm afraid it's enough to go to those top universities."

"It's really rare that a principal came to congratulate the students in person."

"It's true that there are very few students from comprehensive high schools who go to top key universities. No wonder these people are completely crazy."

After hearing these words, some people who had experienced that martial arts exam silently held back their laughter.

They refrained from telling those who didn't know what happened at the time.

Enough to go to the top key universities? On the contrary, with Su Gu's performance, the top schools should have begged him to come.

However, they did not reveal this matter immediately. Of course, this kind of thing will be interesting only if it is revealed slowly.

After the principal and class teacher of Su Gu School stepped down, Mayor Liu Chenghui, dressed in a well-dressed suit, walked briskly onto the podium.

These people looked at Principal Liu Chenghui, whom they had only seen on TV, and their expressions became a little stupid.

"This... This is the mayor. How could the mayor appear at a student's entrance banquet?"

"This is too exaggerated. Even if it is a top martial arts school, it shouldn't be like this. You know, many students from top martial arts universities work under the mayor."

"Is it because the organizer of this entrance banquet is Ma Mingjie? His father is the richest man in Hangzhou, so the mayor came to curry favor with him?"

"It has always been the rich who curry favor with the powerful. Have you ever seen a powerful curry favor with the rich?"

Looking at the mayor on the stage, those who did not know the situation speculated.

They could barely understand that the principal came to bless a student in person, but after the mayor came out, it was beyond their understanding.

Liu Chenghui cleared his throat and said, "This is really an exciting moment. To celebrate our Hangzhou City, we have an outstanding student like Su Gu. No matter which martial arts university Su Gu chooses, his three-year tuition and other miscellaneous expenses will be paid by Hangzhou City."

"In addition, I have also applied for a scholarship of 5 million for Su Gu in accordance with relevant regulations. Please ask Su Gu to come on stage to receive it."

Su Gu smiled and walked slowly to the stage in front of him to receive the 5 million scholarship in public.

Having money is still a happy thing. It seems that his university life does not have to be as tight as in high school.

And those who did not know the truth in the audience looked at the figure of Su Gu and the principal taking a photo, and their expressions on their faces were a little demented.

"This is the cost of three years of martial arts university, and it was all waived at once. This is the first time I have seen such a thing since I grew up." Someone murmured.

The cost of training a martial arts master is not comparable to that of a liberal arts university. The cost of using school equipment and nutritious meals is a huge amount.

Although the better the school, the more favorable the tuition will be for outstanding students, but it must be a considerable amount. After ordinary students go to college, they even have to apply for student loans, but the principal waved his hand and waived all the fees for Su Gu? !

They looked at Su Gu, who was taking a photo with the mayor and the mayor was still hugging his shoulders intimately, with envy and jealousy on their faces.

"What is this Su Gu's virtue? I don't think he has three heads and six arms, but he is treated like this by the mayor."

"I am really envious. Can't this money be thrown on my head?"

"If there is such a big shot willing to take time to bless and speak at a banquet about me, I would be happy to let me live a little longer."

"What is wrong with the world today? It's too crazy. Why do I feel that everything is a little unreal."

Mayor Liu Chenghui walked down while the people below were whispering and talking constantly. But Su Gu still stood on the stage, waiting for the last person.

Soon Zhou Zhengsheng walked slowly onto the stage. Looking at the soldiers in uniform, everyone subconsciously kept quiet, and even unconsciously straightened their backs.

During the Dark Ages, countless military heroes built a flesh-and-blood wall on the battlefield to protect the civilians who had no protection from the power of the aristocratic families.

The ancestors of many families here were saved by the army. The respect and admiration for the soldiers is engraved in the bones of the civilians.

Zhou Zhengsheng cleared his throat and continued:

"During the college entrance examination a few days ago, a staff member of the Ministry of Education made a mistake and mistakenly allowed a general-level alien into the examination room."

"The situation was extremely critical at the time. It is very likely that the genius of our human race will be killed by the alien race before it grows up."

"Fortunately, Su Gu was there at the time. Not only did he save his classmates who were competing with him in the examination room without any grudges, but he stayed behind alone to cover the rear."

"And he killed an alien race that was one level higher than himself by his own strength."

"Killing a general-level alien race will be recorded in the military merit, but because Su Gu does not want to go the military route, I applied for this "Brave Citizen Medal" in the army, and I hereby give it to Su Gu."

Everyone widened their eyes. They did not expect to see such a scene at a high school student's entrance banquet.

This is an officer in the army. He actually awarded a medal to a student who has not yet entered college. What an honor.

And what did Su Gu do as they just said?

Crossing the border to kill the alien race? ! Isn't this something that only the geniuses of the great families can do? It turns out that we common people can do it too.

When the awarding ceremony ended and Zhou Zhengsheng stepped down from the stage, the crowd immediately started to discuss fiercely.

And those who had experienced the entire exam and knew what happened had already been choked up.

They grabbed those who didn't know what happened and gave them crazy science education.

"You didn't see the situation at that time. It was so shocking. Su Gu crossed the boundary and killed the Star Titan with one sword. I have never been defeated by anyone in my life, except Su Gu."

"Also, Su Gu brought three weapons to the examination room. We all thought he was here to make trouble, but he could crush all the students present with any weapon. He is really abnormal."

"Su Gu did not use any superpowers during the whole exam. He used highly skilled combat skills to do it. He is really a monster. You should know that our martial arts class has mastered three C-level combat skills to a certain extent, which is considered the best among the students."

"Su Gu is awesome, too strong"

The principal toasted, the mayor gave a gift, and the officer spoke.

The wedding night, when the name is on the list of successful candidates.

The proudest moment in life is nothing more than this.

Su Gu held the wine glass and toasted those who came to bless him one by one.

During this period, a very interesting thing happened. The owner of the Wu’s Martial Arts School, the largest martial arts school in the city, came with his son Wu Yi to toast Su Gu.

"Brother Su, I am Wu Yi's father. A few days ago, you, the top scholar, came to our martial arts school to practice martial arts. Originally, this was a great honor for our martial arts school. Who knew that I usually didn't teach my children well, and I was really embarrassed that my kid bumped into you."

He pulled Wu Yi, who looked embarrassed, and kept apologizing to Su Gu. Then he stuffed the lifetime free VIP card of his martial arts school and some obscure small gifts into Su Gu's hands.

Su Gu thought for a long time, and it took him a long time to remember that he did go to this martial arts school before the college entrance examination and practiced martial arts in the martial arts school.

At that time, it seemed that he was indeed educated by someone because of his status as a civil service candidate, otherwise he would have almost forgotten what happened today.

"Uncle, you are polite. We are all young people with youthful vigor. Sometimes conflicts are inevitable, and I am not a grudge-bearing person."

As he said this, he put the red envelope and gold card given by the other party in his pocket.

Su Gu's face was full of smiles at this moment.

Seeing that the other party was willing to reveal this matter, Wu Yi's father was relieved. After sending Su Gu away, he began to teach his son Wu Yi a lesson.

"You really don't give your father peace of mind. You can offend anyone you want. You can offend this year's provincial champion in the martial arts exam. Did you see his posture at the entrance banquet today? The mayor and military officers are here. Can we afford to offend such a person?"

Wu Yi's face was full of grievances. Who could know this at that time?

However, he was also full of regrets in his heart. It turned out that the master was so close to him at that time. If he could get along well, this great god might be willing to guide him during the martial arts exam, and he might be able to go to a key university.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and said to his father: "Dad, something happened when Su Gu came to our martial arts school that day. The meat piles were suddenly used up by a group of masters with different methods in a short time. Did you know that?"

The owner of the martial arts school nodded. The situation at that time was too strange. More than 5,000 meat piles in the house were destroyed by dozens of completely different martial arts professional methods at the same time.

And judging from the damage to the meat piles, the level of each profession was extremely high, far exceeding the level of ordinary students, and they all had professional-level combat qualities.

So he remembered it very clearly.

"From the performance of the college entrance examination, the assassins, spears and knives at that time, the wounds were most likely caused by Su Gu. But there are dozens of meat piles with different wounds... Dad, don't you think this may also be done by the same person?"

When saying this, Wu Yi felt his heart pounding.

After hearing his guess, his father was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Son, what are you thinking about? If there is really someone who can master so many completely different martial arts combat professions by himself. , I think he is no longer human."

"He should be...should be a god, yes he should be a god of war!"

Wu Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what her father said.

My father has been running a martial arts gym for so many years, and he always said that this kind of thing is not possible, so it is really impossible.

Then he looked at the back of Sugu who was still lingering at various wine tables, and secretly warned himself again that he must be thinking too much.

In the examination room, Sugu used three different weapons to demonstrate the peak levels that high school students in three different martial arts professions could achieve. This was incredible enough.

Three martial arts professions can crush everyone, how could they still have some strength left and dozens of other weapons hidden away.

Wu Yi shook her head and stopped thinking about such outrageous things.


"Brother, you are really awesome, you are really awesome." Ma Mingjie, who was very drunk, put his arms around Sugu's neck and said loudly: "When the wait is over, brother will give you a good thing to celebrate. You go to school."

"That's really good stuff, you'll love it!"

After saying that, he fell to the ground unconscious.

Sugu shook his head and asked the hotel to open a room for his brother to settle down.

No matter how crazy the party is, it will eventually end.

The guests gradually left, and Sugu put down the wine glass in his hand. He was also a little drunk at the moment, but he still remained sober with his strong physique.

He still remembered that before the banquet started, the examiner Zhou Zhengsheng asked him to go find him after the banquet and have something important for him.

After asking the hotel staff and finding out the room where instructor Zhou rested, Sugu walked over.

After knocking on the door, Zhou Zhengsheng, who was sitting on a wooden chair, showed a kind smile to Sugu.

"Senior Zhou, what do you want from me?" Sugu asked.

"Your performance in the exam will give you more than just the useless medal. It's just that there were too many people at the time and it was inconvenient to take out the other thing."

As he spoke, Zhou Zhengsheng casually threw a small projection reader to Su Gu.

Sugu opened the reader and projected a large list of martial arts knowledge that he had never seen or heard of.

His eyes widened with disbelief.

This is actually a technique that can lead him to the realm of seeking me!

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