"This is the "Tian Yuan Gong"." Zhou Zhengsheng's voice came over calmly.

"His characteristics are Zhongzheng, peace, and... moderation. Although this technique is weak, any martial arts profession can choose this technique for practice."

"And because of its righteous and peaceful characteristics, in the early stages of the Self-Seeking Realm, if those who practice this technique want to switch to other techniques, there will not be any negative effects."

"So this is a transitional technique given to some disciples by some martial arts families."

"This is also a transitional technique that I think is most suitable for people like you who have learned too much in the early stage, learned too many things, and are somewhat uncertain about their future path."

Listening to Zhou Zhengsheng's introduction, Sugu's expression became more and more enthusiastic as he looked at this technique.

I wish I could sit down on the floor right now and start practicing.

But then the expression on his face became a little struggling, and he looked at Zhou Zhengsheng hesitantly and asked:

"Senior Zhou, the military merit of the general-level foreign race I killed was not enough to exchange for martial arts."

Even though the technique Zhou Zhengsheng mentioned was from mainland China, it could lead warriors to the next level of martial arts and transform themselves. It would be hard to find outside.

Sugu is not from the military system. He does not believe that such good things can be picked up by people outside his system. There are some things that he still needs to ask clearly.

"You kid is really sharp." Zhou Zhengsheng looked at Su Gu with admiration and said, "It did cost me some military merit and even favors for you to obtain this skill, but you don't have to worry, you don't owe me anything. ”

"At that time, you were trapped in front of the Starry Sky Titan. I was originally going to take the secret medicine that consumes life and temporarily increase my strength to rescue you."

"But your performance far exceeded my expectations. You were able to kill enemies across borders."

"I got this skill for you not only to repay the favor of saving me life span, but also because you are a genius among us humans."

Zhou Zhengsheng looked at Sugu with burning eyes:

"Rules are dead, people are alive."

"You can kill enemies across great realms now. In time, you may not be able to become a powerful person who can physically cross the sea of ​​stars."

"Besides, you come from a clean background and have no trace of those aristocratic families. When you succeed in martial arts, ordinary people will be lucky to have a warrior like you."

"You deserve some preferential treatment."

Hearing what the other party said, Su Gu no longer hesitated. After putting away the technique, he solemnly said:

"Thank you, senior."

After asking some more questions about practice, Zhou Zhengsheng said from behind:

"You must master the exercises by heart within three days, otherwise the program inside will be automatically destroyed. And it is forbidden to show it to others. This is against federal law."

"I see."

After Sugu left Zhou Zhengsheng's room, he started to look for the drunk Ma Mingjie.

At this moment, under the care of the hotel staff, Ma Mingjie had sobered up.

"Get out, you guys go out first, I have something to tell my brother."

After he called the staff out, he took Sugu and said mysteriously:

"Do you still remember what I told you to give you a gift to celebrate your promotion to a top university? Guess what I have prepared for you?"

Sugu thought for a moment, and since the other party said that he must be interested in that thing, it could only be so.

"A-level combat skill? Or a handy weapon?"

"The situation is too small. Brother Su, your situation is too small."

Ma Mingjie proudly took out a box of beautifully wrapped gift bags from under the bed and handed it to Sugu, and then said with a proud look on his face:

"Tear it down, tear it down now."

Under Ma Mingjie's instructions, Sugu opened the gift box and saw a helmet.

The helmet had a rather strange shape, with a bunch of white contacts inside the shell that were glued to the head. The helmet's windshield is a crossed black "X", like a strange-shaped sunglasses.

Sugu played with the thing for a while, and then the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"This is the X device?"

In this era where technology is centuries ahead of previous generations, Internet technology is also developing.

Before the Dark Ages came, some people had already tried to digitize their consciousness and upload it into a digital life.

Digital ghosts from centuries ago still linger on many ancient, encrypted websites that no one has accessed.

In the dark ages, after many martial arts masters died, in order not to lose their martial arts inheritance and to cultivate more human masters, they also chose to digitize their consciousness.

Those strong people either set up programs or silently observed the human world by their own means. Whenever a human genius who meets their requirements appears, they will be given a test of their martial arts inheritance.

At that time, countless martial arts inheritances were scattered in a network area that needed to be accessed with one's own consciousness. Countless invincible martial arts wills and powerful abilities stirred up in that virtual area.

In the end, the regional network mutated and became completely independent, becoming another world outside of reality that was not governed by any force.

Now that area can no longer be called the Internet. It has a new name - the virtual spiritual world.

The X device is the basic access device to the virtual spiritual world.

Sugu sighed slightly, this was really a gift he couldn't refuse.

He had no interest in archaeology of those ghosts floating in the virtual world, nor did he intend to dig up the ancient heritage. After all, he would soon go to the top universities in the current federation, and ordinary martial arts heritage would not be in Su Gu's eyes.

However, in this virtual spiritual world where consciousness needs to be uploaded to visit, humans have developed a new set of uses in the new century.

Through the X device, one can upload one's own consciousness to the martial arts arena area of ​​the virtual spiritual world, where one can compete in matches.

When the consciousness body fights in the virtual spiritual world, it can use its full strength without scruples. With the protection of human heroes, human consciousness will not perish here.

This kind of arena where one can be free and let go of oneself has attracted 90% of the young masters of the human race to participate.

Here, you can often match masters from other regions of the Earth Federation. In theory, if you have enough consecutive wins and high scores, you can also compete with the strong men from other planets in the solar system.

It is said that those families that stood at the top of human power before the dark ages would also send disciples to this trial. Here you even have the opportunity to compete fairly with the heirs of the top families.

How could Su Gu, a martial arts fanatic, bear this!

There is only one reason why Su Gu has not bought this thing yet, this thing is too damn expensive.

A set of X devices is enough to buy a house in Hangzhou. Only a rich man like Ma Mingjie would be willing to give this thing as a gift.

"Brother, don't think that the things I gave are expensive. My family's business has reached the end of the richest man in Hangzhou. In the future, we will need the protection of powerful warriors to do business in other places. This is the unspoken rule of the business circle."

"We can afford ordinary warriors, but we can't afford warriors to protect our family's expansion in other cities."

"You can think of this as an investment."

After hearing this, Su Gu smiled, and he and Ma Mingjie didn't have to be as polite as Zhou Zhengsheng.

"Okay, when I become a martial artist, I will protect you. When I conquer the universe with my martial arts, you will be the richest man in the universe."

"Okay, I'll wait for that day."

The two teenagers smiled at each other, and as usual, they talked foolishly.

In the hotel corridor, a camera flashing red light recorded this conversation, and many years later, this video will be spread among the stars.

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