Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 29: College Entrance Examination Results Released, Top Scorer's Identity Causes Controv

The results of the martial arts exam are released much earlier than those of the literary exam. After all, the scores are released on the same day, and all that needs to be done is to rank these scores.

Although it was guessed early on that Su Gu's score must have booked the provincial champion in advance, it was not until the day of the announcement that Su Gu's name was hung high at the top of the provincial ranking.

The relatives and friends around Su Gu felt the truth of this matter.

Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School urgently customized banners and posters, which were hung in the most conspicuous place in the school, wanting to tell everyone in the city that the provincial champion came from their own school.

The news media in Hangzhou also put all kinds of exaggerated news headlines that had been prepared long ago on the Internet.

For a while, the pages of the local news in Hangzhou were filled with "The boy rises and wins the provincial champion", "Under the leadership of a student, the comprehensive high school reverses the martial arts high school", and "The boy Su Gu's counterattack road".

Overnight, the whole city of Hangzhou knew that there was a boy like Su Gu in their city. Looking at the description in the news, they all widened their eyes in disbelief.

Hangzhou's economy is good, but the martial arts trend has been sluggish.

Su Gu's first-place result undoubtedly gave a shot in the arm to the city's depressed martial arts.

The whole city gradually entered a festive atmosphere.

"Have you heard of Su Gu?"

"Now everyone in Hangzhou knows him. If anyone slanders our city online and says that there are no martial artists, I will post this name."

"It's more than 5,000 points higher than the top scorer in previous years. It's really too strong. I will use this name to inspire my children in the future."

"Your children are still in elementary school, right? It's already getting popular?"


The name Su Gu quickly became the first choice for ice-breaking chats among office workers and ordinary students in Hangzhou.

After all, who doesn't know the top scorer now?

But in addition to this, there are also many doubts, especially from other cities in the same province.

"18761 points? Are you kidding me? You guys in Hangzhou should be more low-key about the shady dealings. How could someone alone surpass last year's highest score of nearly 5,000 points?"

"I checked the scores. This guy named Su Gu scored 10,000 points in the last exam. How dare you show such cheating results?"

"The last question was scored manually by the examiner. Although there are news reports of suspected cheating every year, it is only your city that did it this exaggerated this year."

"10,000 points is the highest score in theory. The final kill performance is still subjectively scored. I really don't believe that the student named Su Gu didn't bribe the examiner!"

For a while, doubts about Su Gu came from all cities.

Some of the students in the same city who took the martial arts exam with Su Gu tried to defend Su Gu. But on the one hand, they were few in number and their words were not taken seriously. On the other hand, although students watched the live broadcast during the college entrance examination, recording was completely prohibited.

There is no evidence and what these people said is too outrageous, such as "carrying three fine steel weapons, you can crush the entire examination room with any one of them.", "one person, one sword, cross-border killing enemies.", "study the civil examination for three years, crush a group of martial arts candidates"...

These outrageous rumors not only failed to help Su Gu calm public opinion, but also added fuel to the fire.

The debate about the name Su Gu has become more and more intense, but Su Gu, who is at the center of public opinion, is unaware of it. But even if he knew, he would not care, he has many more important things to do.

The minimum realm requirement for entering the virtual spirit world's martial arts arena is the realm of seeking me. Su Gu is now at the peak of the self-cultivation realm, and the only thing he needs to enter the next great realm is the guidance of the practice.

And the "Tianyuan Gong" that he just got just gave Su Gu what he needed most, the rope to climb up.

Su Gu is sitting on the futon at home at this moment, breathing in and out according to the method given in the "Tianyuan Gong", running the Zhoutian, and accumulating the power to enter the next realm.

A long breath came out of Su Gu's mouth, turning into a cloud of white smoke that lingered around his body. At this moment, he seemed like an old immortal in ancient myths and legends, swallowing clouds and spewing mist.

[Complete one breath, "Tianyuan Gong" experience value +1, current state of the technique: entry]

[Complete one breath, "Tianyuan Gong" experience value +1, current state of the technique: entry]


Su Gu opened his eyes and murmured: "The self-cultivation realm is to repair the power of one's own body. And the self-seeking realm is to use the technique to tap into the strange energy called soul power in one's own flesh and blood cells, so as to push people to a higher realm."

"Now I have mastered the technique by heart, and the next step is to continuously run the Zhoutian and tap the power contained in the flesh."

"With the help of my supernatural power, I can break through the realm tomorrow."

After sorting out the plan for practice, Su Gu closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

Without anyone teaching, he perfectly got into the technique in one day. The next day, he could run the Zhoutian without any guardian and complete the tapping of the soul power contained in the flesh and blood cells. You can break the mirror by yourself within three days.

If this matter gets out, it will shock a lot of people.

If you make a mistake in these three steps, you will go crazy and ruin yourself. Many people dare to take this step only after entering the martial arts university and with the help of the teacher.

But Su Gu actually finished it by himself at home in such a plain way? !

And while Sugu continued to practice, the outside world's rumors about whether he had cheated in the college entrance examination became more and more intense, as if there was an invisible big hand behind this matter, constantly promoting these things.

"You are saying that Sugu is innocent and that he achieved this result by himself. What you say is unfounded. Show us the evidence!"

"What is the difference between this kind of behavior that tramples on fairness and what those aristocratic families who monopolize human financial, political, cultural, and martial arts resources do?!"

"The college entrance examination can be said to be one of the few avenues for advancement for us civilians, and privileges will never be allowed to be trampled on!"

"We must give us an explanation for this matter. Otherwise, if any top university recruits students like Sugu, it will be a stain that this university cannot wash away. I will be black for the rest of my life."


The height of this matter has continued to rise and go astray in a short period of time. From the beginning, he suspected that the examiner was biased in scoring, and now he has pushed Sugu to the side of the privileged class who trampled on the order of the college entrance examination. The growing public sentiment has almost turned into surging waves that are about to swallow people up.

At this moment, a conversation is taking place in the admissions office of a top martial arts university.

A teacher holding various documents in his hand asked: "Do you know this student Su Gu? According to the situation in previous years, we must now start to consider a special recruitment evaluation for him. Is it really because of those netizens saying a few words? Give up a student?"

"It's not as simple as you think. The Ministry of Education has been unhappy for a long time that examiners must be drawn from the army for every martial arts examination, and it is taking advantage of it."

"There are also some small families who want to influence the college entrance examination. They see their own peaches being picked by people who don't know where they come from. They are now depressed and venting their anger on the student named Sugu. It is estimated that there is such a big unrest among the people now. , it’s these small families who are behind it.”

"Does this kind of thing have anything to do with us?" The teacher holding the document frowned and said, "There is no evidence that Sugu cheated. Everything is just speculation."

"I can only blame him for being unlucky enough to do something like this." Someone spread his hands and said:

"And I have investigated before. This student's ability is to improve his study concentration. He does not have any combat ability. It is very abstract."

"So this student who won the provincial top prize must have some merit, and he has this kind of power. Such a student definitely has little potential, and it's not worth offending people for him."

Such conversations are taking place in the admissions offices of many top universities, and everyone is watching, waiting for a reliable reply.

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