Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 30 The military intervenes to settle the dispute

In a high-rise building that towers into the sky, a young man is waving his fists in a six-gravity room. A leather sandbag filled with iron sandstone is being swayed back and forth by an iron fist as big as a sandbag.

Big beads of sweat slid down from his aggressive face, and his eyes were full of anger. But each punch not only failed to dissipate the flames in his heart, but only added fuel to the fire.

A voice came from the Bluetooth headset he was wearing.

"Master Zheng Lu, what you asked us to do is to spread and promote rumors against the student named Sugu. We have already taken care of it."

"At this time, the Ministry of Education is also taking the opportunity to launch an attack, putting pressure on the military and questioning the impartiality of the other party as the examiner. At this juncture, no top martial arts university will dare to risk the world's disapproval to recruit the man named Su "An ancient boy."

"When the time comes, according to the ranking, young master, you will still be the number one in the province."

After hearing this, the anger in Zheng Lu's eyes subsided a little. He stopped beating the sandbag back and forth and wiped the sweat from his body with a towel.

"What kind of force is behind the name Sugu?"

"We have checked carefully and checked again, and we have determined that Sugu is an orphan. If we step on him, he might not even know who is messing with him." The voice in the Bluetooth said proudly: "So young master, don't worry, what happened this time is not the same." There will be any hidden dangers.”

Zheng Lu nodded with satisfaction, finally showing a long-lost smile on his face.

Although the Zheng family is a martial arts family with certain social resources, compared with those large families that have set up their own private universities, the Zheng family is only a small family.

As one of the family's successor candidates, Zheng Lu still has to take the college entrance examination and compete with ordinary people.

"Originally, according to the plan, after I won the first place in the province, my voice in the family would further increase. But because of you Sugu, I can only be the second place in the province now."

According to the rules over the years, top universities use completely different special recruitment resources for the first place in the province and the second place in the province.

And the special recruitment resources are the key to attracting the heirs of these small families.

Thinking of how he had boasted in front of his elders before the college entrance examination, "I will definitely get the first place", Zheng Lu felt a surge of anger rising again. His plan was completely ruined because of Sugu's appearance.

"I don't care what means you use to get such a high score, but since you messed with me, you must pay the price."

At first, he predicted that Sugu could bribe the examiners and get the highest score in the history of the college entrance examination. Maybe there was a group of powerful forces behind him.

But since it has been checked and Sugu is an orphan, there is no need to be polite in the next method.

Taking advantage of the quarrel between the Ministry of Education and the Military Ministry, he would step on this one hard and dare to jump on the head of the ant in front of him!

Zheng Lu threw the torn towel on the ground and threw himself into venting training again.

At this moment, in the mayor's office of Hangzhou, Liu Chenghui was very busy because of Sugu's affairs.

When rumors spread, he wanted to use the resources at his disposal to help Sugu calm the situation. But just when he wanted to mobilize the human resources that he normally used, he was immediately blocked by all parties.

After sitting in this position for so many years, he naturally understood what was going on.

"This damn Zheng family has devoured so many resources and become a martial arts family. Is this just for you to use to bully civilians?"

Liu Chenghui cursed fiercely, and then continued to think about whether there were any other ways to help Sugu.

At this moment, the intercom phone he put in his pocket rang, which made Liu Chenghui stunned for a moment when he looked at the name on the caller ID.

It was actually Zhou Zhengsheng's examiner.

He connected the phone, and Zhou Zhengsheng said quickly: "Mayor Liu, help me prepare a press conference. I will personally release the video of the exam at that time and restore Su Gu's innocence."

After hearing this, Liu Chenghui's mouth opened slightly.

"Instructor Zhou, do you really want to do this?"

You must know that in the examination room, putting a warrior-level alien into the examination room was a big mistake that had not happened in decades. If Sugu hadn't turned the tide, a very serious college entrance examination accident would have occurred.

Everyone present at that time had a tacit understanding not to mention this matter, and no one thought about bringing it out or bringing it up. I just want to think that no big thing happened anyway, so it is better to turn the big thing into a small one.

If this matter is revealed, someone from either the Ministry of Education or the Military Ministry will be held accountable, which will be very offending.

"Hmph!" Zhou Zhengsheng snorted coldly: "So what if you offend someone? Are you just going to watch these people keep pouring dirty water on the unicorn that we civilians finally managed to get out of!"

"Education is the last place that should not be influenced by politics. Now some people's behavior has crossed the line."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhengsheng hung up the phone.

After hearing this, Liu Chenghui sighed slightly. Thinking that the other party was also a commoner, and because he didn't want to bow to the noble family, his path to martial arts stopped advancing and retreated, finally ending.

The reason why he did this seems easy to understand.

"When today's events are over, there will be an earthquake." He said softly.

Then he picked up the phone and began to contact various departments under him, asking them to start preparing for the press conference.

The mayor personally issued instructions and the press conference was held very quickly.

And because this matter is related to the hottest topic right now - Sugu, many reporters also swarmed forward with long guns and short cannons.

It's just that most of the reporters who came here have taken advantage of the Zheng family. As long as they can find out from this press conference that there is something unreasonable about Su Gu's archaeological score, they will definitely exaggerate to smear it. .

We must put Sugu into a situation of eternal destruction and pave the way for the young master of the Zheng family.

They have full confidence in these.

Sugu's final test score was 10,000 points, which was the theoretical highest score. And as an area that is manually scored, how can it get such a score without any moisture at all?

I can only blame this guy named Sugu for being unlucky and taking something he shouldn't have. He was destined to be brought down to pave the way for the young master of the Zheng family.

A camouflage troop carrier stopped outside the press conference. Zhou Zhengsheng stepped out of the car with vigorous steps. The military uniform on his body finally made these carrion-eating flies have some scruples. The messy press conference became quiet. Come down.

"I am Sugu's examiner, and I gave him 10,000 points. The issue currently being debated in public opinion is simply about whether the score was given too much. Let's just watch the exam video at that time."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhengsheng turned on the projector he had prepared early in the morning and perfectly reproduced the situation of Sugu's exam at that time.

Everyone's pupils shrank sharply after seeing the warrior-level starry sky titan appear.

"He spoke... This is not an awakening-level alien at all, this is a warrior-level."

"Why are warrior-level aliens appearing in the college entrance examination? This is an extremely serious mistake. How could this happen?"

"There is no way a student can resist a warrior-level alien race. How come we haven't heard of any fatal accidents involving genius students this year?"

These people were still discussing in whispers just now, but soon they saw Sugu holding a spear and saving the classmates who were taking the exam from the hands of the Star Titan.

Then there was a back-and-forth cross-border fight with Titan. When the weapon shattered, outside rescue was isolated, and he was completely in despair.

Sugu drew his sword and killed the enemy with one strike.

The entire process was perfectly reproduced on the device, and the faces of these people became duller as the video progressed.

They held long guns and short cannons in their hands, preparing to take pictures of Sugu's imperfect performance in the exam. After returning home, they will add fuel to the fire and slander them on their respective public accounts.

But during the entire press conference, these people didn't take a single photo.

This is very rare for reporters who rely on this thing for a living.

But how can they find trouble?

For a genius who can kill enemies across realms, no matter how high the score he is given in the college entrance examination is too high.

"Originally, this matter was not a big deal, but there were people behind the scenes who kept adding fuel to the fire and wanted to use this matter to stink and bring down Sugu to achieve their own goals."

Zhou Zhengsheng's solemn voice sounded, and a layer of faint blue flames rose from his body.

In an instant, the air in the entire venue became solid, everyone's breathing stagnated, and no one dared to take a breath.

Soul shaping realm!

How could a strong man who had tapped the soul power contained in his own flesh and blood to the limit and successfully ignited the soul fire appear here?

"I don't care who he is, but I'm covering Sugu now. If you don't accept it, you can ask your peers to challenge him head-on. Don't use such despicable methods again!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhengsheng's figure disappeared instantly, ending the press conference.

Those reporters who were still at the scene suddenly felt lighter, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

These people looked at each other in confusion, looking at the untouched notebook in their hands, and for a moment they didn't know what to write in tonight's manuscript.

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