"I can defeat the Almighty Martial God!"

When he thought that this might become a reality, Hol Riggs was as excited as if he had taken stimulants.

He pursued martial arts and became a warrior. He just liked the feeling of being above thousands of people and being admired.

People like the Almighty Martial God have everything Hol wants. Every time he thought of it, he would be jealous to death.

But he also knew in his heart that how could he compare with such a genius?

What's the use of jealousy?

"But now, the situation is different." Hol Riggs said excitedly:

"As long as I can defeat the Almighty Martial God in front of so many people and step on him hard."

"The reputation of the Almighty Martial God will be mine!"

"I must seize this opportunity."

Thinking of this, the long whip in Hol's hand turned into whip shadows all over the sky. Rolling up wind blades, swinging towards Su Gu.

B-level combat skills, wind whip!

Su Gu dodged the attack with his psychedelic body movements, but the powerful wind blade still cut a corner of his martial arts uniform.

The torn clothes made him look a little embarrassed.


Still with such violent destructive power, Su Gu's original foothold was once again destroyed and split into two halves.

The airspace arena's characteristic of not falling made large pieces of broken rocks float in the air.

And Su Gu's foothold became smaller and smaller.

"What's wrong, Almighty Martial God, are you a rat? You can't even connect one of my attacks, and you can only run around."

Hol Riggs said with great pride, holding a long whip in his hand.

And the audience in the audience, looking at the situation of Su Gu and Hol on the field, the expressions on their faces were a little confused.

How could this happen?

"It's really unexpected that Hol Riggs only used two moves to force the Almighty God into a desperate situation."

"It seems that today, there will be a super upset."

"I don't know where the Almighty God suddenly appeared, but he was defeated by an unknown soldier."

"This ending may be good for him."

The voice of the commentator Sao Rui echoed throughout the space.

Anyone could hear his excitement at the moment.

But in the audience, no one came out to refute him.

The situation in the arena was too weird at the moment. Obviously, the two moves used by Hol Riggs did not seem to be powerful, but why did they have such destructive power.

To be able to force the Almighty God into that.

Sao Rui felt the extremely quiet atmosphere of the fans of the Almighty God around him.

His face was full of pride.

If it weren't for the lesson last time, he would have wanted to open the champagne directly.


Hol Riggs' attack came again.

It was the same attack,

B-level combat skill, Whip of Wind!

But this time, Su Gu was not prepared to dodge, and his eyes flashed with a strange light.

S-level combat skill, Tiangang Crazy Attack!

S-level combat skill, Moon Thorn!

Two combat skills belonging to different professions, warrior and assassin, merged in his hands.

The combat skills were brilliant, and the soul power was burning.

Su Gu chose to go head-to-head with Hole without any hesitation.


The three-edged thorn in Su Gu's hand collided with Hole's long whip.

The terrifying light bloomed.

The unmatched power crushed the ground under Su Gu's feet into fine dust.

Then he flew backwards.

Double S-level combat skills and ordinary B-level combat skills.

Almighty Martial God and Hole.

In a head-on collision, the former was the loser?

Looking at the injured Almighty Martial God, those ordinary audiences felt their breathing stagnate.

How could this happen?

These ordinary fans all felt a little desperate.

Could it be that the Almighty Martial God would really be defeated by this disgusting villain?

This kind of thing is hard to accept just by thinking about it.

"Victory and defeat are common in the military. Fans of the Almighty Martial God, you must learn to accept the fact that your idol has become mediocre."

Sao Rui's proud voice resounded in this area.

Everyone couldn't help but grit their teeth. If it weren't for the restrictions here, some people really wanted to go forward and beat this bitch to death.


Su Gu, who was repelled, spit out a mouthful of blood foam.

In the contact just now, he probably understood that Hol's power did not belong to him.

This was an external force lent to him by someone unknown.

Su Gu rubbed his neck and whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

"It feels like encountering a cheating player in a game."

"However, this cheat only makes Hol's every attack have the power of a desperate blow from a peak warrior in the Xunwo realm."

"This game can still be played."

After controlling his own muscles and stopping the bleeding from the injury.

Su Gu stared at Hol, and there was no pain or unwillingness in his eyes.

There was only the excitement of the challenge.

Those eyes, like a torch in the dark, illuminated the hearts of ordinary fans of the Almighty God of War.

At that moment, these people felt relieved at the same time.

This is the God of War they know.

As long as God of War doesn't give up, there must be hope for this battle.

"The Almighty God of War will definitely win!"

"That's right, God of War will never lose to a clown like Hole no matter what."

"Although I don't know what Hole's attack is, but all this"

Everyone in the audience regained their confidence.


Feeling the change in attitude of the Almighty God of War fans in the audience, Sao Rui snorted in displeasure.

Whether the Almighty Martial God loses or wins, let the next battle decide.

In any case, he, Sao Rui, would never be able to side with the Almighty Martial God no matter what.

Seeing the attitude of the Almighty God of War, Huosen Medici, who set up this trap, frowned slightly.

With the strength of this all-powerful god of war, he should have noticed something abnormal about Hor after that head-on collision.

Then what he should do next is not express his anger.

He obviously already knew that this battle of his was a trap set up by someone.

But no negative emotions were revealed at all.

Why is he so calm in his posture?

Not being able to see what he expected made Huo Sen a little unhappy.

At this moment, Keyua suddenly said:

"Huosen Medici, since you set up this game and want to give me a blow, how about we add a little more to this game?"

"Oh, Stark's princess is so interested today, tell me how to play." Hossen said with interest.

"Just bet on the outcome of this battle."

"If Hall Riggs wins, I will not oppose our engagement in public."

"And if the person who wins is the Almighty Martial God."

Keyua looked directly into the eyes of Hossen Medici and said:

"You challenge the Almighty Martial God and fight him in front of the whole world."

After hearing this, Huo Sen raised his eyebrows.

His level in the martial arts dojo is naturally palace level.

With his position as an elite all-around martial artist, if Huo Sen didn't want to, there would be no chance of the two of them fighting.

Of course, now that he is in a high position, Hossen takes the initiative to challenge.

That is of course another matter.


Huo Sen smiled slightly.

But at this moment, there was no smile in his eyes.

As a strong contender for the position of the next head of the Medici family.

In front of so many people, like a monkey being watched, he had a fight with this guy who no one knew who he was.

This thing itself has already dropped extremely in value. According to the internal evaluation system of the Medici family, he will be deducted a lot of points.

"What? Are you scared?"

Keyua said provocatively.

Huo Sen's eyes flashed with cold light, and then he said calmly:

"Since this is the first request my future wife has made to me."

"As a gentleman and a husband, how could I refuse."

"I agree with the bet."

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