From the beginning,

listening to the bet between their boss and Huosen Medici.

The expressions on Anderson and Schiller's faces were extremely anxious.

If it weren't for their boss's serious expression when talking about this topic.

And the person she was talking to was Huosen Medici, who was equal to her and might also inherit the Medici family in the future.

These two people would have rushed forward and stopped this conversation.

And when Huosen just agreed to the bet, the expressions of these two people were depressed.

Schiller quickly established an internal channel between the three of them to block Huosen.

Then he pulled Ke Yuya into the channel and asked anxiously:

"Boss, what are you doing? Don't you hate Huo Sen the most? How can you use your future to make such a boring bet?"

Anderson also added: "How about we break the bet now while there is still time?"

"Anyway, Huo Sen didn't bring any followers with him. Only Schiller and I witnessed it."

After listening to what the two said, Ke Yuya shook her head and said:

"No, no need."

"Why?" The two said in unison.

Ke Yuya stared at the almighty martial god in the arena, whose eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and said softly:

"Maybe, it's intuition."

"I have confidence."

After hearing this, Anderson and Schiller both held their foreheads.

Then Schiller established an internal channel to block Ke Yuya.

Schiller said:

"During this period, the boss has been completely confused when she came into contact with the matter of the Almighty God of War.

She has forgotten that with the character of the Medici family, once they take action, they must be fully confident.

I am afraid that this battle against the Almighty God of War is the same."

Anderson said: "After this battle, whether the boss is willing or not, the two of us will break this bet together.

As I just said, there are only two witnesses anyway."

"While the Almighty God of War can still hold on for a while, let's first compare our statements."


In the audience, except for the friction between Stark and his three people and Horson Medici.

Everyone else's attention is on the arena.

The Almighty God of War hid outside the attack range of Hol's whip. In this attack area, the two confronted each other.

Su Gu's body was scratched by the previous attack, and his body was covered with blood and torn clothes.

And Hol Riggs has not been injured so far.

The contrast between the two made all the fans of the Almighty Martial God sweat for this battle.

"Looking at the appearance of these two people, we will soon see that the invincible golden body of the Almighty Martial God has been broken."

Sao Rui said triumphantly.


As soon as his words fell, a burst of air-breaking sound came from the arena.

Su Gu's figure rushed forward.

All the faces of the audience showed surprise.

They didn't expect that after suffering two losses, the Almighty Martial God still dared to choose to take the lead.

"I will crush you in front of everyone!" Hall Riggs said excitedly.

As he spoke, the long whip in his hand turned into a whip shadow all over the sky and attacked Su Gu.

Boom boom boom!

The violent force bombarded the surface of the airspace arena.

In each of Hall's attacks, it was the desperate blow of the peak warrior in the Seeking My Realm.

Under his attack, the arena soon became completely ruined except for the place where Hall himself stood.

The battlefield environment was shattered into pieces of floating stones the size of a palm.

The stones were floating in the sky. It was impossible to move here. If the body lost balance a little, it would fall into the abyss.

Even if there was no strong opponent to fight here, the environment itself was a desperate situation.


The whip shadows in the sky whipped towards Su Gu.

Each whip shadow had the power to directly cut off the waist of an ordinary warrior in the Xunwo realm.

Su Gu stepped on the floating stones and walked leisurely in the whip shadows, slowly and quickly approaching Hol.

That relaxed figure was amazing.

"Almost, why is it almost every time!"

Looking at the almighty martial god who was approaching him quickly and was not affected by the attack at all.

Hol Riggs began to sweat coldly on his face.

"How could this happen? Didn't the guy who gave me the mysterious pill tell me?"

"After taking that pill, I will be invincible in the virtual spirit world within a month."

Hor, who had been fighting in the bottom matching area of ​​the martial arts arena and quickly rose to the elite level after gaining strength.

Looking at the situation he had never encountered before, he panicked for a moment.

"By the way, I can attack the platform between the Almighty Martial God and me!"

"As long as all the footholds are cleared except where I stand."

"The Almighty Martial God will naturally fall into the abyss, and I will naturally win the battlefield battle."

"I am such a genius."

Hor said proudly in his heart.

As soon as he made a plan in his mind, he immediately began to implement it.

The whip in his hand began to attack the area between him and the Almighty Martial God.

Pieces of suspended stones were beaten into powder by him.


Looking at his choice, many viewers couldn't help but clench their fists and curse.

At this time, Sao Rui said with a smug look on his face: "What's so despicable about this? Isn't this a very good tactic?"

And at this moment, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

Just as Hol Reggs was frantically destroying the arena.

The Almighty God of War suddenly jumped towards the place that Hol Reggs had just destroyed.

There was no place to stand where he was about to jump!

"Is the Almighty God of War crazy?"

Just when everyone couldn't help but think of this idea.

Su Gu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The three-edged thorn in his hand was entangled with the long whip that had just destroyed the floating stone.

The long whip shook.

As if fishing, Hol Reggs himself brought Su Gu directly to his side.

"Not good!"

Hol looked at Su Gu approaching him at high speed, his pupils full of fear.

But a moment later, the fear turned into scarlet and crazy bloodshot.

As long as I defeat this guy head-on, all the honors he has had in the past will be mine!

No problem, I have already tested it before.

After taking that mysterious pill, the power of my fist in the martial arts arena can directly smash the heavy shield of the top heavy armor!


Hol Riggs roared wildly.

Then he clenched his ten fingers and smashed towards Su Gu.

"Sure enough, I can give you strength, but I can't give you brains." Su Gu said helplessly in the air.

Then he gently touched Hol's fist with his palm, using the force to change his posture in the air.

Su Gu was like a top gymnastics master, he used his legs to directly twist Hol's head.

With the inertia of rushing forward, he only used the soft skills used by ordinary people to fight, and threw Hol Riggs out.

The airspace arena that had been destroyed and in a mess.

With Su Gu's casual throw, Hol Riggs himself fell directly into the abyss.

Su Gu looked at the falling enemy with a somewhat boring smile on his face.

Just as I guessed.

Although I don't know who did it and how they did it.

But these people can only help Hol Riggs improve his strength and physical fitness here.

But they can't teach him the most important thing, the experience of fighting.

Without this ability, Hol Riggs, who has a power that doesn't belong to him, will be at a loss and lose his balance when facing a slightly more complicated situation.

Dealing with such people, as long as you don't think too much, it's not that troublesome.

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