Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 32 Virtual Spirit World, Almighty Martial God

"Is this the realm of seeking me?"

Su Gu felt the surging power in his body. Although there are a lot of public research reports on this realm on the Internet, only when you really have soul power and enter this realm can you understand some things.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to stand from a broader perspective and re-examine the word "martial arts".

"Human soul power is not like the water in the faucet, which will flow out at a constant speed as long as it is turned on. Its output frequency and intensity are more like an electrocardiogram, with peaks and valleys. This kind of power output fluctuation will change according to different martial arts professions, different skills, different people, and even different weapons in hand."

"The most typical example is the most common professions."

"The fluctuation of the warrior is the most balanced, and his soul power output is generally the most stable."

"The assassin is the most changeable. His fluctuation image may be like a caterpillar crawling on the ground in the last second, and the next second It sprang up like a ferocious cobra. "

"Most long-range fighters need to stack their soul power on weapons at a high frequency to deal high damage, so the frequency of peaks and troughs in the fluctuation graph is the highest."

"The peak of the soul power fluctuation of heavy armor is generally the highest among the major professions. But at the same time, the output fluctuation of this profession will not change too much, and there are few places for flexibility."

Su Gu said while simulating the soul power fluctuation methods of several major professions with the Tianyuan Gong he mastered. Each profession was simulated in his hands.

In addition to the strong plasticity of Tianyuan Gong, the more important thing is that Su Gu has accumulated a lot of experience over the years, which makes him familiar with all professions.

"The skill determines the output limit of the warrior, just like the weapons held by ordinary people. It is difficult to beat a gun with a knife."

"And this "Tianyuan Gong" can be used by any profession, but it is just so-so in any profession. It is more like an enlightenment skill to help people further understand the attributes of the profession."

"No wonder this thing is from the mainland and is called a transitional skill."

Su Gu said calmly.

Then he felt a little headache. Climbing the road of martial arts with this skill in hand, compared with the top skills, is like the difference between climbing a ladder and riding a rocket.

"Tianyuan Gong" can't meet Su Gu's needs anyway, and the skill must be changed.

But if you change to other skills, the road of martial arts you take must be completely determined. But what Su Gu knows is both refined and miscellaneous. If you choose other skills, some things are destined to be abandoned. He really doesn't know what to choose.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it. According to the previous agreement, when I break through the barrier, I will go to the virtual spirit world with Ma Mingjie."

Su Gu held the X device, his eyes full of heat.

Having just broken through, he was eager to find someone to challenge and verify what he had learned.

The martial arts arena in the virtual spirit world can use consciousness to fight without limit, which perfectly meets Su Gu's needs.

When the call was connected, Ma Mingjie sprayed out the water he was drinking after learning that Su Gu had entered the Xunwo realm.

"Damn, you broke through in three days? Su Gu, are you the illegitimate child of some Xiaoyao realm master who stayed in our Hangzhou? I have never heard of a breakthrough speed like you in my life."

"Stop talking nonsense, register an account quickly, we agreed to explore the virtual spirit world together."

"I have already taken a walk in the spirit world, you are too slow."

"You son of a bitch, didn't we agree to go together?"

"Who told you to be so slow, I'm logged in, waiting for you in the spirit world, register quickly."


After Su Gu hung up the phone, he quickly found a place at home and sat down, and then put the X device on his head.

When all the biological information was collected and it was confirmed that the current user was human, Su Gu felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and everything in his home disappeared.

Then Su Gu felt his body lighten, and he didn't know when the X device on his head had been taken off, and he stood up.

At this moment, he was floating in the center of a black cube space with white on top and white on the bottom. This floating feeling seemed to be in a gravity-free universe.

Su Gu tried to move his body casually, and there was no difference from usual, and he didn't notice any abnormalities. Even the exercises could run as usual.

"Is this the state of consciousness? There is a legendary feeling of soul leaving the body, but it is a little different."

At this time, a voice seemed to come from the outside of the black and white space.

"You are using a brand new device to enter the virtual spirit world. Now there are some basic questions that you need to set up yourself."

Then, a light screen flashing with blue light slowly unfolded in front of Su Gu.

[Do you want to hide your appearance? ]

Without hesitation, Su Gu immediately chose "yes".

As long as you have an X device, you can log in to the virtual spirit world. There are too many people here. He doesn't want to expose his true appearance and affect his personal life.

The light screen quickly turned into a mirror, and a poker face with no characteristics was automatically generated on Su Gu's face.

[Please decide your name in the virtual spirit world. ]

The mirror turned into an input bar again.

Su Gu thought about it and wrote four words in the input bar.

Almighty Martial God.

When he confirmed this ID again, the black and white cube space dissipated, gravity was restored, and Su Gu fell to the ground again.

A brand new world appeared before his eyes.

Beside the Gothic buildings, there are Chinese temples, and next to the fantasy buildings of the other world, there are modern high-rise buildings that reach the sky.

People of different skin colors are emerging on the strange streets. They wear various costumes and have different beliefs. Asians, Americans, earthlings, moon people, and Martians are constantly intertwined here to form a flow of people.

Completely different civilizations are mixed here, forming a different kind of human fireworks that cannot appear in reality.

This is the virtual spirit world.

Although the scenery is amazing, Su Gu really has no intention to appreciate it. He came here for the martial arts dojo.

After adding Ma Mingjie's ID: "Universe Tyrant" as a friend, the two shared the location and soon found each other.

Ma Mingjie looked at Su Gu's ID and complained speechlessly: "'Almighty Martial God'? You dare to give this name. You will be beaten for being so arrogant."

"It doesn't matter. I came here to fight." Su Gu said excitedly.

The identity of the virtual spirit world was given by himself, and such an arrogant name can also attract hatred by itself. Su Gu likes it very much.

"Okay, okay, I know you're obsessed with martial arts. Let's go to the martial arts arena right away."

The martial arts arena is in the operating interface of the virtual spirit world. Just click and you can enter directly.

The two figures disappeared in an instant. The people around seemed to be accustomed to such scenes. They all dealt with their own things without raising their eyelids.

Su Gu and Ma Mingjie appeared at the entrance of a huge open-air arena.

"Brother, come on, I'll cheer you on the stands."

After saying this, Ma Mingjie ran to the audience stand. He is a businessman, not a martial artist. If it weren't for Su Gu, he might never come to this martial arts arena in his life.

Su Gu was walking towards the arena. The moment he stepped into the arena, free matching began.

Next, he will randomly match opponents with the corresponding winning streak.

"Brother Su, no one will watch our cannon fodder battles. It's hard for you to match decent opponents before you win streak. Don't be nervous and just play casually." Ma Mingjie said loudly in the audience.

Anyway, under the protection of the heroes of the virtual spirit world, the consciousness will not die, so the competition in the martial arts arena is often a life-and-death battle.

Watching the death battle between warriors is a fatal attraction for ordinary people.

Cannon fodder, brave, elite, and hall.

This level that divides the strong in the martial arts arena will attract more people to watch at the same time with each advancement.

The duel between the brave level will attract tens of thousands of people to watch online at the same time, and the subsequent video playback volume can easily reach 100,000. If you are lucky, a high-level duel can be played to millions of views.

If it is the elite level, the number of viewers can easily fill this open-air arena, and there will be a large number of viewers watching the live broadcast.

If you meet a popular player, there will even be a professional commentator to provide on-site commentary.

As for the hall, this level generally knows each other and rarely fights. Even if they fight, it will generally be set as a private battlefield and will not be open to the public.

Su Gu is a newcomer, so he is naturally a cannon fodder. He has been matched for so long, and there is only one spectator, Ma Mingjie, on the viewing platform of Norda. This is very telling.

On the platform of the martial arts arena, no one cares about him and his ID.

But these Su Gu don't matter, as long as the opponent is decent.

Soon, the match is completed.

The opponent is here.

A frivolous man with a cockscomb and a lot of sequins sewn on his martial arts uniform. He appeared on the ring with a posture of Superman.

The sequins on his body seemed to have a special effect of shining under the light source.

And the moment he entered the arena, the stands of the martial arts arena began to pour into the flow of people, and people sat down next to Ma Mingjie one after another.

The entire arena, in an instant, has tens of thousands more people.

These people naturally can't come for Su Gu, who is making his first appearance, so they can only come to watch his opponent's fight.

Ma Mingjie opened his mouth wide, and he could attract tens of thousands of people to watch as soon as he appeared. This man with an exaggerated appearance and ID called [Flirtatious Assassin], is he a master?

"No way, Su Ge is so unlucky for the first time?" Ma Mingjie murmured.

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