Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 33 Random weapons + random battlefield, turns out to be a fool

"My dear family, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"


After the cockscomb-headed man with the ID of [Coquettish Assassin] entered the venue, he ignored Sugu at all. Instead, he shouted loudly in the direction of the audience, speaking while making extremely enchanting body movements.

To this, the audience at the scene responded quickly.

"Go away, you damn faggot. Isn't that disgusting?"

"You haven't been beaten to death offline yet, Sao Tsai. How many people have already said they are coming to testify against you?"

"Holy shit, this pervert just blew a kiss in my direction. I feel like I won't be able to eat in the next few days."


Seeing the intimate interaction between the combatants participating in the battle and the audience in the auditorium, Ma Mingjie was stunned.

Who is this?

Seeing his confused expression, the people next to him gave him some information.

"This [Coquettish Assassin] is a self-media anchor. After fighting in the virtual spiritual realm, he will record his sexy actions into videos and make a living from the views. We can be considered his fans."

After hearing this, Ma Mingjie was stunned for a moment, his face twitched and he said:

"Do warriors still do this?"

"Not everyone can become a powerful warrior who can ignite the soul fire. It's not like a small person can make money and eat."

The man then said to him: "Don't look at this guy like this. He has reached the level of a brave man before. But later he got older and was forced to retire. Otherwise, the ID of [Coquettish Assassin] would not be able to accumulate so much." fan."

"Now, in order to be able to perform attractive and cool moves in every battle, every time he fights, he will choose the opponent. When he encounters a strong person, he will immediately admit defeat and only fight against those weaker than himself."

"So although he has good strength, his record in the cannon fodder level is a mess. He can often match the novices who have just entered the martial arts dojo. He can be regarded as a relatively famous newcomer killer."

Ma Mingjie saw that the man on the field had no intention of admitting defeat directly, and said angrily:

"What? He thinks he can handle his opponent this time?"

The people around him said with a smile: "Didn't you see that [Almighty Martial God] is still studying the weapon selection system of the martial arts dojo? At first glance, he looks like a newcomer who has just registered an account. He will be in trouble."

Ma Mingjie focused his attention on the arena again. At this moment, Sugu was lowering his head and looking at the rows of weapons that appeared on the light screen.

In the martial arts dojo, a variety of weapons that actually exist in reality can be generated for free for people to choose and use.

This is also the reason why this place has become a sacred place for young human warriors to communicate and collide.

At this moment, Sugu looked at the weapons on the light screen, his eyes extremely intense. A man's love for such destructive weapons is engraved in his genes, and this is especially true for Sugu.

The Dragon Reline Suspended Laser Cannon is a heavy cannon that can only be used by long-range warriors with heavy armor. The power of that shot... tsk tsk, a real man's choice.

A dagger made from the teeth of a warrior-level poisonous howling Japanese snake - Snake's Bite, a favorite of assassins with powerful venom.

The precious weapon of the soldiers in the army is a black gold sword of different blood forged from the flesh and blood of aliens in the starry sky.


All kinds of rare weapons that can only be seen in the news are actually free for people to choose and use. Sugu feels like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

In high school, he used the cheapest training weapons that could not hurt anyone for self-training.

It wasn't until the martial arts exam that he was willing to go to the martial arts gym for training and use a black gold weapon to chop up human stakes. This was because Ma Mingjie was flattering.

Is it because Sugu is not greedy for these powerful weapons?

No, simply because he is poor.

I finally have the opportunity to fight with these weapons, which one should I choose?

Sugu looked confused.

And his appearance made Ma Mingjie, who had been watching, couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Brother, you look like you are going to the supermarket and you are confused whether to buy something you like or not. Why? !

You actually turned on the long-range weapon to look at it?

Brother, you are a warrior. Based on your performance in the college entrance examination, you can just choose a knife and cut the opponent.

"This [Almighty Martial God] is going to be in trouble. [The Coquettish Assassin]'s self-media has not been updated for a week. He is frantically looking for materials. He finally met a stupid young man, and he cannot let it go easily."

"Do you remember that [Coquettish Assassin] had a video with over 600,000 views last year? He could have finished the opponent a long time ago, but he had to make crazy kites to disgust the opponent. He showed off his skills by using a dagger without hurting the opponent. Cut out a dozen little love hearts on the opponent's uniform."

"Remember, I remember that at the end of the video, the long-range warrior was so disgusted that he swallowed a gun and committed suicide on the spot. Who do you think would be worse, this [Almighty Martial God] or the long-range warrior that day?"

"Come on, come on, let's open the market!"


Ma Mingjie's face twitched when he heard these people arranging his brother's words. He looked at Sugu on the court and without any hesitation, he stood up and shouted:

"Come on, Almighty Martial God, kill this pervert!"

Although he and Sugu always quarreled, at this time when they agreed to communicate with each other, they insisted on supporting each other as brothers!

At this moment, Ma Mingjie became the center of attention in the audience.

Some people secretly covered their mouths and smiled at him. The coquettish assassin acted a bit abstractly, but he was also really powerful.

The only fan of this Almighty God of War is going to be heartbroken today.

Su Gu sighed slightly at this time. With so many weapons, it was really difficult to choose.

Fortunately, when he was browsing the weapon page, he found a good thing.

At the bottom of the weapon selection page, there was a random weapon button, and Su Gu pressed it.

The weapon selection screen in front of him began to change, and rows of 3D pictures of weapons appeared and arranged to form a turntable. Then the turntable began to rotate, and the speed became faster and faster, turning into an afterimage.

"Random weapons?" The whole body of the coquettish assassin was obviously stiff. He stopped interacting with his fans and looked in the direction of Su Gu with a strange face.

Random weapons are a powerful weapon for pretending and provoking in the martial arts dojo. The meaning is very simple. Even if I don't use my most convenient weapon, I can let the system randomly give me something and I can blow you up!

But most people who use this thing will also frame a range for random weapons, and then let the system randomly.

Otherwise, the following situation is very likely to occur.

The weapons of the ranged warrior and the melee warrior are exchanged, and there are two more clowns.

The system gave the heavy armor a dagger, what can the heavy armor guy do? Use the dagger to see if you can scratch your back?

Give the assassin a heavy armor shield, is it to let the assassin use the heavy armor shield as a coffin board?

The almighty martial god in front of him is doing this kind of thing, without adding professional restrictions to a super large range of random.

"Super large range of random weapons? I can actually see a fool using this in my lifetime. Today is really an eye-opener."

"The coquettish assassin has met an equal opponent. At least in the abstract level, these two people are almost the same."

"Where is the fan of the almighty martial god who just shouted? Do you know that your idol is so coquettish?"

In addition to a group of people shouting excitedly at Su Gu, there are also people whistling at Ma Mingjie.

Ma Mingjie is still in the same posture as before to cheer for Su Gu, but after seeing Su Gu's actions, he feels a congestion of blood pushing up from his lungs.

Good! Good! Good!!

I just stood up to you in front of tens of thousands of people, you are so arrogant, right!

He greeted Su Gu's ancestors over and over again in his heart, and at the same time shouted in his heart, give me a long sword, a gun, or even a pair of daggers!

Having witnessed Su Gu's performance in the college entrance examination, Ma Mingjie believed that he could kill the pervert on the opposite side with any of the three weapons!

The rotation of the weapon disk gradually stopped, and finally stopped on a thick shield that looked like a wall.

Defensive heavy armor classic weapon - Iron Wall Shield.

The shield, which was two meters long and as thick as a person's head, turned into reality from the 3D phantom of the weapon selection interface and appeared in front of Su Gu.


The shield fell heavily to the ground, and the ground of the entire arena trembled slightly.

Ma Mingjie's little heart also trembled, and he collapsed in the audience with no hope in his life.

Good guy, Su Gu's flexibility as an assassin and his destructive power as a warrior were blocked by this heavy shield with MAX defense.

How can he fight with Ji Ba?

"Or I'd better withdraw first. Anyway, it's embarrassing. It's better to let Su Gu embarrass himself than to embarrass both of us."

Ma Mingjie clicked the exit button of the virtual spirit world, and his expression was uncertain.

At the same time, the fans of [Flirtatious Assassin] around him cheered.

"It's Sao Assassin's favorite heavy armor!"

"I can't wait to watch the video tonight. This guy is really a top-notch player that I can't meet for decades."

"Sao Assassin, kill slowly, we have to watch slowly."

Generally, heavy armor is much less flexible than assassins. If the assassin plays well enough in a head-on collision, he can play with the opponent at will.

And Su Gu's weapon is a heavy shield mainly for defense, which is a target for beating.

This is the type of opponent that Feng Sao Assassin likes most.

The coquettish assassin smiled slightly and directly chose his favorite dagger, the Mercury Blade.

The dagger flashing with silver light was very suitable for his martial arts uniform with sequins sewn on it.

"Choose the battlefield, brother, I'll let you choose."

This is another function of the martial arts arena, which can simulate various environments experienced by humans.

If you choose a suitable environment, those warriors who use superpowers as their main means of combat can exert abilities beyond the past.

If the environment is not suitable, the power will be greatly reduced.

For example, if you put a flame superpower and a wind and snow superpower in the ice and snow apocalypse battlefield, the strength of both sides will definitely be different from their usual performance.

"Choose a narrow terrain, we still have a chance to fight in a narrow terrain!"

Ma Mingjie looked at the other party who took the initiative to give the opportunity to choose the environment to himself, and excitedly revived with full blood, shouting at Su Gu.

And Su Gu in the arena frowned slightly, which was the most annoying multiple-choice question.

Is it necessary to care about battlefields? What qualifications do warriors have to choose battlefields.

Su Gu directly clicked on the random battlefield.

Looking at Su Gu's choice, the Coquettish Assassin narrowed his eyes slightly. How much the person in front of him looked down on him.

He was a little careless in his actions, but he had also won the Brave Stage.

"Your idol... is really unique."

Even the other fans in the audience who had been amusing the Coquettish Assassin said to Ma Mingjie speechlessly.

He was so arrogant when he came to the fighting arena for the first time, like a fool.

It was his due to meet the Sao Assassin.

Ma Mingjie's eyes were wide open at this moment, and he looked at Su Gu with gritted teeth.

If he could not beat him, he really wanted to replace the Sao Assassin standing on the field and chew up the Almighty God of War.

But even so, he still prayed silently that the system could give him a place to restrict the assassin and suitable for heavy armor.

Soon, the venue was selected.

The ghost cave in the underworld.

The narrow, dark, and complex cave terrain, every once in a while there would be a shrill cry, as if the ghosts with grievances were howling here.

Ma Mingjie was paralyzed.

Listening to the introduction, isn't this the assassin's home court?

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