Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 34 Seeing through, re-armoring and suppressing the assassin

The battlefield was selected, and the environment where Sugu and the coquettish assassin were located, like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, began to change.

The sunlight was blocked by the cold and damp rock walls, and the gray floor tiles underfoot turned into black moss-covered rocky ground, with groundwater seeping out between the rocks. Countless stalactite pillars fell from the sky, densely packed into a maze.

One after another, strange wind sounds were blowing in this area, making sounds like the wails of evil ghosts.

Sugu and the coquettish assassin stood on both sides of the ghost cave in the underworld, confronting each other.

Sugu had already picked up the iron wall shield, and his effortless gesture was amazing. But the width of the shield is already wider than the gaps between many stone pillars in the terrain.

There is no doubt that when fighting here, the flexibility of heavy equipment, which is already slow, will be further restricted. And this complex terrain is a paradise for assassins with changeable souls.

"Let heavy weapons and assassins fight in such a ghost place? How can we fight?"

Someone said doubtfully.

"Who told the all-powerful God of War on the opposite side to have to show off? The assassin gave the opponent the choice of the battlefield, and he also came to set up a random battlefield. Who can he blame now? There will be no limit to how he will be stabbed in this environment. Kite, there’s no place for him to cry.” Someone shrugged helplessly and said:

"And I think he got the wrong ID. Almighty God of War? Almighty fool!"

"Originally, there is a lack of material for pricks. This guy wants to provoke someone by poking his nose and face. I think someone is going to be in bad luck today."

The chatter in the audience made Ma Mingjie sweat. He looked at Sugu on the court with a nervous expression on his face.

"If you can't help it, just throw away the shield. Playing with bare hands is better than carrying this cumbersome shield. At least the loss won't be too ugly."

Ma Mingjie said secretly in his heart.

Holding that two-meter-high heavy shield, in this dark and small environment, it is simply a living target for assassins.

It affects the performance too much.

The environment has been transformed and the life and death battle has begun.

Sugu blocked the indestructible shield in front of him. He made the classic defensive move of heavy armor, but the huge shield blocked his view, making it all look a bit funny.

"The title of tonight's video is, "Shocked! Sao Thorn actually did such an indescribable thing to the God of War."

The coquettish assassin turned the dagger and said to Sugu with a smile.

Then, his figure disappeared.

Step, step, step!

In the cave, his footsteps could be heard from all directions at the same time, but his sound could only be heard but his shape could not be seen. No matter which direction, the coquettish assassin could not be seen.

The steps of a C-level assassin, the shadowless step.

And the proficiency is extremely high.


The mercury blade collided with the iron wall shield, and a string of sparks flew everywhere.

"I actually managed to defend myself."

"It seems that you are an experienced old heavy equipment."

The coquettish assassin praised as he saw his attack coming from the blind spot was blocked by the other party.

"Unfortunately, even if you are extremely lucky and the system gives you the martial arts weapon you are best at, the environment is not on your side."

"If you change to a more open environment, you might really be a threat to me, but here, you are just a target for me."

At this point, Sugu was preparing to defend and counterattack, but the coquettish assassin stepped on the heavy shield and flew away instead.

Then he used the Shadowless Step to cover his body, attacked again, and repeated the cycle.

The mercury blade kept scratching on the iron wall shield, causing sparks to fly all over the shield.

"Look, Brother Martial God is suppressed and can't move now. This is not only because of the thorns, but also because of the surrounding stone pillars.

If you move randomly and let the stone pillar get stuck in the position of the heavy shield, even if there is a slight flaw, the Sao Thorn will definitely seal the throat with a knife. "

"This is now Spurs' favorite attacking rhythm. From the beginning to the end, the offensive initiative will always be in Spurs' hands.

He will slowly disgust and consume his opponent to death. This all-powerful god of war is now a fleshy pile with thicker health. "

The old audience members in the audience said calmly, being familiar with the Coquettish Assassin routine.

After Ma Mingjie heard this, his hands sweated nervously.

However, he was also a little strange in his heart. What Sugu showed in the martial arts test was that his martial arts profession was not a warrior or an assassin?

How come the reloaded weapon was so smooth in his hands.

At least the coquettish assassin has always had the initiative to attack, but he just can't take advantage of the almighty Martial God.

At this moment, the Almighty Martial God, who had been standing still and adapting to all changes with his unchanging attitude, suddenly moved.

He took a step laterally and wanted to swing the giant shield in his hand forward to the right.

The coquettish assassin who was just about to attack paused slightly. The Almighty Martial God's movement this time happened to block his inevitable retreat after the next attack.

If this attack still fails to work, the Almighty Martial God may catch the flaw.

Is this a coincidence?

Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, it didn't matter. Anyway, the rhythm of the attack was in my hands. At worst, I gave up this attack and looked for other opportunities.

The coquettish Martial God began to retreat, but at this time the Almighty Martial God moved again. He still only moved a small step, but the position he was stuck in made the coquettish assassin very uncomfortable and passive.

The coquettish assassin vaguely sensed that something was wrong, and he began to move quickly, trying to pull away.

The rhythm of his steps changed rapidly. He no longer used the Shadowless Step, a movement technique, but used several assassin steps that staggered back and forth.

All of a sudden, the assassin's disruptive footsteps kept ringing like falling raindrops throughout the ghost cave in the underworld.

Compared to the coquettish assassin's weird movements, the Almighty Martial God is much calmer. He moves very slowly,

But every step he takes, he will definitely get stuck in the most disgusting position of the Coquettish Assassin at the time. Every time he moves, the final result is that the opponent's space is further squeezed.

While trying to break through with physical skills again and again, the coquettish assassin accidentally glanced at the almighty Martial God behind the iron wall shield.

There was no suppression of the opponent's excitement and joy, there was only peace in those eyes.

Without any emotion, extremely quiet, but as if he had already seen through everything.

Am I being completely seen through by a heavy loader?

Cold sweat began to form on the coquettish assassin's face. The heavy shield that seemed so cumbersome to him just now was slowly but firmly crushing towards him.

The two-meter-high heavy shield brought a terrifying sense of oppression, which made him almost unable to breathe.

Is this really a cannon fodder player who has just entered the martial arts dojo?

"Why...why do I feel like Sao Tsai is being suppressed?"

Someone in the audience suddenly murmured.

These people can't understand those delicate paces, but from a God's perspective, looking at the overall situation, they can easily find that the frequency of the Coquettish Assassin's attacks has been decreasing since the beginning.

Moreover, the assassin's footsteps, which seemed to be everywhere at first, are now restricted to one place.

"Don't talk nonsense. How can Sao Tsai overturn when he attacks a heavy defensive weapon?"

A senior fan said, but his tone was no longer the playful and calm tone at the beginning, and became a little nervous.

"Su... Almighty Martial God, come on! Fight him to death. I have always believed in you."

Ma Mingjie, who had been sitting slumped in the audience with a look of despair, saw the situation on the battlefield and was resurrected with full health.

Now is the time to show off, which he is best at.

"I really don't believe it anymore!"

The coquettish assassin gritted his teeth and rushed towards Sugu.

Continuing to be suppressed by the opponent is a slow death. Maybe the opponent is talented defensively, but not aggressive? Maybe I can break through if I pay a little price.


When the assassin with the most changeable soul power lost the advantage of preemptive strikes and sneak attacks, he was forced to compete head-on with the heavy equipment with the highest peak soul power output.

The outcome is already determined.

Sugu swatted the coquettish assassin away like a fly. After breaking three stone pillars in a row, his body was imprinted on the wall at the edge of the battlefield before he could stop.

The coquettish assassin slipped from the wall and vomited a large mouthful of blood.


The entire audience of Coquettish Assassin fans fell into deathly silence.

A newcomer who had just arrived at the martial arts dojo was beaten like a cannon fodder. It was the first time for them to see a coquettish assassin turn over a car like this.

"The Almighty God of War, awesome!"

At this time, Ma Mingjie's hoarse voice sounded again.

Although there will be a vacuum layer between the arena and the auditorium for sound insulation, it is impossible for Sugu to hear his shouts.

But at this time, I want to hit those people who looked down on their brothers during the fight hard in the face.

In the Netherland Ghost Cave Arena, Sugu was still slowly approaching the coquettish assassin with a heavy shield.

At this moment, the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides was completely reversed. The coquettish assassin's position had been suppressed in a small corner of the arena, and he could only force a head-on collision with Sugu.

"As an assassin, I have lost now. But now, I am not defeated yet."

The coquettish assassin gritted his teeth and stood up.

He didn't know why, but thinking about the other party's calm eyes, his desire to win as a warrior was aroused for a long time.

C-level supernatural power, breeze protection!

A trace of cyan wind lingered in front of him, further increasing the speed of the coquettish assassin.

Then there is this combat skill. After studying it day and night, he has reached the level of perfect mastery.

C-level combat skill Feng Wu Slash!

"It's the move that Sao Tsai used to reach the brave level!"

An old fan exclaimed when he saw the coquettish assassin's moves.

The faces of these people turned from nervous to relieved.

Back when the coquettish assassin was still working hard in the Brave Division, he was once forced into this situation by a seasoned heavy armorer.

But at that time, he used this move to cut the heavily armored soldier into pieces in a head-on confrontation.

A powerful assassin knows not only sneak attacks, but also high-explosive attacks at the expense of everything in desperate situations!

Blessed by supernatural powers, the coquettish assassin seemed to be wrapped in cyan armor at this moment.

Sugu stopped advancing at this moment and looked at the other party with interest.

supernatural combat skills,

Blue Dragon Wind Dance Slash!

The coquettish assassin slashed towards Su Gufeng again.

The two collided, and the raging slashes produced dazzling flames on the thick shields.

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