Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 39 Who are you? You're trying to steal my woman.

After the school registration and major application were completed. Su Gu first gave a speech to the younger students in Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School. Then he took a few group photos with Mayor Liu Chenghui for the city government's publicity.

After finishing these things, Su Gu had no reason to stay in Hangzhou.

Tianjing City, where Xingkong Martial Arts University is located, is hundreds of kilometers away from Hangzhou. The journey is long, and he has to adapt to the school environment in advance.

So Su Gu and Ma Mingjie set off in advance to Tianjing City.

On the day of departure, Su Gu's neighbors came to see him off.

"Xiao Gu, be careful on the road, remember to eat on time every day."

"When you get there, call us to report your safety."

"Xiao Gu, grandpa still has some beef jerky at home, you can take some to eat on the road."

Su Gu is the child these neighbors have seen since childhood.

And now, because of Su Gu, Mayor Liu Chenghui waved his hand to build a subway station near this remote community, connecting the city subway line.

Because of this incident, the prices of their houses have increased several times, and travel has become much more convenient.

Su Gu has brought a huge benefit to the neighbors living near his home, and naturally he is loved by them.

"Uncles, aunts, grandparents, you don't have to see me off, my brother is here to pick me up."

At the gate of the community, Su Gu said goodbye to the neighbors with a smile and got on the black floating luxury car of Ma Mingjie's family.

The neighbors watched the luxury car carrying Su Gu away until they disappeared in the distant sky.

"I guess after this farewell, Su Gu will soar into the sky. I don't know if he will come back to see his home as his starting point."

Someone said with emotion.

Ma Mingjie's family sent Su Gu and the others to the high-speed rail station and then left. On the next journey, if the older generation were to get in among the young people, they would feel constrained. Simply listen to the young people's request and let them go alone.

"Didn't you say you would get your hover car license during the holidays and drive me to school? Why do you want me to take the high-speed train today?"

As soon as he got off the train and left Ma Mingjie's parents, Su Gu immediately started to tease him about not passing the driver's license test.

Ma Mingjie immediately glared at him and cursed:

"Su Gu, stop talking nonsense, you stingy guy, you got so many scholarships, but you didn't even buy a first-class high-speed train ticket.

"I have never taken a seat below business class on public transportation since I was a child. "

The two of them pushed their suitcases and walked into the high-speed rail station, sitting on the high-speed rail.

Just after getting on the train and putting down their luggage, Ma Mingjie fell asleep in his seat.

Su Gu looked at him and thought to himself.

I heard that this guy has been working on a website recently and is busy until late every day. He refused to tell me what he was doing.

Since his brother didn't want to say, Su Gu wouldn't ask in detail.

Seeing that Ma Mingjie had fallen asleep, Su Gu asked the flight attendant to cover Ma Mingjie with a blanket, while he sat in his seat and flipped through the book he had just bought, "The Evolution of Top Martial Arts".

It briefly introduces the history of the derivation of various top martial arts in human history, as well as the characteristics of each period. Su Gu wants to find his own way in martial arts, and this book has a very good reference value.

It is also a good prop to kill time on the road. .


The journey from Hangzhou to Tianjing is long, and the high-speed train has to stop at several platforms along the way.

Su Gu and Ma Mingjie were sitting in a four-person area, and the passengers opposite them came and went.

One of them was reading a book, and the other was sleeping, without being affected at all.

When they were about to reach their destination, a man and a woman sat down opposite them, two people of the same age as Su Gu.

The girl wore glasses and had a pretty face. She looked quite quiet and didn't like to talk.

The boy opposite Su Gu was completely the opposite of the girl. He chattered non-stop after getting on the train.

"Xingkong Martial Arts University is one of the top civilian universities in the entire Xiayu. Zuo Tiantian, we are the only two people in our city who go to this school. We must take care of each other in the future. ”

The boy who called himself Lu Zida kept saying to the girl next to him:

“I’m lucky this year. Not only did I pass the score line of Starry Sky Martial Arts University, but the college I was assigned to is also in line with the martial arts career I want to pursue.”

“After I finish my four years of college and graduate, I will definitely become an independent martial artist.”

The boy talked freely, constantly boasting about his admission to Starry Sky Martial Arts University, and vividly describing his amazing performance in the martial arts exam.

The girl named Zuo Tiantian responded with a smile at first, but later she gradually showed impatience, and it was obvious that her patience with the boy was almost at its limit.

“Fuck, it’s so noisy, can’t I sleep? "

Ma Mingjie, who had been sleeping in his seat, was woken up by the boy who kept chattering. He lifted the blanket covering him and said angrily.

When he saw the girl sitting opposite him, his face suddenly froze, and the mood he had just woken up disappeared immediately.

Then he poked Su Gu with his elbow, and his two pairs of small eyes opened wide and stared at him.

You are so mean, you didn't even ask me to get up and look at such a beautiful girl.

Su Gu immediately glared back.

You sleep like a dead pig, who can wake you up?

After a brief exchange of glances, Su Gu took back the book in his hand. With the noisy character of the guy next to him, he couldn't read the book next.

When Su Gu raised his face that had been buried in the book, Zuo Tiantian saw the appearance of the boy sitting opposite him, who had been covering his face with the book.

At that moment, she seemed to feel that the brightness of the world in her eyes was turned up a little.

The good mood that was just ruined by Lu Zida's nagging was restored a lot after seeing that handsome face.

What a handsome boy.

In addition to his appearance, what made Zuo Tiantian's heart beat was the calm temperament of this boy. His eyes were quiet and peaceful, completely different from many boys who would stick to her with lustful eyes as soon as they came up.

"Hello, classmate. I am Ma Mingjie, a freshman at Starry Sky Martial Arts University. The one next to me is my brother Su Gu, who was also admitted to this school."

"There is only one martial arts university in Tianjing City. We should be classmates."

Ma Mingjie smiled and pulled Su Gu, saying hello to Zuo Tiantian.

Su Gu could only nod helplessly and said, "Hello, my name is Su Gu."

"Zuo Tiantian, a freshman in the Department of Special Powers at Starry Sky Martial Arts University," Zuo Tiantian said to the two with a smile, then he secretly glanced at Su Gu, who was a little absent-minded, and then said:

"Since we are all going to report to Starry Sky Martial Arts University, let's report together later."

"Okay, okay."

Ma Mingjie agreed hurriedly, and then quickly pulled Su Gu's clothes.

The girl obviously feels good about you, so seize the opportunity.

Su Gu's face was helpless. He really didn't understand why these people were so concerned about such a love affair.

Isn't the extraordinary martial arts path enough to attract the energy of these people?

Lu Zida, who was standing by, was anxious and angry when he saw that the girl he had flirted with for so long was now being taken advantage of by two people who came out of nowhere.

But in order to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, he could not get angry and could only interrupt the conversation between the two people.

"My name is Lu Zida, and I am also a freshman at Starry Sky Martial Arts University. By the way, I am from the Warrior Academy, the Warrior Department. Which academy are you from?"

"Mingjie and I both applied for the Command Academy." Su Gu said calmly.

After hearing this, Lu Zida and Zuo Tiantian were both stunned.

Then, the fake smile on Lu Zida's face immediately turned into visible joy.

"Command Academy? The most useless academy that you can go to as long as your family has a little money, and you can go there just to add a layer of gold to your resume?"

He said with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was a waste from the Command Academy. How could such a person compete with him?

"Don't worry, even if your Command Academy is the most useless academy in the whole school, it is still Starry Sky Martial Arts University."

"When the time comes, add this to your resume, and it will be no problem to go out and fool people who don't know anything about it."

Lu Zida said carelessly.

He naturally took back the initiative of the conversation among the four people, and talked to the other three people. His words were all about belittling the Command Academy and indirectly belittling Ma and Su, in order to elevate himself.

Ma Mingjie was so angry that his teeth itched, but seeing that his brother Su Gu was too lazy to look at him, he didn't argue with him to avoid losing face.

Zuo Tiantian, who was standing aside, yawned and felt extremely irritated.

Her eyes kept glancing at Su Gu, who was sitting quietly by the window and looking at the scenery outside.

In addition to looking at him pleasing to the eye, Zuo Tiantian also felt a sense of familiarity when looking at that face, as if she had seen him somewhere before.

But when I think back to the faces of the friends I knew since childhood, there is indeed no such person as Su Gu.

Am I overthinking?

These unintentional actions of Zuo Tiantian were naturally noticed by Lu Zida, who had been focusing on her. He looked at Su Gu, who had been silent, and a surge of anger rose in his heart.

It seems that always using words is always weak.

Only by comparing with some actual cases can Tiantian understand that compared with this useless person with only a face, I am the one who deserves her!

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