Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 40 This is the top scholar! Wait... why is he in the command department?

When the high-speed train stopped at the Tianjing City platform, the four people from the same school who met on the high-speed train were ready to pick up their luggage and go to the school's freshman report office to report.

Ma Mingjie was one step ahead of Lu Zida and helped Zuo Tiantian take out the suitcase, then threw the pink suitcase to Sugu and let the two people walk together.

Then he used his generous body to forcefully separate Lu Zida from Sugu and Zuo Tiantian.

This set of smooth combos was silently rehearsed countless times in the heart when the little fat man listened to Lu Zida bragging about himself in his words on the train.

After using it smoothly, Lu Zida was so angry that he almost didn't leave the high-speed rail station before he took out his weapon and challenged Ma Mingjie to a duel.

When Lu Zida was walking behind, he saw the goddess he had been chasing for so long, and she seemed to take the initiative to approach Sugu inadvertently. When the two of them walked, their left and right arms always stuck together unintentionally. His eyes were almost spitting fire.

Sugu and Ma Mingjie, right? They are just two useless people in the command system, but they actually stole women from me. Today I will step on your face hard!

After walking out of the ticket gate, Lu Zida took the lead and took the initiative to act as a tour guide.

"We don't have to go there by ourselves on the way to Hoshikora Martial Arts University. In order to welcome new students, Hoshikora University cooperated with the city's transportation system and opened a special route to the school."

"We can just wait at the platform of the high-speed rail station for a while. A special car will pick us up soon."

"Furthermore, Martial Arts University adheres to a wolf culture that respects the strong. The higher the test scores of students, the higher-end cars they can pick up and drop off."

"It is said that those provincial champions who were specially recruited by him will be specially picked up and dropped off by their teachers in floating luxury cars."

Lu Zida was talking and leading the way, and they quickly arrived at the waiting point dedicated to Starry Sky Martial Arts.

Not long after, an S-99 Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of the four people.

This military off-road vehicle, which sells for millions outside, is actually used by Xingkong Martial Arts University to pick up and drop off students.

I have to lament the luxury of this school.

"Sugu, let's go to school together."

Zuo Tiantian took the initiative to pull Sugu's sleeve and wanted to sit in the back seat of the car with him. At this moment, Lu Zida held down the car door and stopped her from opening it.

"Sorry, Sugu and classmate Ma Mingjie." Lu Zida said with a smile:

"This bus is here to pick up me and Zuo Tiantian, who is in the same city as me. Judging from the college entrance examination scores, there will be buses to pick up students from your command department."

"It seems that our fate has ended today and we can only part ways here."

Seeing Lu Zida smiling and deliberately making things difficult for others, Zuo Tiantian frowned and said:

"Isn't it just a car ride? Why are you so stingy? Isn't this kind of thing a violation of school rules and regulations?"

"I don't want to be like this, but the rules are the rules." Lu Zida looked extremely proud.

He just wanted to rely on this matter to make Sugu and Ma Mingjie understand the gap between them.

After today, he didn't believe that the two of them had lost such a big face, and he didn't believe that the other party would still have the shamelessness to come to Zuo Tiantian again.

Then Lu Zida stepped forward, patted Su Gu on the shoulder, and said in an old-fashioned way:

"Classmate Sugu, since we are traveling together, I will give you a message today."

"A good school doesn't mean you are good. Although you can barely go to the same university as me with some money saved by your parents, this is not your ability."

"It's for your own good that I won't let you get in the car today. After all, on the road of life, how many people will let strangers get in the car."

"Remember today's lesson and work hard to catch up with me in the future."

In front of Zuo Tiantian, he gave Sugu a hard lesson. Lu Zida's heart, which had been blocked ever since he got off the high-speed train, finally felt relieved.

Sugu glanced at him lightly, then gently patted his arm on his shoulder away, and then said:

"No, the car to pick us up has arrived."

"Oh, the bus to pick you and Ma Mingjie up has arrived. In that case, I will..."


The roar of an engine came from the sky, interrupting Lu Zida's words.

The four of them looked up at the same time and saw a streamlined and exaggerated floating luxury car slowly descending from above their heads and parked next to the S-99 Mercedes.

Lu Zida's mouth slowly opened. This is the X-100 model Bugatti Veyron.

Although it looks like the size of an ordinary off-road vehicle, this vehicle has a small ecological circulation system inside. If the owner is willing and his body is strong enough, he can even drive this car out of the atmosphere.

When this car is parked next to the S-99 Mercedes, it looks like a piece of exquisite Damascus steel next to a rusty steel bar.

The two simply cannot be compared.

"Isn't this Director Xie? You actually came out in person. Is this because the school has a task for you to do?"

At this moment, the person sitting in the driver's seat of the S-99 Mercedes stuck his head out of the window and spoke respectfully to the owner of the Veyron.

"There is a very special student. I want to pick him up personally."

Jie Sanli got off the car and said helplessly.

When Lu Zida heard these words, his whole body suddenly trembled, and then his heart trembled with excitement.

The director of the school personally drove to pick up the students. Which student can have such a great reputation?

There are only four freshmen from Star Martial Arts University standing here waiting for the bus.

Those two losers in the command system can be excluded directly, and Zuo Tiantian's college entrance examination score is not as high as hers.

From this point of view, could it be... Could it be that Director Xie is here to pick me up?

Lu Zida's heart was beating loudly, and it seemed that it was exactly what he felt. The director named Xie Sanli waved towards him with a smile.

Just when he was thinking about how to give the other party a good impression, Sugu beside him said calmly:

"Long time no see, Teacher Xie. I didn't expect you to pick me up when school starts. It's troublesome."

"Actually, it didn't take long." Xie Sanli smiled and said, "Now that you're here, hurry up and get in the car. I'll take you to school."

Lu Zida, who had been smiling just now, seemed to be possessed by the power of petrification. His smile froze along with his whole body.

The director of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, specially here to pick up the trash from the command department?

How can this be?

Could it be that this person named Sugu is from a big family? What's the connection with heaven?

But among the top aristocratic families in Xia Territory, there is no one named Su.

"I'm sorry, I never mentioned it before, but my brother is the top scholar in the province's martial arts examination."

"So this car is here to pick up my brother."

Ma Mingjie said to Lu Zida with a smile.

My brother likes to keep a low profile, but I like to be slapped in the face the most. Weren't you such an arrogant educator just now? Now call me another one.

Zuo Tiantian on the side covered her mouth in disbelief. She never expected that Sugu, who was so low-key on the road, would be the provincial champion.

And the top scorer in the martial arts examination and... the command system?

Why are these two unrelated labels attached to the same person?

Suddenly, Zuo Tiantian's big eyes slowly opened wide and her pupils began to shrink.

She finally knew why she always felt familiar when looking at Sugu. Sugu was indeed not her classmate in the city, and she searched the wrong memory.

"Sugu, you are from Hangzhou. In this year's college entrance examination, you must be the one who crossed the realm and killed the warrior-level starry sky titan."

Hangcheng made a promotional video for Sugu, and following the controversy surrounding the unfair college entrance examination, the video became popular.

Zuo Tiantian also saw the video, but she never expected that the boy who killed the enemy with a knife in the video was actually sitting opposite her along the way.

Zuo Tiantian's eyes gradually changed when she looked at Sugu, from her favorable impression of handsome men of the same age to her admiration for powerful warriors.

Lu Zida moved his stiff head when Zuo Tiantian was talking. When he saw the change in his goddess's eyes, he felt his heart twitching and hurting.

"It's fake, it's all fake." He whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

"Since we are together, it is fate. Tiantian, you will also ride to school with us."

Ma Mingjie greeted Zuo Tiantian with a smile.

"Me?" Zuo Tiantian was slightly stunned when she heard someone calling her name. Then she realized that she had been staring at a boy and was acting a bit rude.

She blushed slightly and turned her head away. After Sugu expressed no objection, she nodded in agreement.

Feeling the pain as if his heart was throbbing, Lu Zida knew that all this was true.

And just before leaving, Sugu smiled and patted Lu Zida on the shoulder.

The principle he has always adhered to is not to cause trouble and not be afraid of trouble. Since the other party has caused him trouble, Sugu doesn't mind giving him a lesson.

"I'm sorry, classmate Lu Zida, it's not convenient for you to get in the car that's here to pick me up."

"But for the sake of your kindness just now, I will leave you with a few words."

"Just because the school is awesome doesn't mean you are awesome."

"It's for your own good that I won't let you get in the car today. After all, on the road of life, how many people will let strangers get in the car."

After speaking, Sugu turned and left.

Lu Zida stared at the words the other party said in his own words and returned them intact.

Then he watched Zuo Tiantian, who he had flirted with for a long time, finally get into the back seat of a luxury car with Sugu, and then the suspended luxury car took off and flew into the distance.

He seemed to hear his heart being broken like glass.


The Mercedes driver who had been waiting for him honked his horn impatiently, then stuck his head in and said, "Are you leaving or not?"

Lu Zida said with the strength that was about to crush his teeth:

"Let's go, why don't you go!"

He got in the car and said in his heart:

"Although I don't know why Sugu chose the Command Academy, the teaching resources of the Command Department of Star Martial Arts University are not even half as good as those of other academies."

"Even if you are the provincial champion, in this case, you will definitely fall behind."

"I also have a chance to surpass you and defeat you."

Lu Zida swore in his heart that he would avoid today's shame!

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