Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 4 Do the civil service candidates also want to take the military exam? I suggest you give up

The responsible police officer carefully questioned Su Gu for half an hour and called the school to verify.

Finally, it was confirmed that Su Gu was a martial arts student and that he had not been robbed by martial artists while practicing martial arts at home. It was not a martial artist pretending to be a victim.

Then, as usual, he checked Su Gu's home.

Looking at the damage Su Gu had caused on the reinforced concrete surface and repeatedly confirming Su Gu's age, these people were amazed.

Before leaving, the police told him that he could practice martial arts but not cause nuisance to the public, and then left Su Gu with his contact information.

They said that if Su Gu was interested in the Police Officer University in the martial arts exam ten days later, they could write a letter of recommendation.

Su Gu smiled and said, "Thank you, police officer." Then he sent the police officers out.

He casually threw the letter of recommendation behind him.

The Police Officer University is a key university that many martial arts students dream of, but Su Gu has no intention of choosing it.

Since he traveled through time, he knew that this world had martial arts that were not available in his previous life, so he made up his mind to walk this path.

Other things were not considered.

"Just practicing a long sword, and it caused such damage... I was going to practice all the eighteen weapons, side weapons, and basic boxing tonight."

"Now let's see, forget it. After all, martial arts is a killing skill. Even if the power is at the will, it cannot be used without scruples. In a civilized society, it will have a bad influence on neighbors and yourself."

"Go to the martial arts hall to practice tomorrow."

Su Gu made a brief plan, then sat cross-legged on the futon, while disassembling the fighting skills in his mind, and fell asleep.

At six o'clock the next day,

Su Gu opened his eyes from the futon on time, not a second late.

After a simple wash, he sent a message to Ma Mingjie and went out to the martial arts hall.

"Xiao Su, the police told us about what happened last night. You can't practice martial arts too much. The college entrance examination is coming soon. If you practice too much, it will hurt your body."

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Grandpa Liu. I'll buy you a bottle of wine after the exam."

"That's what we mean. Neighbors in the community, who all hope you can do better in the exam? We just hope you don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have to go out to practice martial arts so early. You are too diligent."

The old men and women who just left the apartment building and got up early for morning exercises surrounded Su Gu and said with concern.

Although the residential area is not good, the neighbors are harmonious. Su Gu feels very warm every day here.

Smiled and thanked the neighbors for their blessings.

Su Gu left the community, took the bus to the city, walked 100 meters, and came to the city's largest martial arts hall, Wu's Martial Arts Hall.

The 40-meter-high building is full of the sound of martial arts practice. The luxurious decoration outside the door shows that the consumption here is not low.

"Great discount, 600 for one practice in the martial arts hall, half price for college entrance examination candidates!"

"It's so expensive, it's simply robbery." Looking at the sign at the door, Su Gu sighed.

He came to the martial arts gym to practice casually for an hour, without even the guidance of a famous teacher, and it cost him three hundred yuan just for this time.

"It's just like this in the early stage of martial arts. The further you go, the more resources you need will increase exponentially. If you want to roam the stars, the resources you need are even more astronomical."

"No wonder most top martial artists come from aristocratic families. For ordinary people like us, the only way to become martial artists is to take the college entrance examination."

Su Gu shook his head slightly, but he didn't feel sad because of the money. After all, he called for support from Mr. Ma before leaving.

"Oh my God, Brother Su, you asked me out early in the morning, not to play, but to the martial arts gym? And you want me to pay. Do you still have a conscience?" Ma Mingjie came out from somewhere and complained beside Su Gu.

Su Gu smiled and said, "The college entrance examination is coming soon. After the exam, let's go crazy again."

Ma Mingjie nodded happily and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm so hardworking. When the time comes, I can use this as an excuse to ask my dad to make some pocket money. It's only 600 yuan, I still have money to earn."

The two walked into the martial arts hall side by side. Ma Mingjie ran to the front desk to pay, while Su Gu was lost in thought at the oil paintings hanging in the magnificent hall.

It was an oil painting with the theme of the Dark Ages of Humanity. One after another, human heroes who left their names in history fought against alien races in the starry sea.

The heroic posture and strong martial arts will conveyed in the oil painting infected the people outside the painting.

"A real man should be like this."

Su Gu clenched his fist involuntarily and said secretly in his heart.

"You are...Su Gu? You haven't given up the martial arts exam yet." A surprised voice interrupted Su Gu's thoughts of looking at the oil painting.

He looked back, seeing the familiar school uniform, the same as his own, he was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly:

"No. 1 Middle School, Martial Arts Class, Zheng Di?"

He seemed to be in the same school as him, and the first in the Martial Arts Class, Su Gu was a little unsure.

Zheng Di nodded, and his expression was a little surprised.

The person in front of him was a big celebrity in the school. He was found to have the most useless superpower in the history of the school in the first year of high school, which caused a sensation. In the second year of high school, he went to the study room of the Martial Arts Class to borrow combat skills and exercise his body. He insisted on taking the Martial Arts Class.

Even so, he still ranked first in the whole school in the liberal arts exam. He can be said to be a weirdo among the weirdos.

Now in the third year of high school, he hasn't seen Su Gu come to the school's combat hall to study for a long time, and thought that he had finally given up this path.

"I thought you had given up the martial arts exam. To be honest, you can just be the top scorer in the liberal arts exam. Why waste time and energy? Things that are not suitable are not suitable."

"I think I can still give it a try."

Sugu smiled and didn't explain much. The other party is not familiar with him, and after nine days, everything will be revealed.

Why say anything more.

"Zheng Di, he is the one you said was the weird one in your school." A boy with slicked back hair and an arrogant walking posture walked out from behind Zheng Di.

He stood in front of Sugu and looked at him up and down.

"Brother, your supernatural powers are not even considered to be in the mainstream, and you are still taking a crappy martial arts test. You should give up now."

"Why do you have to run out and waste social resources?"

After he finished speaking, the look on his face became even more arrogant, and he seemed to really enjoy the feeling of guiding other people's lives.

He spoke loudly and exposed Sugu's short hair directly in front of everyone, which attracted some sideways glances from people passing by.

Even though Sugu usually has a good temper, he is frowning slightly now. He and the other party don't know each other, so what is he pretending to do in front of him?

"Wu Yi, what are you pretending to be? In the martial arts gym, if your father is not here, no one will educate you, right? Sugu and I are guests, do you understand?"

"Believe it or not, I told your dad about this and asked him to kill you."

After paying the money, Ma Mingjie saw his brother being blocked by someone. He immediately ran over, pointed at Wu Yi with great momentum, and pushed him over with a louder voice than him.

When Wu Yi saw others talking about his father, his eyes and nostrils suddenly bulged. But when he saw Ma Mingjie, he immediately took his breath back.

Ma Mingjie's father is the richest man in this area, more powerful than his father who runs a martial arts gym. He can be arrogant in front of Sugu, but not in front of Ma Mingjie.

After the four of them were in a stalemate for a while, Ma Mingjie pulled Sugu and left the martial arts hall.

"Wu Yi from Martial Arts High School, he owns this martial arts gym. If he gives you trouble in the future, you come to me."

"Haha, no need." Sugu didn't pay attention to this matter.

"How's it going? Brother, wasn't he handsome just now?" Ma Mingjie turned his head and said with a proud look on his face.

"My son has grown up and knows how to be filial to his father." Sugu sighed.

"Get out of here, grandson!"


"Depend on!"

"Isn't it because your father is richer than mine? When I go to a top martial arts university and surpass you in cultivation, I'll see how arrogant you can be." Wu Yi cursed.

Zheng Di looked at Wu Yi and said nothing.

Although the two sides clashed over Su Gu, for a useless superpower like Su Gu, his life would definitely be in danger if he participated in the martial arts test, and it could even be said to be death.

He is destined not to become a warrior.

The identity of a warrior can be equated with many beautiful terms such as money, power, and strength.

This destined that Sugu would not be in the same circle as them in the future.

The only person worth caring about is Ma Mingjie, and Sugu can completely ignore it.

"Stop complaining, open a martial arts training room, and we can compete."

Zheng Di looked at Wu Yi and said calmly.

Even so, Sugu is from our school, and you are an arrogant idiot from a foreign school.

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