Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 5: One person, one hour, clear the martial arts hall

Martial arts practice is a highly private matter. No one wants their combat skills to be exposed and studied by others.

Ma Mingjie and Sugu opened a martial arts training room alone, and they met for a dinner an hour later.

Sugu entered his training room.

The walls around the martial arts room are made of black alloy, and various cold weapons and commonly used firearms are neatly placed at the entrance.

Sugu's face gradually showed excitement. He took off his school uniform, revealing the black military uniform underneath. The lean and streamlined muscles are revealed, coupled with his sunny and handsome face, the male hormones are simply overflowing.

He stood on tiptoes and jumped slightly.

Sugu's body rose slowly. When the soles of his feet were more than one meter above the ground, his body rose to the highest point, and then the whole person stayed in the air at the origin for 30 seconds.

Then it fell slowly like a feather.

This ability to stay in the air, which seems to defy gravity, is a manifestation of the peak mastery of one's own muscles.

"The condition is good." Sugu clenched and relaxed his fists.

He randomly took two assassin daggers from the entrance. The dagger turned back and forth in the palms of his hands, like two flying butterflies.

After feeling the length and center of gravity of the weapon, Sugu held the two daggers forward and backward.

"First come 100 human stakes." Sugu said, licking his lips.

The Human Stake is a humanoid target made of synthetic meat. The feedback produced after an attack is close to the human body. A common item in self-training in martial arts schools is how many human stakes a martial artist can cause fatal damage to within a specified time.

At the secret door of the martial arts room, a hundred humanoid flesh targets moved on rollers quickly came in.

These meaty targets moved wildly on the field at the fastest sprint speed of ordinary people, and from time to time they would slam into Sugu from the blind spot.

And Sugu suddenly disappeared on the spot, and the human pile hit the air.

Tower, the sound of footsteps.

Combat skill [Shunstep].

Sugu suddenly appeared behind the human stake, the dagger in his hand piercing the heart.

[Cause fatal damage, kill count 1]

The radio in the martial arts training room made a sound, and immediately after the human stake was penetrated through the heart, it lost its power source and stayed in place.

And Sugu's figure disappeared again.

Tower, [Shunstep]

He reappeared behind the human pile twenty meters away.

[Cause fatal damage, kill count 2]


[Cause fatal damage, kill count 16]



[Cause fatal damage, kill count 100]

[Congratulations on completing the challenge, it took 31.12 seconds. 】

[Congratulations on breaking the martial arts gym’s fastest time record. Are you willing to leave a record of your name? 】

"No, anonymous."

Sugu stopped next to the last meat pile and shook his head with some dissatisfaction.

"In other words, if I use a dagger and face a hundred adults, it will take me more than thirty seconds to deal with it?"

"Sure enough, assassins are not suitable for confrontation."

Immediately afterwards, Sugu took out a long sword.

"One hundred more."

Hundreds of human stakes attacked again.

This time Sugu did not disappear. He held a long sword in his hand and rushed towards the human stake closest to him.

Combat skill, [Breeze Stab]!

[Cause fatal damage, kill count 100]

[Congratulations on completing the challenge, it took 24.78 seconds. 】

[Congratulations on breaking the martial arts gym’s fastest time record. Are you willing to leave a record of your name? 】


Sugu licked his lips, the warm-up was completed, and his body began to gradually heat up.

This time he switched to a long stick.

[Congratulations on completing the challenge, it took 20.11 seconds. 】


[Congratulations on completing the challenge, it took 16.14 seconds. 】


[Congratulations on completing the challenge, it took 12.34 seconds. 】


Sugu couldn't help but let out a cry of relief.

This feeling of using your own power without any scruples is so refreshing!

Moreover, during the battle, Sugu felt that the combat skills that he had already mastered were actually loosening, and the experience value increased with every breath.

[Complete one breath], [C-level assassin steps: Shunpo] experience +5, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Breeze Stab] experience +3, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

In the past, every time Sugu breathed, his experience value would only increase a little, but in actual combat, it would increase several times.

"Sure enough, warriors still have to fight in real combat. This human body is a dead thing after all. If the person I fight is a star alien race or a real person, then maybe I can take the opportunity to break through to the realm of mastery of these combat skills." Sugu Licking his lips, he picked up a long knife.

[Lion's Roar and Ten Thousand Tiger Blades] is the only A-level combat skill he has mastered, and it is also the most lethal ability today.

The moment he was about to use his combat skills, his entire aura changed.

"2,000 more." Sugu said with high fighting spirit.

[Only 980 of the human stakes in the Wu Family Martial Arts Hall have been destroyed by you. 】

Sugu was stunned for a moment. Did he clear the level?

"Then bring up all 980."

Sugu said helplessly.

Then, at the secret door where the human body was transported, there was a vibration as if the earth was shaking.

A group of flesh-man piles rushed towards Su Gu like a wave, and the number seemed to fill the room.

However, Su Gu seemed to be unaware of it. At this moment, he could only feel himself and the knife in his hand.

When the man, knife and spirit were combined into one, Su Gu slashed hard.

The terrifying knife light, accompanied by the roar of an ancient beast, swept the entire martial arts room.

The more than 900 flesh-man piles were torn apart in an instant, and a crack was cut into the wall of the martial arts room made of black alloy.

[Congratulations on completing the challenge in 1.21 seconds. ]

"Not bad." Su Gu nodded with satisfaction.

Although the whole room was messed up by him, the user does not need to compensate for any damage in the martial arts room. This is the rule.

Su Gu looked at the time. It was almost an hour. It was time to have dinner with Ma Mingjie.


"I won."

Zheng Di was pale, holding a bladeless dagger against Wu Yi's heart.

The sword in Wu Yi's hand fell off, and he cursed and admitted defeat.

The two ended the competition.

Wu Yi looked at Zheng Di in disbelief.

"You can actually activate [Instant Step] three times in a short period of time!"

"Although [Instant Step] is only a C-level combat skill, it is extremely practical and is a must-have skill for assassins."

"In the hands of experienced assassins, this thing is more terrifying than many B-level skills."

Zheng Di's face was calm, but he was proud in his heart.

In fact, his limit is to activate [Instant Step] four times in a row within 20 seconds!

It is precisely because of this ability that as a student of a comprehensive high school, he will challenge Wu Yi, who is in the key class of a martial arts high school.

It is also because of this ability that he has the confidence to impact the key institutions of martial arts university.

"I dare not say more, but the first place in our school's martial arts exam this year must be me."

Zheng Di said secretly in his heart.


At this moment, a sound like an explosion came from the martial arts training room above his head.

Then, Wu Yi's mobile phone sent a reminder.

"There are not enough human stakes. Please replenish them as soon as possible."

The two looked at each other and were stunned.

"That's not right. The human stakes were just delivered to our family yesterday."

"What was that explosion just now? Did someone plant explosives in the martial arts room?"

The two got up from their resting chairs at the same time and went to check what was going on.

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