Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 44: Can a heavy-armored sword cut through bullets?

Looking at the soul bullets shot at him, Su Gu smiled.

He leaned forward, kicked the ground with his feet, and attacked directly in the direction of the reincarnation of the gun god without any intention of dodging.

Facing the deadly bullets flying towards his vitals in a straight line, Su Gu swung the black gold sword in his hand as he wished.

Dang! Dang! Dang!!

The black gold sword accurately slashed on the trajectory of the three bullets.

The kinetic energy of the soul bullets was powerful, and the three slashing sounds were louder than the other.

But Su Gu's sword was very steady, as if what he just chopped was just a flying goose feather.

The eyes of the reincarnation of the gun god condensed. This slashing that seemed to be tempered by thousands of hammers was a master of swordsmanship!

It seems that this guy is lucky. He can actually get the weapon he is best at randomly.

The reincarnation of the gun god quickly distanced himself. If the long-range warrior was approached, it would be over.

While retreating, the laser gun in the Gun God's right hand kept shaking, firing one arc gun after another.

He shot at Su Gu's direction at various tricky angles to interfere with Su Gu who wanted to get close.

And his left hand kept inputting superimposed soul power into another large-caliber laser gun.

This is the classic long-range fighting method, kiting the opponent while accumulating strength. When the superimposed soul power in their weapons is large enough, one shot can pry open the heavy shell!

At this moment, the audience in the audience seats looked at the situation in the arena, and the expressions on their faces became a little dull.

There is no doubt that this contest is a rare, boutique-level competition in the cannon fodder stage.

Whether it is the Almighty Martial God or the reincarnation of the Gun God, they have a very deep accumulation of martial arts.

But what confused them was another thing. They watched the Almighty Martial God wielding the black gold sword in his hand in a chic and freehand manner.

No matter how strange the trajectory of the arc gun shot from the reincarnation of the Gun God was, he could easily cut it open.

What a strong sword-wielding skill!


Aren't you a heavy-armored warrior!

Those audience members who wanted to watch him fight and learn heavy-armored skills for the title of the Almighty Martial God were now extremely confused.

"Isn't this ID a heavy-armored warrior? What kind of warrior is he? Can anyone tell me?"

Someone couldn't help asking, but no one present could answer his question.

And the most confused person in the entire audience was the coquettish assassin who was recently defeated by the Almighty Martial God.

The coquettish assassin looked at the operation of the Almighty Martial God on the field and opened his eyes in disbelief.

"What on earth is going on?"

For ordinary people, it is very good to be able to master a weapon in their lifetime.

But what is the situation in front of me? Why did he just abuse my ID with a heavy-armored shield a few days ago, and then he could use a sword again?

This is using weapons across martial arts professions, and the proficiency is so abnormally high.

The coquettish assassin felt dizzy, and everything that happened in front of him challenged his basic martial arts concept.

"After all, his ID is [Almighty Martial God], so it's normal for him to know more things."

Just then, the fat man who claimed to be a fan of the Almighty Martial God patted his shoulder and said.

The corner of the coquettish assassin's mouth twitched. Is this an ID problem?

In the arena, the duel between Su Gu and the reincarnation of the gun god continued.

As time went by, Su Gu had gradually seen through the ballistic habits of the reincarnation of the gun god. He was moving faster and faster, and the arc gun could no longer stop him from getting close.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the reincarnation of the gun god. He really didn't expect that the cannon fodder section could match such a master and force himself to this point.

Although the soul power storage of the laser gun in his left hand is not perfect, he can only fight now!

Just when he raised his hand to shoot, Su Gu's eyes condensed. He had been waiting for this opportunity.

B-level combat skills, Hundred Steps Flying Sword!

The sword of the alien blood alloy flew out of his hand, like threading a needle, and directly shattered the energy-storing laser gun in the left hand of the reincarnation of the gun god.

Then Su Gu moved forward, grasped the hilt of the sword again before the flying sword landed, and pointed the long sword in his hand at the neck of the reincarnation of the gun god.

"This battle is over."

The audience outside the arena whispered.

It is impossible to turn the tables when a warrior with such strength is close to him at a distance.

"How could this happen?" The coquettish assassin murmured.

He thought that the Almighty Martial God would win from the beginning, but the way he won was too different from what he imagined.

Using the heavy armor of the sword, what the hell!

Ma Mingjie beside him looked proud. When he returned, the Almighty Martial God would definitely gain another wave of fans.

With Su Ge's style of play, if he played a few more times, maybe the website would be profitable.

But in the audience, when they were waiting for the winner of the martial arts arena to be announced, these people waited and waited but could not get it.

What's going on?

The audience, confused, focused their attention on the arena again.

Su Gu pointed his sword at the neck of the reincarnated gun god, but his eyes showed vigilance.

He was even more vigilant than when he faced the arc gun and the energy gun just now.

"Are you going to continue pretending?" Su Gu said calmly.

Pretend? What are you pretending for?

The audience staring at the arena looked confused.

You have been pretending for the whole fight.

The reincarnated gun god looked at Su Gu and smiled. This guy is really interesting.

He probably saw through his disguise and judged his real martial arts profession the first time he saw him.

So even though the weapon had been shot down, he did not rush in, but chose to maintain a certain safe position.

I really didn't expect that I could meet such an interesting opponent while practicing my gun.

Since you want to play, then I will accompany you!

The reincarnation of the gun god's muscles were tense, and he looked even more burly at this moment.

Then he made a move that made the audience speechless. He threw away the two laser guns in his hands.

After the two silver laser guns fell into the swamp, they sank quickly.

"Did this gun god give up?"

The people in the audience looked at this situation and stroked their foreheads.

"It's understandable. He was suppressed to this extent by the almighty martial god with two guns. Now one gun has been useless. Is there any need to watch the next battle?"

"It's really boring. It ended like this."

The long-range warrior can be said to be the most weapon-dependent profession among all martial arts professions. Directly giving up the weapon in hand is almost the same as directly saying surrender.

And then, the reincarnation of the gun god made a move that shocked everyone at the scene.

The soul power of the reincarnated gun god surged all over his body, concentrated on his arms, and turned into soul armor visible to the naked eye.

A-level combat skills, soul armor.

Then he ignored the black gold knife pointing at his neck and punched directly at Su Gu's face.

Before the fist reached, the fist wind had arrived.

The strong wind danced Su Gu's black hair, and a fist as big as a bowl suddenly attacked.

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