Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 45: Sword-slashing frenzy! Beast-transforming superpowers!

Sugu tilted his head to the right and avoided the punch that hit his face.

But the wind that swirled around his fist still cut his cheek and left a wound.

Scarlet blood flowed into Sugu's mouth along the wound. He took a lick and looked at the enemy in front of him.

Yes, this is what it looks like.

The reincarnation of the Gun God snorted coldly. Originally, he was planning to blow the opponent's head off with this punch to end the battle.

Being able to react to a surprise attack at such a close range, this guy is indeed difficult to deal with. It was only a matter of time before he was promoted to the brave level.

The reincarnated gun god's attacks did not stop, and the next punch had already arrived.


Suguti blocked with his sword, and the next moment the fists and swords met, his body flew up on the spot like a cannonball.

This monster with huge strength actually blew Sugu away with his sword.

The expressions on the faces of the spectators in the auditorium froze as they looked at this scene.

what happened?

This battle was exciting, but the things the two warriors kept showing left these people with questions.

First, they originally thought it was a heavily armored all-powerful Martial God. They chose a random weapon and rolled themselves a black gold sword.

I originally thought that this guy was going to kill himself with the black gold sword, but he reloaded and was very good with the sword, directly suppressing the long-range warrior.

That's all. The long-range warrior who was originally in a desperate situation was reincarnated by the Gunslinger and took the initiative to throw away his weapons, and then fought hand-to-hand with the Almighty Martial God.

And what’s with this exaggerated power and melee combat ability?

"What on earth is going on in this battle?" someone murmured.

Many viewers felt that their brains were running out.

"This person is not a cannon fodder at all." The coquettish assassin opened his eyes wide and stared at the reincarnation of the gun god and said.

When Ma Mingjie saw this, he immediately asked anxiously: "What's going on? Brother, please explain."

Sugu, who had just suddenly had the advantage, was suppressed, and the offensive and defensive momentum changed in an instant. This made Ma Mingjie extremely anxious. He had just established a fan website and did not want to see Sugu defeated in the second game.

The coquettish assassin gritted his teeth and said: "Some people who want to broaden their martial arts path will choose to buy a new This situation.”

Ma Mingjie: "That is to say, this shameless person opened a trumpet to abuse the cannon fodder, right?"

"In layman's terms, it's like this."

The coquettish assassin nodded and said:

"Judging from the current attack line, the true martial arts profession of this future gun god should be a berserker."

"The owner behind this ID is a madman. He actually uses a long-range warrior that is completely opposite to his own profession to start a new challenge. I guess he is not the kind of unknown person who can drop out of the ranks at any time in the brave ranks."

"When this battle is over, his real ID will be exposed, and this account will be useless."

After listening to the coquettish assassin's explanation, Ma Mingjie's eyes almost popped out.

The berserker can actually win fifteen times in a row using a gun. Now that he has given up his gun, how strong will he be?

Ma Mingjie could only clasp his hands and pray carefully for Sugu. The second opponent I was matched with in the martial arts dojo had a level higher than my own, and my brother was really unlucky.

Sugu flew more than ten meters away and landed. The reincarnated fist of the gun god came over again, and the collision between the fist and the sword actually made a violent sound of gold and iron clashing.

Sugu stabilized his body and was not punched away like just now, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was being suppressed by the pair of fists wrapped around the soul armor.

He can still hold on now, but if he can't break the situation quickly, this oppression will be like a swamp under his feet, sinking people deeper and deeper until they truly enter a deadlock.

"The Almighty Martial God's defeat has been revealed, and the outcome of this battle has been decided."

"This punch is as heavy as a cannonball. I can't think of how the Almighty Martial God can defend himself. This battle is over."

"This guy deserves what he deserves. He insists on random weapons. If he had used a heavy shield, he might have been able to hold on a little longer in the face of the Berserker's onslaught. Now, all I can say is haha."

The people in the audience shook their heads as they looked at Sugu who was constantly being suppressed.

Many people have already chosen to withdraw from the audience, and there should be no reversal in this battle.

Then at this moment, the gun god reincarnated in the gap between the fists, and a sword light flashed through.

There was a bloody hole in his shoulder.

The reincarnation of the Gun God followed the sword light and looked at Sugu holding the sword, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Under his own suppression, he could still fight back? ! And what kind of combat skill was that just now? How could it be so fast?

The reincarnation of the gun god endured the pain from his shoulder. Although I don't know how this guy did it, I won't be hit by the same move twice.

The suppression has begun and must not stop. I am a berserker!

Just when the gunman was about to ignore the wound and continue the attack.

The next moment, the same skill, but in a different position, caused a similar flower of blood to bloom on his right leg.

call out!

This time the Gunslinger was reincarnated without any hesitation and quickly backed away, his face full of disbelief.

This guy actually saw through it and completely adapted to his own attack rhythm in such a short period of time!

In the audience, the coquettish assassin had the same expression.

"Why is it like this again?"

"This reincarnation of the gun god has the strength of a brave warrior, why is he the same as me."

He said in disbelief.

The last time he fought with the Almighty God of War, it was the same. As the fight went on, it seemed that all his moves were seen through by the opponent.

No matter how to organize the attack next, it was useless.

"Who are you?"

The reincarnation of the gun god stared at Su Gu and asked coldly. With such a level, it is impossible for him to be an unknown person, but he really couldn't recall the corresponding name from the battle with him.

Which family is this Almighty God of War's hidden trump card?

Su Gu stood quietly in place. Facing the enemy's retreat, he had no desire to pursue and let it leave his attack range.

And he was too lazy to answer this question. He looked at the enemy calmly.

The indifferent eyes seemed to be looking at a toy he was tired of playing with.

Then, Su Gu pointed his sword at the neck of the reincarnation of the gun god, and slowly slashed it downward.

This is a classic provocative action, and the meaning is very simple.

The next move, I will finish you off.

The reincarnation of the gun god's eyes condensed slightly, and then he laughed angrily. Was he underestimated?

"Do you think you can win just by stabbing me twice?"

The reincarnation of the gun god said coldly, and then a group of steam began to emit from the wounds on his body.

The two wounds where bones could be seen began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. And a layer of gray fur began to grow on the body of the reincarnation of the gun god, his ears became sharp, and his pupils changed to vertical pupils.

A-level superpower, beast transformation - werewolf!

After activating the superpower, the reincarnation of the gun god seemed to have turned into a monster in ancient Western mythology.

Looking at his appearance, everyone in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Anderson, he is Anderson from the Stark family."

At this moment, everyone recognized his identity. This beast-transformation ability is too representative. Only one family in the entire human race can do it.

The Stark, one of the ten martial arts families that dominates the solar system and is above any federal government.

This is one of the iconic abilities that only their family has!

"This Anderson is a sophomore student at the Stark Family University. He entered the Brave Stage in his freshman year. I guess this time he hopes to expand his martial arts and try to reach the Elite Stage."

Soon someone found information on the Internet and revealed Anderson's intelligence.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were once again on Su Gu, who was confronting the monster that turned into a werewolf.

"What a pity."

In the audience, someone sighed softly.

Everyone knew tacitly what he was regretting.

If the Almighty Martial God had not let the Gun God go easily and did not give him the opportunity to use his ability, there would still be a possibility of victory.

But now it's over.

This is the name Stark, the reputation created by ruling the top of mankind for a hundred years.

"According to the information circulating on the Internet, once Anderson uses beast transformation, not only will his body be transformed. His body data will be doubled, his pain sensitivity will be reduced, and his body will have the effect of super-speed recovery of C-level superpowers."

The coquettish assassin looked at the information and sighed slightly.

Just looking at the description in the text can make him feel a headache. If he put it in his own case, he really doesn't know how to deal with this monster.

Ma Mingjie beside him swallowed a mouthful of saliva. That punch can knock people more than ten meters away. Can it be strengthened!

Ma Mingjie looked at Su Gu in the arena with a face full of worry.

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