Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 49 Fifty times the gravity, the terrifying environment of the Thousand-Layer Tower!

Sugu looked at the two male students blocking him. One had a short haircut and the other had shoulder-length hair.

He took out the certificate given to him by understanding Sanli and said:

"I entered the Thousand-story Pagoda to practice cultivation. This is the permission given by Teacher Xie."

The person blocking the road glanced at the voucher, and then said calmly:

"Although I have Director Xie's credentials, there are still some rules that must be observed." The gatekeeper smiled and handed over two pairs of bracelets and said:

"Most of the people who come here are young and energetic young warriors, and many of the combat skills in the Thousand Layer Martial Arts Tower are quite valuable, and some of them are already unique."

"So in order to protect the collection of combat skills, some young people who are prone to being enthusiastic should be given some exercise to avoid unnecessary losses."

"Every student who enters the Thousand-Layered Pagoda to practice must wear a gravity bracelet."

"It's this again." Sugu had a strange expression on his face.

He thought about how one month before the college entrance examination, he wore a three-gravity bracelet to practice practice. As a result, he was too selfless and lost control of his strength. The police came to check the water meter.

"Junior, it's not that we are making things difficult for you. This is indeed the school's rule. It will be very difficult for us if you don't abide by it."

The two people blocking the road looked at Sugu's expression and said helplessly.

Sugu recalled what Xie Sanli said to him on the floating car, "How much you can learn when entering a martial arts place depends on your own ability." Then he glanced at the pair of gravity bracelets on the hands of the two of them.

It seems that the reason for saying this is here.

Sugu nodded and said, "Give me the gravity bracelet."

Sugu took the bracelet, put it on and adjusted it to five times gravity. Then he walked easily into the Thousand-Layered Tower.

Looking at Sugu's back as he walked in, the two gatekeepers looked at each other, then immediately took out their mobile phones and made a call.

"Zheng Lu, what you told us has been taken care of. The two broken gravity bracelets have been put on by Sugu."

"Okay, don't forget what we agreed on."

After hanging up the phone, the man with short hair said hesitantly:

"Qian Hao, is it really okay for us to do this? The gravity bracelet given to Sugu is not detachable and will increase the gravity multiplier over time. It can increase to twenty times the gravity at most! An ordinary heavy-armed warrior , It can’t withstand this gravity environment for long.”

"And there is no requirement to wear a gravity bracelet when entering the Thousand-Story Tower in school. There is a huge gravity adjustment room inside the Thousand-Story Tower. The higher you go up, the greater the gravity level you endure."

"I'm afraid that if Sugu stays here too long, someone will die."

The student with long hair named Qian Hao sneered: "Li Qiu, your courage is getting weaker and weaker. Didn't Zheng Lu already give us Sugu's information?"

"This is an orphan. When we kick him, we are kicking a piece of cotton."

"At that time, with the blessing of gravity, let Sugu stay in the intensive care unit for several months. What can he do to us after he comes out of the hospital?"

After Li Qiu heard this, he nodded with peace of mind.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Lu had a sinister look in his eyes.

He was always thinking about the fact that Sugu snatched away the provincial champion. In his opinion, he should be the one to enter the Thousand-story Pagoda to practice, but Sugu snatched away the opportunity.

This made Zheng Lu, who was determined to retaliate, almost go crazy with anger every time he thought about it.

"Sugu, don't think that because Zhou Zhengsheng of the army is willing to protect you, you will have nothing to worry about."

"Since you have chosen a university with me, in the next four years, I will make you regret taking away my things."

"First let you be seriously injured under high gravity. Not only will you not be able to learn martial arts in the Thousand-story Tower, but you will also miss the school's next freshman competition!"

A month later, most students have entered the Self-Seeking Realm and have their own exercises. Star Martial Arts University will organize a competition between students, which is the school's historical tradition.

At that time, many outstanding instructors will also come here to observe. If Sugu misses this opportunity, he will miss an opportunity to appear in front of many outstanding martial arts instructors in the school.

Zheng Lu felt a little better when he thought that his move had directly ruined two great opportunities for Sugu.

"When Sugu comes out of the Thousand-story Tower at the end of a few days, I have to go and see what he's doing."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Zheng Lu's mouth, and he said slowly.


When Sugu walked into the Thousand-Story Tower, the scene on the first floor made him click his tongue repeatedly.

The area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters is filled with wooden bookshelves, and naturally there are various combat skills books placed on them.

Sugu made a visual inspection and found that there might be tens of millions of different martial arts books on one floor.

In the central area, there is a training area that can be used by warriors of any profession, obviously for these people to practice combat skills.

Sugu walked along a bookshelf and took down a combat skills book to read.

And the moment Sugu was looking through the combat skills, the voice in his head started to sound.

[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Night Rain Sword] experience +76, [Current combat skill proficiency is, first glimpse of the door]


[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Night Rain Sword] experience +109, [Current combat skill proficiency is, slightly improved]


[Complete one breath], [C-level combat skill Night Rain Sword] experience +97, [Current combat skill proficiency is, perfect mastery]

Sugu stood quietly in place for three minutes. After three minutes, he had achieved perfect mastery of this combat skill.

"Now that I have mastered C-level combat skills to the point of perfect mastery, there is no longer any obstacle for me."

"That is to say, breaking through to the point of mastering it requires hard work. Is this the benefit of improving the realm of martial arts and bringing about an improved vision?"

"My abilities have also been improved."

Sugu said calmly.

Then he glanced at the sign next to him.

[Martial Arts Thousand-Story Tower]

[The first six hundred floors are placed with C-level combat skills for all major martial arts professions. 】

[Floors 601 to 300 are equipped with B-level combat skills of major martial arts professions. 】

[Floors 301 to 50 are filled with A-level combat skills from major martial arts professions. 】

[The restricted area is after the 50th floor. 】

Sugu looked at the number of books on the first floor. He visually estimated that there were more than a million on the first floor alone. If the number of combat skills on each floor was the same as the first floor...

Sugu licked his lips. When Starry Sky Martial Arts University specially recruited him, the details he boasted were not lies.

Even with his own powers, it is not easy to learn the ways of this place.

"Learning C-level powers now will not greatly improve my combat power."

"Let's go to a higher area."

Sugu didn't hesitate and took the elevator directly to the fiftieth floor of the Thousand-story Tower.

The moment he stepped out of the fiftieth floor of the Thousand-Story Tower, Sugu felt his breath hitched.

He felt here, feeling that every drop of blood in his veins became heavy, and the bones of his body were compressed in an extruder.

On the fiftieth floor, a man with a handsome face and a cold temperament frowned slightly when he looked at Sugu.

In the thousand-story tower of Xingkong Martial Arts University, the gravity level will increase with each floor. Learning A-level combat skills in the uppermost area will have to withstand thirty times the gravity.

Every year, some desperate people come up and are almost crippled on the spot.

Not only wasting the opportunity to come in and learn, but also wasting other people's time to save people.

Do I have to stop training to help get this guy to the hospital? When the man thought of this, a trace of irritation appeared on his handsome face.

At this moment, blood began to flow from Sugu's pale face, and his strange expression began to return to normal.

How could he adapt to an environment with thirty times gravity so quickly?

The expression on the handsome man's face was a little surprised.

He watched Sugu's frowning eyebrows relax slightly. Not bad, it seems like I won’t waste my time.

Sugu curled his lips aside. He didn't expect that Xingkong Martial Arts University would have such high requirements for students' personal qualities.

Not only is it required to wear a gravity bracelet to enter the Thousand-Story Tower, but there is also a gravity device on the upper floors. Under the superposition of double gravity, even Sugu took a little more time to adapt before he could move in this space.

"Feng Yan." At this moment, the handsome man raised his chin towards Sugu.

Saying your name is like saying hello.

Sugu was stunned for a moment when he heard the other party's voice, and then smiled:


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