Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 50 The heart of comparison, who is stronger between you and me?

After Feng Yan glanced at Su Gu, he turned his attention back to the combat skills he was learning. It seemed that the greeting he had just exchanged with Su Gu had consumed all his interest.

Su Gu smiled, and he didn't care about the other party's arrogant attitude. This is a place for cultivation, not a social place, who has time to care about others.

After adapting to the gravity of the 50th floor of the Thousand Layer Pagoda, Su Gu slightly stretched his muscles and bones, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

"It's so heavy, it feels like a mountain is pressing on my head."

After confirming that there was no abnormality in his body, Su Gu and Feng Yan crossed paths, and he walked quickly to a bookshelf of combat skills books.

Su Gu casually took a combat skill in his hand and read it carefully.

When he read the combat skill carefully, he closed the book. His mind began to simulate this combat skill and how he would use it.

Combined with his breathing, the proficiency of this combat skill in his mind began to rise rapidly.

[Complete one breath], [A-level combat skill: Master's self-cultivation] experience +13, [Current combat skill proficiency is, a glimpse of the way]

[Complete one breath], [A-level combat skill: Master's self-cultivation] experience +34, [Current combat skill proficiency is, a glimpse of the way]


[Complete one breath], [A-level combat skill: Master's self-cultivation] experience +11, [Current combat skill proficiency is, a little success]

When the proficiency is raised to a little success by Su Gu's ability, the experience value gained from each breath begins to decrease.

"After all, it is an A-level combat skill. It takes some opportunities to master it perfectly. Just like when I fought with the alien race in the starry sky during the martial arts exam to break through the "Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword."

Su Gu chuckled.

Although it took fifteen minutes to raise the proficiency of a combat skill to a little success, Su Gu was already very satisfied.

You have to know that this is an A-level combat skill. If the proficiency is high enough, it is a killer even in the Xunwo Realm.

During the martial arts exam, Su Gu was able to kill the alien race across the starry sky with the Lion Roar Ten Thousand Tiger Sword.

"And..." Su Gu looked at the number of A-level combat skills stored in front of him, which were as numerous as stars, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The quality is not enough, I will make up for it with quantity first."

"Try to learn as much as possible first, and then slowly improve it with hard work."

"Anyway, with my special ability, the combat skills in my hands will always have a transformation."

"My personal ability will definitely have an all-round leap here."

Su Gu took out another combat skill at random.

[Complete a breath], [A-level combat skill: pulse diagnosis] experience +23, [Current proficiency is, slightly accomplished]


[Complete a breath], [A-level step: variable frequency step] experience +31, [Current proficiency is, slightly accomplished]


[Complete a breath...]


I don't know how many combat skill books I have read. Su Gu rubbed his sore eyes and stretched.

"It just so happens that there is a practical area on each floor for students to practice what they have learned. Let's go there and take a look."

When Su Gu got up from the ground, he looked at the area where he had just sat and frowned slightly. There was a pit where he had just sat.

Su Gu shook his shoulders. I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the gravity multiplier nearby began to increase again.

A trace of doubt flashed in his mind, but Su Gu ignored it. Anyway, he had adapted to this environment. The most urgent thing now is to practice!

Su Gu walked quickly towards the central practical training area, but as soon as he arrived at that area, he saw a figure.

Su Gu was a little surprised. He really didn't expect to see Feng Yan again here.

Although they were on the same floor, the space of each floor of the Thousand Layer Tower was comparable to that of a large national gymnasium. In addition, the bookshelves for the combat skills were stacked and intertwined, making the place look like a maze.

It was a kind of fate that the two could meet again here.

Feng Yan glanced at Su Gu lightly and ignored him.

Then, in front of Su Gu, he began to practice several combat skills he had selected.

Su Gu took a look at the other party's practice and shook his head slightly.

Although he only glanced at it, he could see that Feng Yan only memorized the movements of the combat skill in his hand and then reluctantly performed it.

It only had the form, not the meaning.

Feng Yan noticed Su Gu's gaze and snorted coldly. Obviously, the feeling of being watched by others when practicing combat skills made him quite unhappy.

How dare you, a person who almost suffocated when entering the gravity zone, point fingers at me?

Feeling the other party's unhappiness, Su Gu shrugged his shoulders and then found another place to practice without caring.

"Frequency Variable Step" was casually swayed from Su Gu's feet.

Originally, the combat skills that were only practiced in his mind were now performed with his own body, which made Su Gu feel a little refreshed.

But soon he noticed something strange, because the extremely strong gravity on his body caused Su Gu's body to always feel sluggish when completing the actions instructed by his brain.

In such an environment, every step that Su Gu took did not meet the standard in his mind.

How to maintain combat power in such an environment? How to connect the combat skills that he had just learned and integrate them into his own combat system?

When Su Gu kept thinking about these questions, he entered a state of selfless flow.

Feng Yan, who was practicing by himself on the side, had stopped practicing without knowing it. He looked at Sugu, his pupils contracted slightly.

He was obviously learning A-level combat skills at the same time, and he even started earlier. Why was this guy named Sugu so much more proficient than him?

He even felt that the combat skills Sugu was using had reached the level of proficiency that could only be glimpsed.

Having achieved this level of A-level combat skills, they can already be used in actual combat.

Is it possible that the combat skills this person is practicing now are not actually the ones he just learned? But it's because you've always been able to do it, and now you're showing off in front of yourself?

Feng Yan couldn't help but think so.

But soon, he gave up this speculation.

Because of Sugu's state.

He was so focused on the horror of martial arts that even when he stopped practicing and stared at him, he failed to notice it, or it could be said that he noticed it and ignored it subconsciously.

Feng Yan only occasionally entered this state of practice. When he thought back on it at that time, he just felt that time passed so quickly, and he had no time to think about trivial matters other than martial arts.

"Being able to enter this kind of cultivation state under high gravity, Starry Sky Martial Arts University is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Feng Yan said to himself: "It seems that I have underestimated the heroes of the world."

He couldn't help but compare himself with Sugu to see who was stronger.

Obviously what the opponent is doing now is integrating the newly mastered combat skills into his own combat system.

What a terrifying talent!

Feng Yan sighed.

But at the same time, Sugu felt obvious dizziness after entering the high-gravity area. Obviously, I had the upper hand in terms of physical strength.

I don’t know what his superpower is.

While Feng Yan was thinking, Sugu finished practicing the variable frequency step.

"Practicing combat skills in the gravity zone is much more tiring than normal."

Sugu gasped slightly and said, "But in this environment, the experience increase every second is more than under normal circumstances."

"It seems that practicing under high gravity can suppress the potential of oneself and supernatural powers."

After writing this down, Sugu prepared to practice the next combat skill.

At this moment, a round black shadow was thrown in his direction.

Sugu subconsciously caught the thing and took a closer look to see that it was a military green kettle.

He looked puzzled at Feng Yan who threw him a kettle, and the other person smiled peacefully at him, no longer as arrogant as when they first met.

"I've been practicing for so long. Let's take a sip of water."

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Feng Yan."

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