Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 51 It’s numb. My supernatural power is only stronger than Su Gu’s.

Sugu took the kettle thrown by the other party without any pretense and took a big gulp down his throat.

He was not used to practicing under high gravity yet. He was feeling a little tired at this moment, and his body was already sending out signals that it was craving water.

Feng Yan threw the kettle at the perfect time.

After taking a sip of water, Sugu felt that the water he swallowed turned into energy and surged towards his limbs and bones.

Not only does it quench your thirst, it also removes fatigue and energy from your body.

This was no ordinary water. Sugu's eyes widened and he was slightly surprised.

Feng Yan looked at him and said with a smile: "This is regenerating water, which can help people quickly replenish their physical energy. It is the latest martial arts technology product, and it has not yet been mass-produced. It takes some credits in school to get it. ”

"Thank you." Sugu said to Feng Yan, "This thing has helped me a lot."

He looked at the kettle in his hand. He didn't expect that water could have so many ways. Sure enough, he still had to go out to broaden his horizons.

A pot of water seemed to bring the two people closer. Feng Yan walked towards Sugu and looked at the other person curiously.

I don't know about Continuous Sheng Shui. It seems that he is not from a noble family, but a commoner.

And he should be a freshman just like himself.

But in just three hours, he was able to master an A-level pace like this. This kind of talent puts even Feng Yan to shame.

"Student Sugu, I would like to ask, what is your power rating?"

Feng Yan looked at Sugu and asked seriously.

He was comparing Sugu to himself.

Although I really don't want to admit it, the opponent's understanding of combat skills may indeed be a little higher than mine.

But in terms of adaptation to the high gravity zone and physical ability, he should be stronger than Sugu.

To determine the winner, you should look at superpowers. It would be a bit impolite to directly ask the other person what his superpower is, so Feng Yan chose to make innuendoes.

Sugu listened to the other party's question and didn't pay attention. He smiled and said casually:

"My superpower is an inferior superpower and has no rating."

"Because of this in high school, I was assigned to the liberal arts class and was prevented from pursuing the path of martial arts."

Feng Yan was slightly stunned after hearing Sugu's experience. For a moment, he thought it was a joke made by Sugu because he didn't want others to pry into his privacy.

But looking at the helplessness in the other person's eyes, Feng Yan understood that this was true.

"Superpowers are not the entire criterion for judging a warrior."

"Student Sugu, you are able to dominate the school with your talent in combat skills. There should not be many people in the same grade who are your opponents."

"You can compete for the top two in the freshman competition in a month's time."

Feng Yan immediately comforted Su Gudao.

Although she accidentally uncovered the other person's scar, she still couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. If I can compete for the top two, of course I am the first.

Three to one,

I am winning!

Sugu waved his hand nonchalantly, and then returned the kettle to the other party.

"Thank you for the regeneration water. I'm not used to the gravity here yet, so this thing has helped me a lot."

Feng Yan nodded and resumed his nonchalant attitude again.

Although thirty times the gravity is quite terrifying, staying here still requires replenishing the replenishing water, which means Sugu is destined not to be a threat to himself.

Feng Yan's interest in it suddenly dropped greatly.

He stretched out his hand to take the kettle from Sugu.

But the moment his fingers grasped the kettle, a heavy pressure like a mountain suddenly hit Feng Yan, and his entire face suddenly turned extremely pale.

At that moment, Feng Yan felt his blood suddenly flowing backwards, his internal organs seemed to be grabbed by evil spirits, and they were being pulled madly towards hell, and the bones in his body let out moans.


He let out a scream, his whole vision went dark, and his body couldn't help but fall to the ground.

"Fengyan, what's wrong with you?"

Sugu was stunned, not understanding what happened.

Just when Feng Yan was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly opened his eyes, and then put his elbows on the ground. Although he didn't fall down, big drops of sweat dripped from his head, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

"What just happened to Feng Yan." Sugu wanted to help him up.

"Don't come over!" Feng Yan seemed to have exhausted his last strength and shouted at Sugu.

Sugu paused and took a few steps back.

He also realized that the problem just now might be his own.

"When I touched the kettle just now, I felt a terrifying force of gravity. There must be something wrong with the gravity field on your body, and it spread to me after we came into contact."

"What's going on with the gravity field on your body? Why does your body bear so much higher gravity than mine in the same space?"

Feng Yan slowly stood up from the ground, and the heavy pressure just now made him still have lingering fears. If Sugu had come to help him just now, he might have died.

Sugu frowned and slowly pulled out the gravity bracelet from his sleeve. Then he turned out the display screen of the bracelet. He had been practicing and didn't pay attention. The number on the bracelet jumped from the five he set at the beginning to twenty.

"So the school doesn't actually have a rule that you must wear a gravity bracelet when entering the Thousand-Layered Tower?" Sugu's voice had a rare coldness.

"How could there be such a stupid rule?" Feng Yan looked at Su Gu, and the number 20 on his gravity bracelet, as if he was looking at a monster.

So you have been practicing in a gravity field that is 20 times stronger than mine, and you were just doing the A-level combat skill variable frequency step, and your movements have not been deformed? !

What kind of monster is this?

At this moment, Su Gu understood a lot of things in an instant. He recalled the appearance of the two people who blocked him at the entrance of the Thousand Layer Pagoda, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't like to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it.

Since someone has provoked him, Su Gu doesn't mind giving the other party an unforgettable lesson.

After Feng Yan got up, he immediately distanced himself from Su Gu, not wanting to have any physical contact with him. He even didn't want the pot of re-boiled water in Su Gu's hand, and he was traumatized by it.

The feeling just now almost made him see the scene of hell, and he really didn't want to experience it a second time.

"That..." Su Gu looked at Feng Yan's appearance, feeling a little sorry.

He felt quite sorry for Feng Yan. He had the good intention to refill his water, but he almost got himself killed.

Su Gu scratched his head, hesitated for a moment and said: "When you were practicing the fighting skill just now, you should have a feeling of stagnation when you mobilized the muscles of your left leg. I was right."

After hearing this, Feng Yan looked at Su Gu with a somewhat ugly look.

Anyone who directly pointed out the flaws of his moves would not be in a good mood, not to mention that Feng Yan had just suffered a big loss from Su Gu and had a very bad impression of him.

Before Feng Yan got angry, Su Gu continued:

"You can lower your body's center of gravity by two centimeters in advance when doing that action, so that you can eliminate that stagnation."

This was Su Gu's way of expressing his apology. He had no money or things to apologize to Feng Yan, so he simply helped him make up for the gaps in the fighting skills just now. It was also his little thought.

Feng Yan frowned even deeper.

Generally, those who are qualified to instruct others in the practice of combat skills are either more proficient in the same combat skills than those being instructed, or even the founder of the combat skills.

Su Gu naturally could not meet this requirement. Each combat skill in the Thousand Layer Pagoda is unique, and this combat skill was just in Feng Yan's hands, and he was practicing it.

Then there is only one other possibility, that the instructor's overall vision of the martial arts path is far greater than that of the instructor.

Feng Yan looked at Su Gu and felt an unspeakable anger. You and I are both freshmen, how can you be qualified to instruct me!

"Try it, I'll apologize if it doesn't work." Seeing through Feng Yan's thoughts, Su Gu comforted him.

Feng Yan took a deep breath and suppressed his unhappiness.

He followed Su Gu's words and began to practice the combat skill just now.

When he used the strength of his left leg, he lowered his center of gravity as Su Gu said, and then something incredible happened.

That sense of stagnation really disappeared!

Even the movements of the entire move became more fluent. Only Feng Yan, who is a combat skill user, knows how big the gap is.

If Su Gu hadn't awakened him, he didn't know how long he would have to figure it out on his own.

After completing a set of combat skills, Feng Yan asked with some trembling: "Su... Brother Su, how did you figure it out?"

"As long as you know more combat skills, you can naturally apply them to other situations." Su Gu replied with a smile.

Feng Yan was silent.


How many more combat skills are there?

Feng Yan looked at Su Gu and felt a little numb now.

With physical talent, the other party can practice under fifty times gravity. With combat skill talent, he can even press and rub himself.

Maybe his only ability is indeed a little stronger than the other party.

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