Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 55 Freshman Competition, High Hopes!

"Congratulations to the two students for coming out of the Thousand-story Martial Arts Tower. I believe you both have found the combat skills you need here."

Seeing that the trouble had completely disappeared, Yu Cunxiao immediately walked towards Sugu and Feng Yan. He tried his best to greet these two people in the most cordial tone.

Then he looked at Sugu and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, classmate Sugu, these two scum appeared in our student union, and they almost caused a big accident for you."

"You don't have to worry about Li Qiu and Qian Hao, we will handle it properly."

Su Gu turned his head, looked at Yu Cunxiao's sincere expression, and asked with some confusion:

"Excuse me, who are you?"

The expression on Yu Cunxiao's face froze, and he looked at Feng Yan next to him and winked a few times.

Seeing that you are so familiar with Sugu, please introduce me to me.

Feng Yan glanced at it, then looked at Sugu and said:

"This is my defeated man, the one I beat up a few weeks ago."

"I don't remember the rest very clearly."

Yu Cunxiao's fist hardened.

Damn it, I just thought this kid had changed his gender. I really had my brain kicked by a donkey to have such an idea.

"Feng Yan, you still have to remember the other person's name in the future, otherwise it will be too rude."

Sugu said helplessly.

"Yes, what Brother Su taught me is that I will pay attention to it in the future." Feng Yan said respectfully.

Seeing the completely different attitudes between them, Yu Cunxiao felt that his mind could not turn around, and an inexplicable grievance spurted out from the bottom of his heart, which he could not suppress.


Is it just because Sugu is handsomer than me?

"This is Yu Cunxiao, the vice chairman of our student union. Because the school is worried that the two of them may not be able to adapt to the gravity of the Thousand-Layered Tower for the first time and have an accident, they sent us to look after the two special admissions students."

The student council members wearing the same clothes on the side kindly helped explain.

"Nice to meet you."

Sugu showed a warm smile and shook hands with the other party.

Feeling Sugu's polite attitude, Yu Cunxiao's mood improved slightly, and the two began to walk and chat.

Yu Cunxiao told Su Gu all he knew about the school rules and disciplines that needed to be basically followed in the school, as well as some information about the instructors.

Sugu responded with a smile and expressed his respect and gratitude to the other party. The two had a great conversation.

During this period, Feng Yan felt a little bored after listening, said hello and went back first, leaving Sugu alone to walk around the campus with these student union members.

When Yu Cunxiao noticed that Su Gu's eyes were always looking in the direction of the Martial Arts Thousand-Story Tower intentionally or unintentionally, the expression on his face was somewhat pity.

Although Sugu seemed to be alive now, his breath was extremely weak. To torture such a powerful warrior like this, it is hard to imagine how painful and helpless he must have been in the Thousand Layer Tower of Martial Arts.

Seeing if he has to look there, there is probably a shadow in his heart.

Yu Cunxiao said: "Classmate Su Gu, do you need me to call a psychiatrist for you?"

After hearing what the other party said, Sugu looked at the other party's worried face and immediately understood what he was thinking.

So he waved his hand and said, "No, I'm mentally healthy."

Then he was afraid that the other party wouldn't believe it, so he added: "I looked at the Thousand-Story Tower just to express my gratitude for the deep reserve of combat skills inside. I practiced hard here all night, and I didn't even finish learning the combat skills I wanted to learn."

"I still have to keep working hard."

With Sugu's superpower, he studied hard all night on the top floor of the Thousand-Story Tower, but he didn't even finish learning the combat skills on the top floor.

One can imagine the horror of the books inside.

This further stimulated Sugu's desire for knowledge. He was already thinking about how to enter here again to study.

After hearing this, Yu Cunxiao frowned.

Didn't you even learn combat skills overnight? With the talent shown by Sugu, it shouldn't be.

Then he remembered something and cursed in his mind.

Looking at Sugu's current injuries, it is naturally impossible to go to the high-gravity area where A-level combat skills are stored. Otherwise, under the superposition of that kind of power, he would have been crushed into minced meat.

But from Sugu's perspective, the only way for him to quickly improve his martial arts strength is to quickly master A-level combat skills.

And it is impossible for the school to open the Thousand Layer Tower again for Sugu because he failed to master A-level combat skills. It is tantamount to saying that one of his opportunities to obtain the first prize in martial arts was ruined by that villain Zheng Lu!

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt sympathy for Sugu. It was not easy.

It is really difficult for those of us who were born as civilians to climb up.

Yu Cunxiao patted Su Gu's shoulder hard, and then said sincerely:

"Junior, don't worry, it's okay even if you haven't learned the skills you like. You have to stay in this school for four more years. As long as you can achieve good results in school, the Martial Arts Thousand Layer Tower will definitely be opened to you again. "

"Thank you, senior, for your encouragement." Sugu's eyes flashed with light: "I think so too. I will definitely come here again!"

Feeling that Su Gu was not affected by this incident, Yu Cunxiao felt relieved.

After thinking about it, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Sugu, and then said:

"Here is another condition for the school to recruit you. You can choose any method in the school as your practice method."

"This USB flash drive contains information about the characteristics of the exercises that the school can provide to you. It does not include the content of the exercises."

"You have already entered the realm of seeking me, and you can choose a technique that suits you, and transform the soul power cultivated by the transitional technique "Tianyuan Gong" into the soul power of the real main technique."

"Fortunately, although the power of "Tianyuan Gong" is weak, it is moderate and peaceful, and there will be no loss during the transformation, and it will not cause damage to the body."

Su Gu used the projection computer he carried with him to scan the information in the USB flash drive.

Countless complex techniques were sorted out according to various martial arts professions. Among them, a whole page was recommended, and the techniques analyzed by the school teachers were more suitable for Su Gu.

It can be said that he was very attentive.

"Then I will accept it. Thank you, Vice Chairman." Su Gu said after hesitating for a moment.

He didn't want to expose the fact that he was transforming "Tianyuan Gong" yet, so he could only accept this good intention.

"It's what you should have." Yu Cunxiao said, "I suggest that in addition to the skills recommended by the teacher, you should focus on the skills related to assassins. I think you are very talented in the way of assassins."

Thinking about the other party's crippling of his younger brother's move in front of Zheng Lu, Yu Cunxiao still feels amazed.

"Of course, if you have any questions when choosing a skill, you can always come to the school's instructor to ask."

"They will definitely answer any of your questions carefully."

Su Gu smiled and responded to all the other party's careful instructions.

At this moment, he was thinking about the matter of skill transformation, how to cover it up.

Yu Cunxiao continued:

"Su Gu, you have the best martial arts test record among all the civilian students we recruited. Many civilian-born instructors have high hopes for you."

"You must win the freshman competition in a month and get a good ranking. Let us civilians also breathe a sigh of relief in front of the aristocratic families."

About the struggle between civilians and aristocratic families, Yu Cunxiao also popularized a lot to Su Gu just now.

After hearing this, Su Gu smiled bitterly.

Although he could not get along with the noble families, he did not want to be pushed to the front by the common people as a flag bearer.

"The principal is also there for the freshman competition. If you perform well enough there and attract the attention of those senior officials, you can make some small requests. Maybe you can enter the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower to study again."

Su Gu looked at Yu Cunxiao with a serious face and said:

"Chairman Yu, please tell me all the information about the freshman competition in detail."

"Su Gu will definitely live up to your expectations!"

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