Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 56: Entering the virtual spirit world again, it is very different! (Thanks for the reward, I

(Thanks to the "God Certification" of the runner-up of the World Mouth Cannon Contest, I will add one more chapter for the big guy!)

Coming out of the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower, one week later.

Su Gu stood in the center of the underground training room of the dormitory with a dagger. Under his feet were the two thousand armored flesh stakes that he had just chopped off.

Su Gu glanced at his killing efficiency displayed on the screen and made a dissatisfied "tsk".

Although he had been resting for a week, the internal injuries suffered under high gravity still had some impact on him.

"Fortunately, in the first week of school, most freshmen will choose this time to break through the realm. The teachers in the school have been transferred to protect the students, and the freshman year is almost suspended."

"Otherwise, I might be forced to skip classes on the first day of school."

Su Gu said softly.

Now the freshman year of Starry Sky Martial Arts University has started, but the difference between Martial Arts University and ordinary universities is that the breakthrough of students' realm is the top priority.

Most of the freshmen who just started school will choose to take out a credit loan to directly purchase the realm-breaking skills after they enter school. Therefore, the teachers in the school will be extremely busy in the first week of school. Generally speaking, classes will be suspended in the first week of freshmen.

And Su Gu had broken through the realm early, so he was relatively free to stay in the dormitory.

After stopping today's practice, Su Gu returned to the living room upstairs from the practice room in the basement.


"Hehehe, this ID called Crazy Wolf is really stupid."

As soon as he came to the ground from the basement, he heard Ma Mingjie, who was sitting on the sofa, making a strange laugh.

Because the student dormitory of Xingkong Wuda is too big, a single person is a three-story villa. Although there is no worry about food and drink, it is inevitable that living alone will feel bored, so many students will spontaneously form multi-person dormitories.

Ma Mingjie and Su Gu are in this situation. The two have been living in a dormitory since Jie Sanli put them down from the suspension car.

Unlike Su Gu who had already broken through the realm, the little fat man was still far from breaking through the realm. He had nothing to do at this time of school, so he simply took care of the website every day.

He used the permission of the founder of his website to get dozens of accounts to chat on the website of the God of War, so as to ensure the activity of the website's Almighty God of War discussion area.

Each account, whether it is to lead the rhythm or answer questions, each account has its own mission. Although Mr. Ma can pay someone to do this, he chooses to do it himself.

He seems to have gained a different kind of happiness in this matter, and can find fun in front of the computer every day.

"Brother Su, you have finished practicing, you still need to combine work and rest, your injury is not healed yet."

Hearing the sound of Su Gu coming up from the ground, Ma Mingjie looked back at him and said.

"Not bad." Su Gu said: "I haven't exercised for a long time, and my hands are itchy. I'll go to the martial arts dojo in the virtual spirit world later, and you should also get ready quickly."

This is an agreement between the two. Every time Su Gu enters the virtual spirit world as the Almighty God of War, he must notify Ma Mingjie. He wanted to shoot the scene in the best view of the audience and broadcast it live in the House of Martial God.

Ma Mingjie scratched his head after hearing what Su Gu said:

"Brother Su, why don't you rest for a few more days?"

"You haven't recovered from your injury yet. The state of consciousness in the virtual spirit world is a complete reflection of the physical state."

"It's too bad for you to fight to the death in the martial arts arena now."

Facing the dissuasion of his good brother, Su Gu just smiled and said:

"No need." While speaking, he had already picked up his X device.

Ma Mingjie shrugged when he saw this. He knew that he couldn't persuade Su Gu anyway, so he simply took out his X device.

The two entered the virtual spirit world again.

When Su Gu appeared with the ID of the Almighty Martial God, the fans of the House of Martial God who paid special attention to the ID of the Almighty Martial God immediately received the news.

And they made the same choice without any prior agreement.

"Damn, Brother Wushen is finally here. Brother, hurry up and log in."

"Here I am, after watching so many videos of the martial arts arena, Brother Wushen's is still the most effective. I want to see if he can get random weapons again today."

"Hurry up and grab a spot. Now the Almighty Martial God is no longer an unknown person. If we are late, we will not be able to go to the scene and can only watch the live broadcast."

In an instant, all the people who followed the Almighty Martial God swarmed in. Some were fans, and most were here for fun.


"Fuck, that Almighty Martial God is finally online."

Moon, Stark Family University training room.

Anderson looked at the message that popped up on his phone, his eyes were red.

After he was defeated by the Almighty Martial God, he wanted to fight him again all the time. If he fought again, he would definitely use his specialized weapon and fight with all his strength from the beginning.

But when he sent a challenge letter to the Almighty Martial God's email, the other party ignored it and the letter remained unread.

He thought about adding a friend first, but the friend request he sent also fell into the sea.

The other party seemed to have lost interest in him.

The Stark family had never been wronged like this before, and Anderson immediately vowed to get back at them.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. In order to learn more about the Almighty God of War, he went to the website that he thought was extremely stupid and registered an ID called Crazy Wolf.

As a result, there are dozens of big water bastards posting spam messages in the discussion area of ​​that garbage website every day.

If that were all, there are still people who keep chatting with him privately to tease him. Seeing the mean tone when chatting with him, Anderson was so angry that he wanted to beat that person up through the network cable.

He endured such days for seven days,

Seven days, the Almighty God of War!

Do you know how I spent these seven days?

"Captain, I hope to take a day off. The Almighty God of War is here. I hope to watch a game of his"

Anderson looked at the captain Ke Yuya who was leading him in training, swallowed his saliva and said.

Schiller beside him stared at him with wide eyes, with an expression of "you are crazy".

You know, the captain hates missing training because of chores the most.

Does Anderson want to be scolded?

Anderson is also very nervous now, but he can't care so much. The Almighty God of War is online. If he doesn't go to the scene to see it, he will really go crazy.

To everyone's surprise, Ke Yuya did not get angry at this request.

She thought for a moment and said, "Okay, the training will be suspended first, and we will double it in the evening."

"I want to watch this battle of the Almighty God of War, too."

Schiller and Anderson widened their eyes, unable to believe what they heard.

This was the first time that the captain suspended training because of a battle in the virtual spirit world. And it was because of a cannon fodder? !


When Su Gu entered the martial arts arena, before the match started, people in the audience had already squeezed in one after another.

There were more than 100,000 seats, and almost 80,000 people squeezed in. This was just the flow of people in one minute.

Ma Mingjie looked at this situation and laughed triumphantly.

The popularity of Su Gu now is completely different from when he first arrived, when he was the only one standing in the audience to cheer him on.

And Su Gu looked at this scene and smiled bitterly.

"It's getting more and more exaggerated."

After sighing, he ignored the matter and entered the arena to start matching.

At the moment when Su Gu started to match, a projection of a human figure was projected in the air.

A young man wearing a floral shirt, with a tuft of hair on his head dyed fluorescent green and a little stubble on his face appeared in front of everyone. .

As soon as he appeared, he shouted in a rough voice:

"Audience, do you miss me? I am your favorite commentator, Saorui."

"Today, the battle of the popular player Almighty Martial God will be commented on by me!"

. . . . . .


(Pujie received a large reward for the first time, and was very excited. Thank you for the reward, and thank you for the support of the readers who are willing to read this book. The author will definitely work hard.)

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