Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 58 Unfavorable environment! Weapons of despair! (1/2)

Watching the two turntables spinning at high speed, the audience fell into a brief silence.

Sweat broke out on Ma Mingjie's face. Brother Su, your injury hasn't healed yet, is it really okay to play like this?

After the silence, the atmosphere in the entire arena was heated up with Su Gu's action.

"Brother Wushen is mighty, no matter what level he is, let's just do it!"

"I suggest that the commentator should not make blind suggestions. You may understand the commentator, but how can you understand Brother Wushen."

"Brother Wushen did this when he debuted. No one can stop him from being so wild before the battle, not even the brave ones!"

Listening to the waves of shouting at him, Sao Rui's face became a little ugly, but that ugly look was immediately restrained by his expression management.

He looked at Su Gu's back and showed a faint mocking smile.

Okay, okay, this is how to play, right!

It seems that I have misjudged this almighty God of War. He is closer to a businessman than a warrior. Until now, he was still betting that luck would give him a weapon that suits him. Defeat the opponent, and then make a big profit.

I want to see if your luck can always be so good!

"Damn it, this guy actually treats random weapons as routine operations."

Anderson was in the audience, looking at the flying disc spinning in front of the Almighty Martial God with a complicated expression on his face.

He recalled some painful memories a few days ago.

"Is this person crazy? Escaped from a mental hospital? He gave himself the ID of the Martial God, and he really thinks he is the Martial God." Schiller couldn't help but complain.

Listening to the complaints of his two team members, Ke Yuya held his chin and looked at the choice of the Almighty Martial God with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It has been nearly seven hundred years since humans discovered martial arts and superpowers in the Dark Ages.

And the division of martial arts combat professions is a path to the highest level that has been verified by countless powerful warriors in the past six hundred years.

And now someone has begun to challenge the history of human martial arts?

Is this a genius? Or a madman?

She gave up the Stark family training today and came here to take a look, just to confirm this.

Ke Yuya looked at Su Gu, who was standing with his hands behind his back and watching the two roulette wheels spinning at high speed. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, hoping not to disappoint me.

"Luck may be by your side for a while, but you can't have it forever. The Almighty Martial God will soon understand that this kind of trick played in the cannon fodder stage is a death sentence when playing against the brave stage."

"I hope today's failure can make him remember a little. If he starts over again in the past, he will still be an excellent warrior."

After Sao Rui's impression of Su Gu dropped to the freezing point, he became more and more impolite. And his words were naturally booed by many fans of the Almighty Martial God.

In the face of many doubts, Sao Rui's face was extremely confident. He believed in his judgment as a commentator for so many years. From the moment the Almighty Martial God began to choose random weapons and random battlefields, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Arnold.

Soon, the first roulette wheel in front of Su Gu began to stop spinning. The pointer selected and confirmed the battlefield for both sides this time.

Airspace Arena!

"This battlefield environment is a death fight platform suspended at a height of one thousand meters, without any obstructions."

"Audiences who are afraid of heights can leave in advance, otherwise they may pee their pants when the arena environment is transformed."

Sao Rui looked at the selected battlefield, explained it at the right time, and made a joke to the audience.

As he spoke, the battlefield environment had begun to transform. The platform where Su Gu and Arnold were located seemed to be climbing upwards, shortening the distance to the sky. When the battlefield was completely transformed, the two seemed to be able to touch the clouds with their hands.

Looking at such a battlefield environment, the fans of the almighty God of War began to get excited. A place without any obstructions and obstacles is very suitable for heavy armor and warriors to perform.

Aren't these two things the specialties of the God of War? As long as these two weapons can be selected, it is easy to win this battle.

At this time, the speed of the other weapon selection turntable in front of Su Gu has begun to slow down.

The audience in the auditorium watched the slowly slowing turntable and prayed silently in their hearts.

The turntable stopped, and everyone felt their hearts skip a beat when they saw the weapon pointed to by the turntable pointer.

It was a pistol-like pattern.

Soul-gathering pistol?

Looking at this choice, Ke Yuya and Schiller, both long-range warriors, showed a playful smile at the same time.


After the turntable dissipated, the picture on it turned into a physical entity. A pistol that looked like a toy fell at Su Gu's feet.

Looking at this weapon option, the enthusiastic cheers of the fans of the almighty martial god in the audience seemed to be handed a basin of cold water and suddenly stopped.


Sao Rui couldn't help but let out a puff of laughter, and that laughter echoed in the silent arena.

He is a professional commentator and usually doesn't laugh unless he really can't help it.

He managed to hold back his laughter, then looked at the situation in the arena and said in a teasing tone:

"The Almighty God of War has made a big mistake with the random weapons this time."

"The Soul Gathering Pistol is an entry-level weapon for long-range warriors, and its attack power is extremely weak. The only thing that can be praised is that in order to allow novices to practice accuracy by shooting multiple times without pressure, the firing rate is good and the consumption is relatively low."

"But if anyone wants to wrestle a powerful force-defending warrior in an arena without any shelter with a soul-gathering pistol."

"My evaluation is that an old woman enters the bed - it makes me laugh."

"The bullets fired by this thing probably can't even break Arnold's defense."

Sau Rui showed his true colors and began to comment with a sharp tongue. As for this situation, the fans of the Almighty Martial God blushed, but they couldn't be stubborn anyway. The most uncomfortable thing in the world is that you are disgusted by someone, but suddenly you don't know how to refute it because you know that the other person is right.

The destructive power of a single bullet of the Soul-gathering Pistol is not as good as that of the large-caliber gunpowder gun in ancient times. Holding this kind of force-defending warrior with both destructive power and defensive power. Even as fans, they can't imagine the scene of the Almighty Martial God winning.

"We must believe in the Almighty Martial God, who can create miracles."

Ma Mingjie looked at the current situation and his face was a little pale. As the webmaster of the Martial God's Home website, he shouted slogans loudly to the fans behind him.

In fact, he was a little unsure now. He looked at the live broadcast equipment behind him, gritting his teeth and thinking, should I stop the live broadcast?

"Good analysis." Ke Yuya, who was standing on a high place, nodded after listening to Sao Rui's explanation. Although it was a bit vulgar, what he said was fine from a professional point of view.

Such an environment and such weapons are indeed extremely unfavorable to the Almighty Martial God.

"Does the Almighty Martial God really have no chance of winning?" Anderson said with gritted teeth.

If he came this time and saw the person he wanted to defeat fall easily to someone else's hands, he would be very unwilling.

"From the battle with you, the Almighty God's melee ability is very good. He can learn from you and throw away his pistol to fight Arnold in close combat."

"Of course, the chances of winning are very slim. It is irrational to fight Arnold, a force-defending warrior, in close combat."

"I guess you also understand this."

After listening, Anderson sighed a little irritably.

In the Brave Stage, he had fought with Arnold many times. In close combat between warriors, Anderson lost more than he won. This is also one of the opportunities for him to develop long-range abilities and broaden his martial arts path.

He really couldn't imagine that there were still people who killed Arnold with bare hands.

"Are you sure you want to use this thing to fight me?"

In the arena, Arnold calmly watched the series of operations of the Almighty God, with a cold expression on his face, and no emotion could be seen.

After knowing that Anderson was defeated, he carefully studied the battle video of his opponent who defeated him. The little tricks of the Almighty God to mess with the opponent's mentality before the fight were completely useless to him.

This question was only because he didn't want to fight a boring battle.

Su Gu picked up the soul-gathering pistol and tried to inject soul power into it. After feeling and adapting to the weapon, he looked at Arnold again, as if confirming something.

Then he nodded and said in a calm tone: "Enough."

Arnold smiled. He had seen many people who liked to pretend, and in the end, they were all cured by him without exception.

He opened the weapon column and immediately selected the weapon that he had already pressed the confirmation button in his mind.

An exaggerated long-handled battle axe fell down, and the double-moon axe face that was larger than a person's chest fell on the ground, leaving a small pit.

Arnold pulled out the battle axe that was a head taller than him and waved it casually. The relaxed posture was like dancing with a plastic toy.

Looking at Arnold's weapon selection, Sao Rui whistled easily.

"Defense Axe, this is the name of the weapon that Arnold chose."

"In addition to being sharp, this battle axe has a special ability. Once soul power is injected into it, it can generate an energy shield to protect the body."

"The classic tactic used by long-range warriors to defeat melee warriors is to shoot soul power bullets at a high frequency to prevent the warriors from getting close, and then look for flaws to seek counterattacks."

"And Arnold's choice directly blocked this tactic completely. It can be predicted that in the next battle, Arnold will hold the giant axe and keep chasing and slashing at the Almighty Martial God, and the Almighty Martial God will have no use for Arnold's attacks."

When he said this, Sao Rui's emotions began to rise a little, and he said excitedly:

"This is the choice that a mature warrior should make. No matter what the opponent looks like, he will go all out and take it seriously."

"It is really appropriate for him to give the Almighty Martial God the first defeat in his martial arts dojo career. This will definitely teach him a profound lesson."

Sao Rui's words echoed in the audience seats of the entire arena, and the faces of the fans of the Almighty Martial God turned a little pale.

It's different. The opponent that Brother Wushen met in this battle is really different from the previous two.

The coquettish assassin in the first game is just an eye-catching anchor. When the battle started, he was still thinking about finding materials from the opponent.

Anderson in the second game is indeed strong enough, but the trumpet that others opened was the reincarnation of the gun god, and he was here to practice his skills. The weapon he chose was still a long-range firearm, and he didn't choose the weapon he is best at at all. Compared with Brother Wushen, he is inherently at a disadvantage.

But in this game, he met this Arnold...

Damn, he is worthy of being a brave warrior, too steady, and didn't give Brother Wushen any chance.

"Why are you so scared! The fight hasn't started yet. Believe in your Brother Wushen, he is a man who can create miracles."

Feeling the depressed atmosphere, Ma Mingjie roared: "Brother Wushen, come on, hit him hard!"

But this time, there were fewer people who roared with Ma Mingjie. It seemed that even the temperature had dropped a few degrees.

When the arena completed the environmental transformation, the voices in the audience could no longer be heard by the warriors in the arena.

Both sides completed the selection of weapons, and the death fight had begun.

Standing in the airspace arena, Arnold looked at Su Gu and asked calmly:

"I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you don't want to admit defeat?"


What responded to him was the bullet shot by Su Gu.

Su Gu raised his gun and shot very quickly, and many people only saw a shadow of his hand when he raised his hand.

B-level combat skill, gun drawing technique.

When he raised his hand, the soul power bullet accurately hit Arnold's heart.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless.

Arnold lowered his head and looked at the soul power bullet shot by the other party, burning a small round hole in his martial arts uniform. The exposed bronze skin turned slightly red, and nothing happened.

"The shot of the Almighty God of War was perfect except that it caused no damage at all." Sao Rui teased.

Looking at such a scene, the fans of the Almighty God of War all felt a little desperate.

The opponent didn't even open the energy shield of the defensive axe. The physical soul defense alone could offset the bullets shot by the Almighty God of War.

What can he use to fight?

"Are you tickling me?" Arnold looked at Su Gu and sneered.

He didn't dodge that shot. After that shot, he was sure that the opponent's weapon could not cause any damage to him. Then the next thing to do is to end the battle quickly.

He won't be bothered by Anderson's mistakes. He will use all his strength from the beginning and won't give the Almighty God of War a chance to breathe.

"Let me tell you, this is how a real man fights!"

B-level advance combat skills, Gangqi Step.

B-level superpowers, power multiplication.

Highly skilled combat skills and level B supernatural powers were superimposed on Arnold's legs at the same time.

The superposition of the two powers produced an astonishing speed.

The clumsy-looking force-protecting warrior seemed to have teleported at this moment and appeared in front of Su Gu in the blink of an eye.

The battle axe, which was bigger than Su Gu's head, mercilessly chopped down his body from top to bottom.

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