Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 59 You said my bullets are useless? The next one hits the heart!

Facing the battle axe that was slashing towards him, Su Gu stepped lightly and took several steps back to avoid this attack.


The battle axe in Arnold's hand hit the ground of the arena heavily with a force that seemed to be able to tear the sky and split the earth. Amid a roar, a big pit appeared on the ground. After the arena floating in the sky suffered this blow, it began to sway like a boat encountering wind and waves.

"This guy's strength is greater than the last time we fought, and even his speed is much faster." Anderson sighed as he watched Arnold swing the axe.

Then he turned his eyes to the almighty martial god.

Arnold's earth-shattering blow shook the entire venue. Su Gu, standing on the undulating ground, seemed to be unaffected.

His hands were like iron welding, holding the soul-gathering pistol steadily, maintaining a shooting posture.

Bang, bang!

With flames spitting out from the muzzle, Su Gu began to shoot continuously, fighting back.

But at this time, Arnold's defensive axe emitted a soft light, and a layer of yellow honeycomb-shaped energy shield was covered on the surface of his body.

The soul bullet hit the energy shield, and the shield rippled, and then the bullet dissipated without causing any damage.

"It seems that our little martial god really won't cry until he sees the coffin, and won't give up until he sees the Yellow River. His weapon has been targeted by Arnold from beginning to end. That toy gun can't break Arnold's body covered with soul power, and even the energy shield on his body."

"For the toy gun in the hands of the Almighty Martial God, Arnold's double-layer defense is an absolute defense."

Saury looked at the situation on the scene and said with a smile.

Everything that happened in the arena now is exactly as he expected before the game. Next, the Almighty Martial God will be suppressed to death throughout the whole process.

"I can almost make a judgment on this battle now. Arnold will win."

When Sao Rui finished his commentary, Arnold rushed up again with the battle axe. This time Su Gu did not dodge. He stood still and continued to shoot.

Straight-shooting gun, arc gun, trick bullet gun, jump-shooting gun. Bullets were fired at Arnold at various unimaginable angles.

This may be the only advantage of the Soul Gathering Pistol. In order to facilitate novices to practice multiple times at a distance, its attack frequency is very high. As long as you can withstand the recoil of the gun and provide a steady stream of soul power, you can use it to fire continuously.

Obviously Su Gu only has a pistol, but he relied on it to create a feeling of rain of bullets.

But unfortunately, the dense bursts were completely blocked by the energy shield. The seemingly gorgeous soul power bullets could not even stop Arnold's attack.

The warrior once again completed the close combat against the long-range, and the violent battle axe was like a meat grinder, crushing towards the almighty martial god.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Facing the opponent's violent attack, Su Gu abandoned his concentration and used the steps he had recently learned.

A-level combat skills, variable frequency steps.

To everyone's surprise, this time the Almighty God of War did not try to use his physical advantage to distance himself.

Relying on his A-level steps, Su Gu turned back and forth under Arnold's axe, and narrowly avoided the opponent's attack every time.

At the same time, he did not stop pouring out soul bullets. In close range, the high-frequency soul bullets even raised visible streams of light between the two.

It is amazing that the long-range can make such a high-quality counterattack when the warrior is close to him.

But in the audience, the fans of the Almighty God of War are getting more and more desperate. In the first two battles, when Brother Wushen fell into a disadvantage, he would immediately reverse the disadvantage with a devastating means.

But this time is different. It seems that no matter what he does, he can't stop breaking the opponent's defense.

This gorgeous attack is like a counterattack like a moth flying into a flame.

"At least the long-range skills of this Almighty God of War are indeed much stronger than our Anderson." Schiller joked easily.

Anderson rolled his eyes at him.

There was no need to watch the next battle. The steps of the Almighty God of War were indeed exquisite, but he had to maintain his steps to avoid attacks while maintaining stable shooting under high pressure. Doing two things at the same time could lead to fatal flaws at any time.

But Arnold was completely different. He only had to consider one thing, attack, attack, and attack! He would only get more and more accustomed to the strange steps of the Almighty God of War, and it was only a matter of time before the attack caused damage.

This was another boring battle in which the warriors slaughtered the long-range after getting close.


As Anderson expected, Arnold's battle axe slashed horizontally from the bottom, slashing in the direction that the Almighty God of War could not avoid.

Su Gu saw that he could not dodge, so he could only twist his body to minimize the damage.


The collision between the flesh and the weapon made a muffled sound that made people feel toothache. In a moment of response, Su Gu went from being cut by the axe blade to being hit by the back of the axe. But the collision between the flesh and the weapon still made him be hit directly and flew out.

Su Gu stomped his feet hard on the ground, and under the huge impact force, his feet plowed a deep dent in the ground. His body was at the edge of the airspace arena, and he was barely able to stop. He was only one step away from falling into the abyss.

"The injury from the Thousand-Layered Martial Arts Tower still has some impact. Otherwise, it would not be like this if it was just an axe."

Su Gu coughed lightly a few times, and a line of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth on the ground.

"The Almighty Martial God's final counterattack is over, the balance of victory has completely tilted towards Arnold, and this battle is almost over."

Saury's voice echoed in the arena, and the fans of the Almighty Martial God were silent. Some people covered their eyes and didn't want to continue watching, and some people had already left in advance.

"Yeah, it's almost over."

Ke Yuya smiled, and she looked at Arnold, the opponent of the Almighty Martial God, with a touch of sympathy on her face.

Fighting with this level of long-range, I'm afraid he will be autistic for a long time after this battle. Now in the entire arena, I'm afraid she is the only one who understands what the Almighty Martial God just did.

Feeling the pungent taste of blood in the throat, and the excitement of wandering between life and death just now. The light in Su Gu's eyes became brighter, like a beast stimulated by blood, full of excitement.

Arnold looked at his opponent, felt the fighting spirit and fighting spirit in his eyes that had not yet been extinguished, and nodded slightly.

Not bad, he is indeed a qualified warrior.

However, the outcome of this battle has been determined since you chose that toy gun.

"Your bullet can't hit me." Arnold said coldly: "Don't resist in vain, let's end this boring battle."

After listening to his opponent's words, Su Gu smiled and pointed to his heart, saying lightly: "I'm going to shoot here with the next bullet."

Facing the provocation of his opponent, Arnold snorted coldly: "Playing tricks!"

Arnold rushed up again, he wanted to end this not-so-interesting battle.

Su Gu raised his hand, and he didn't do high-frequency continuous shooting this time. Instead, he casually threw a shot, and compared with the previous attack, this bullet seemed extremely casual.

And this casually fired bullet, when it hit the energy shield of the Guardian Axe, it disappeared quickly without a ripple.

The energy shield seemed to have become a trampoline pressed down by a heavy object, and began to sink continuously, and then sink again...

Finally, the tension of the energy shield seemed to have reached its limit.


With a crisp sound, the honeycomb-shaped energy shield was shattered by the shot, and the golden soul energy fragments scattered in the air.

In Arnold's incredible eyes, the soul bullet still hit the same position.

The heart that was shot by the first bullet of the Almighty God of War at the beginning of the battle between the two.

"Look, it hit."

Su Gu's face was filled with a bright smile, as if he had completed a certain game achievement and was looking for someone to show off.

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