Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 60: Is there such a long-range fighter in this world? !

Arnold injected his soul power into the defensive axe again, but the defensive axe did not move.

It seemed that the device that activated the energy shield was really shot down by that bullet?

How did he do it?

Arnold looked at Su Gu not far away, with a strong fear in his eyes. Being strong is not scary, but the unknown is scary.

He stopped the rash attack and began to confront Su Gu Yaoyao. At the same time, he kept replaying the seemingly casual shot in his mind, trying to find the secret of breaking the energy shield.

The audience in the audience looked at the shattered energy shield, and everyone was silent for a while.

What Arnold, who had been in a fighting state, did not understand, they naturally did not understand even more.

They did not understand what happened, why the defense that the Almighty Martial God could not break with a thousand shots just now could be solved with one bullet now.

"Almighty Martial God is awesome!"

Ma Mingjie stood up from the audience with a flushed face and shouted hoarsely.

From the beginning of the battle, he was suffocated by the depressing atmosphere of this battle.

Now seeing his brother shoot the bastard on the opposite side, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Although he didn't understand how Su Gu did it, he didn't understand, but it didn't stop him from shouting 666.

With Ma Mingjie's shout, the Wushen fans, who were extremely depressed at the beginning, were immediately given a shot of adrenaline.

Then everyone followed suit,

"Wushen brother is awesome! I admit that I just doubted Wushen brother for a moment in my heart, I am guilty."

"Although I don't know what happened, it doesn't stop my Wushen brother from being awesome!"

"Sau Rui, didn't you just say that our Wushen brother will lose? Speak, why don't you speak now?"

Sau Rui is indeed silent now. As a commentator, he must explain to the audience what happened just now in a timely manner, but at this moment he scratches his head and doesn't know how the almighty Wushen did it.

Is this some kind of new long-range combat skill that he doesn't know?

It's impossible. No matter what combat skill, the cornerstone of its power is soul power, otherwise you can't release the combat skill.

How could such a weak soul power bullet shot from a soul gathering pistol penetrate the energy shield?

This was the first time in this battle that Sao Rui was silent.

"No wonder no one knows what happened. The operation of the Almighty God of War requires a little imagination to understand." Ke Yuya said calmly.

She looked at the back of the Almighty God of War with admiration in her eyes. As a long-range warrior, he can get a 90-point evaluation from Ke Yuya.

Schiller frowned, and then the frown slowly stretched, and his whole face became full of shock. Although he realized it later, he figured out what the Almighty God of War did.

"Boss, what happened?" Anderson swallowed his saliva and said blankly.

Although he was a crazy warrior, he also practiced long-range for a period of time, and there were many long-range masters around him. In this regard, Anderson thought he still had some knowledge.

But everything that happened on the field just now was still far beyond his understanding.

The Almighty God of War just raised his gun and fired an ordinary straight shot, which did not look like it could penetrate the energy shield.

Ke Yuya smiled and explained:

"In fact, the principle is very simple. After multiple bends, metal fatigue will occur and break. And if the energy circuit of the energy shield is hit by multiple soul power attacks in a short period of time in the core area, it will also cause the collapse of the entire energy shield."

Then she turned her eyes to Schiller, and the meaning was very clear, and asked him to explain.

Schiller saw the boss's order and said slowly:

"The shooting of the Almighty God of War at Arnold is divided into two parts. One part is a chaotic scattering. This part of the shooting has no target, just shooting at Arnold's energy shield to confuse him. So as to cover up his real strategic intention."

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath, as if he didn't dare to believe what he was going to say next:

"And his real strategic intention is Arnold's heart position, which is the core of the energy shield. Once it collapses, the energy shield will be completely destroyed."

"My judgment is that there are no less than 300 soul bullets shot at Arnold's heart position, and the deviation of each bullet does not exceed 3 centimeters. Only in this way can the entire defensive axe be shot and collapsed in a short time."

After listening to Schiller's explanation, Anderson's eyes were wide open.


He really wanted to say the word "impossible", but apart from what Schiller just said, he really couldn't seem to find a better explanation.

But are there such long-range warriors in this world?

Under the strong pressure from the warriors, he still planned a very clear personal strategic intention in his mind.

Then he fired thousands of bullets in succession, each bullet was under high pressure, following the master's will to complete its strategic conception, and then led to the final victory.

Is this possible?

"Anderson, I know you want to say 'impossible', but this is the only possibility I can think of. After I eliminate all possibilities one by one, the remaining one will be the answer no matter how 'impossible' it is." Schiller said unwillingly.

As a warrior of the same profession, he felt pressure from the Almighty God of War.


Is Almighty Martial God a long-range warrior? Thinking of this, Schiller felt his teeth sore.

He looked at Sugu's figure below and said to himself, "This is a monster."

In the arena, Arnold, who was confronting Sugu, finally couldn't hold it any longer.

For warriors, sometimes courage is needed. Even if you don’t understand how to do it, so what, fuck him.

The two seemed to have agreed upon it at the same time. When Arnold began to charge forward again, the soul-gathering pistol in Sugu's hand began to pour bullets at the same time.

A torrential rain of bullets poured towards Arnold, but the situation was still the same. The soul power bullets condensed by the soul-gathering pistol were too weak to cause substantial damage.

In the wide area without any obstructions, Arnold quickly brought Sugu into his attack range. He used the battle ax in his hand to attack Sugu with his combat skills.

But this time, there was no need to cover up their true fighting intentions with a large number of ineffective shots. Everyone felt the powerful gun control ability of the Almighty Martial God.

Facing a close range attack, once Arnold makes a move to attack, seven or eight spirit bullets will immediately be fired at Arnold's knees, shoulders, eyes, neck, etc., to disrupt his weak defenses. attack rhythm.

As soon as Arnold's attack rhythm was disrupted, Sugu immediately withdrew from his attack circle, and the cycle continued.

Every time Arnold tried to swing his ax at the Almighty God of War, he would suffer a blow that seemed to see through him. The synchronized movements between the two even gave people the feeling that the Almighty God of War was more familiar with Arnold's body than Arnold.

When Arnold lost the protection of the energy shield, his attacks became obviously slower due to the interference of the Almighty Martial God.

"It's so accurate. His hit rate is at least 90 or more every time. I want to fight him."

Schiller let out a compliment. Besides Keyuya, the Almighty Martial God was the first person who could admire him in long-range technology.

"If Arnold doesn't think of a way to break the situation, he will continue to be kited like this, and he will be consumed by the long-range weapon with the soul-gathering pistol. Hehe..."

Schiller let out a laugh.

Arnold in the arena was obviously aware of this problem, and his face, which was originally like a robot, became increasingly cold and hard.

Finally, it seemed that he couldn't hold it any longer, and Yang Tian let out a roar!

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