Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 62: Controversial victory, replay video released, shocking!

The battle is over, but the debate about the battle continues.

"Where is the commentator? What did the commentator Sao Rui say?"

"Sao Rui replayed the move of the Almighty God of War on the live broadcast, and watched it back and forth dozens of times. The final conclusion is that he didn't understand it."

"Damn, this rubbish."

Was it because the physical body in reality caused an accident that led to the accident of the consciousness, which ultimately made the Almighty God of War the winner of this battle?

Or was it that the Almighty God of War's last blow had some kind of power that others could perceive, and defeated Arnold in one blow?

The video comment area with two views on this battle was arguing crazily.

The quarrel brought heat, and the heat attracted some passers-by to come in and watch. When these people watched the battle video and joined the battlefield, the balance of the debate between the two sides began to tilt.

"It seems that those who like the Almighty Martial God are all martial arts idiots who have never been exposed to martial arts. There are too many problems in this battle, not only the last shot, but also the one that shattered the energy shield."

"It has been confirmed through continuous playback that the bullets fired by the Almighty Martial God do not have penetrating abilities. Please answer the fans of the martial arts idiots, how can the soul-gathering pistol bullets without superpowers shatter the energy shield?"

"What can these idiots who only follow the trend mindlessly and chase after martial artists who don't miss a single face like chasing after a star have to say."

Most people who watched the battle video later chose to believe that the victory of the Almighty Martial God was due to Arnold's state, not his own strength.

Gradually, except for the various personal websites of the Martial God's Home, which were relatively peaceful with Ma Mingjie's maintenance.

In the comment area of ​​major video forums, the black fans of the Almighty Martial God began to gain the upper hand.

Many viewers who were still wavering in the middle watched the brainwashing comments constantly swiping the screen, and the balance in their hearts gradually shifted.

Could it be that, as these people said, the Almighty Martial God was able to win this battle, relying on luck?

"Damn, a bunch of brainless people. They just follow the trend and say a few words." Ma Mingjie looked at the comments on the website and cursed fiercely.

Just when he was annoyed by this matter and was trying to find a way to deal with it.

Ma Mingjie suddenly saw that the ID called Cang Yue Wolf, which was newly registered in the Martial God's House, uploaded a video.

He watched the video carefully, and his eyes widened as he watched it, and then he immediately pinned the video directly on the website.

Soon more and more Almighty Martial God fans saw the video, and their reactions to the video were exactly the same as Ma Mingjie's.

This is an analysis video of the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Arnold.

And it is extremely hardcore.

It is so hardcore that the power output and soul power fluctuation index of each attack of the two sides in this battle are estimated and marked.

It is so hardcore that every tactical action of both sides will be analyzed for its purpose and battle game behind it.

"Damn, it's really amazing. Such a detailed and high-quality replay video can be produced in such a short time. Many martial arts universities can't do it."

"We still have such talents in the House of Martial God? I want to see who will say we are martial arts blind in the future."

"Brothers, how many minutes and seconds did Brother Wushen break the energy shield? And how many minutes and seconds is the analysis of the last blow? Give me the coordinates and I will take off directly."

Fans are anxious to see how the big guys view the most controversial part.

The progress bar is pulled.

The close battle between the Almighty Martial God and Arnold was slowed down at a very high rate, and the trajectory of each bullet fired by the Almighty Martial God was marked by remodeling.

Everyone was shocked. This is simply a work of art. And looking at the slow-motion playback, the trajectory line marked in red, these people noticed something wrong.

Accurate, it's really too accurate.

How many shots did Brother Wushen shoot at that position?

At the same time, a mechanical sound that could not distinguish between men and women and without too many emotional ups and downs sounded in the video.

"Many people can only see the shot that shattered the energy shield, but they don't know that for this shot, the Almighty Martial God fired more than 300 bullets with an error accuracy of no more than 3 centimeters in the same area of ​​the energy shield as a prelude."

"Not to mention that in order to cover up his tactical intentions, he gave up the most classic kite-fighting tactics of long-range warriors and chose a more risky close combat with the warriors."

"And in close combat, in order to prevent Arnold from noticing the bullets that have been shot at his chest, the Almighty Martial God may need to shoot three to five bullets for each bullet that hits his chest to guide his sight. I can assert that those who can achieve this kind of long-range technology are rare in any martial arts university."


After listening to the explanation in the video, those ordinary fans finally understood how the Almighty Martial God shot through the energy shield, and they couldn't help but exclaimed in the barrage.

"Damn, Brother Wushen is really awesome. Look at the ballistic model built by Boss Yuelang, it's simply a work of art. Such a thing was improvised during the battle."

"I'm going to put the video link on other websites. I want to see what the trolls can do!"

"Don't worry about those people, they are all brainless."

"Also, how did Brother Wushen shoot that shot that destroyed Arnold's body at the last moment? What happened?"

Some fans of Wushen's House posted the video link on other forums, while others pulled the progress bar of the video to watch what happened carefully.

"This video came out much later than the review videos I usually use to train my team members. The most fundamental reason is the last shot."

"At the beginning, I only had some vague inspirations and was not sure. I played it back twice before I was finally sure."

While speaking, Yuelang's mechanical voice paused, as if it was a bit incredible that such a thing happened to him.

"The martial arts practiced by martial artists will be very different because they have to adapt to different martial arts professions, and the running of the Zhoutian will inevitably leave a weak point."

"If you hit those weak points, it will have a miraculous effect. The almighty martial god shot the weak point of Arnold's martial arts and defeated him in one fell swoop."

Hearing this explanation, the viewers of the video felt a little confused. Is it that simple?

When melee warriors engage in melee combat, isn't it a basic operation to sense the opponent's weak point?

But then these people reacted. Damn, the martial god brother hit the weak point with a pistol. Can the difficulty of hitting the weak point with your hand close to the body and shooting it with a soul-gathering pistol be the same?

When everyone replayed the video of the Almighty Martial God again, they felt awe from the bottom of their hearts when they saw him calmly raising his gun in the face of the terrifying shock wave.

What kind of long-range warrior is this?

It seems a little wrong. This guy's heavy equipment and warrior level are also very high.

"When I first watched it, I also fell into a thinking error. Indeed, few long-range warriors would attack such weaknesses."

"After all, long-range warriors need to be with their guns day after day, and it is difficult to have the same sensitivity to the weaknesses of the skills as melee warriors. Most of the time, as a long-range warrior, there is really no need to practice in this aspect, after all, the destructive power is enough."

"This is probably only a warrior like the Almighty Martial God who can greatly cross the martial arts profession, and can imagine and use it. Exclusive tactics."

"It is difficult for ordinary people to reproduce it."

At the end of this video, the Blue Moon Wolf ended with this sentence. There was no nonsense throughout the whole process, all dry goods analysis, and with the spread of the fans of the Almighty Martial God, it quickly became popular.

"Hehe, are you the ones who laugh at our Wushen fans for being blind to martial arts? You guys should make a video like this too."

"Hahaha, don't make it hard for them. If they had brains, they wouldn't question Wushen."

"Call, why don't you shout? Please shout again so I can hear it."

At this time, the fans of the Almighty Wushen finally felt proud and returned all the ridicule they had received before.

Some haters immediately stopped and deleted their previous replies, not giving others a chance to respond.

Some others continued to shout.

"This video came from your Wushen House. Isn't it just the words of your fans? How credible is it?"

"That's right, we have to see how Arnold explains it."

"As a real martial artist, Arnold probably doesn't have time to care about the mean tricks of these villains."

Seeing that they couldn't win by reasoning, these people immediately started to use Arnold's identity as a banner.

It has been emphasized that the one-sided explanation has no credibility at all. The victory of the Almighty God of War was just luck.

These words made the God of War fans angry.

"What a bunch of troublemakers. It feels like stepping on shit to be involved with them." Ma Mingjie cursed.

Respond? Why did Arnold respond? Who belittled himself and raised the status of his opponent who just defeated him.

He didn't plan to pay attention to those haters. He was too lazy to do such things as throwing belly proof fans.

Just as Ma Mingjie was about to continue the forum, another video was updated in the video area.

He looked at the water he was drinking and sprayed it out.

"Arnold really responded, and it was on our God of War's home?!"

In the video, Arnold's face, which looked like a robot, rarely mentioned the name of his opponent in an extremely humble tone.

"Thank you Almighty God of War for your advice to me at the last moment of this battle."

"His words made me think for a long time after the battle, and I benefited a lot."

When he said this, it was from the heart.

The sentence "Attack the enemy three points, keep seven points for yourself." directly broke through the bottleneck that Arnold had been in.

He had a hunch that when he understood the sentence left by the Almighty Martial God, his strength would be greatly improved.

"For those who want to deliberately discredit the Almighty Martial God, I have limited ability and can't control you on the Internet, but don't use my name. And don't let me meet you in real life."

The last sentence Arnold said had a vague threat.

Feeling Arnold's admiration for the Almighty Martial God in his words, those who were still clamoring just now completely stopped.

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