Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 63 The first lesson of the new semester! Su Gu is still practicing Tian Yuan Gong?

Moon, Stark University.

Anderson and Schiller looked at Ke Yuya, who stayed up all night in the training room and was still watching the Almighty Martial God's battle video, with a complicated look on their faces.

Others didn't know who the ID of the Cang Yue Wolf was, but how could they not know.

The replay analysis video that helped the Almighty Martial God change his reputation was made by the boss.

But after the video was finished, why was he still staying up late to watch other battle videos of the Almighty Martial God? Is this still their boss who has no interest in anything except martial arts and sleeping?

Ke Yuya pressed the pause button of the video and murmured:

"Sure enough, although it is very weak. After each of the three battles, his soul power will be slightly improved in quality."

"A warrior who can create his own skills and has the ability to walk his own path?"

After finally confirming the judgment in her heart, Ke Yuya yawned, and a trace of sleepiness emerged on her lazy face.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, and after feeling the two gazes coming from behind, she said lightly:

"Come to the training room and train quickly, or do you want me to help you practice more?"

After hearing this, Anderson and Schiller were shocked and ran away immediately.


After Ke Yuya's analysis video and Arnold's clarification video came out, the "wrong" of the Almighty Martial God was completely cleared.

And the battle video between the Almighty Martial God and Arnold also began to explode with the controversy.

Ma Mingjie held the computer every day, watching the increasing number of users on it, and kept saying: "I'm rich."

According to him, this website, which was established less than half a month ago, has officially started to make a profit.

Also because of this battle, the number of warriors using the Soul Gathering Pistol in the martial arts dojo inexplicably increased.

This incident did not last long. After getting their hands on it, these people realized how deceptive this weapon was as a long-range weapon, and the usage rate fell again after a few days.

However, because these people felt more and more horrified by the almighty martial god, Su Gu inexplicably attracted a wave of fans.

It was not until a week later that the storm on the Internet gradually subsided.

And all the storms that happened after the battle, Su Gu, who stayed in the practice room all day, had no interest in understanding.

After he finished that battle, he went to sort out the new "Tianyuan Gong" that he had completed.

Because the Martial God's Home website has begun to make a profit, Su Gu has no shortage of money to spend. He also used the school's channels to purchase several new martial arts weapons in the training room, and his life is very comfortable.

In the past few days, he also took the money he earned and made appointments with Li Sanli, Feng Yan, and Yu Cunxiao to have a few meals. From them, he also learned a lot of information that he didn't know.


Just when Su Gu got up and washed, the phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was Yu Cunxiao, the vice president of the Student Union.

After answering the phone, Yu Cunxiao's voice came out.

"Su Gu, because you have broken through the realm ahead of time and you haven't been in contact with the teacher for this period of time, you don't know this news yet, so the school asked me to inform you."

"Now most of the students in the school have broken through and stabilized the realm. The busiest period of the school season every year has passed."

"Next, all freshmen in the school will have a big class in the No. 1 lecture hall. This is the first class of the school. You must go."

Su Gu spit out the mouthwash and said, "Okay, I got it."

After the two chatted on the phone for a while, Yu Cunxiao couldn't help but ask out of curiosity:

"Su Gu, what kind of martial arts did you choose? Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

Su Gu is the civilian student who has used the most resources to recruit this year by Xingkong Martial Arts University.

And his own plasticity is extremely high. Whether it is a warrior or an assassin, he has shown extremely high talent. Yu Cunxiao is naturally very curious about the martial arts route of the genius.

Su Gu was silent for a moment, then said:

"I haven't made up my mind about martial arts, which is a major event in my life. I'm still using Tianyuan Gong."

After listening to this, it was Yu Cunxiao's turn to be silent.

"What are you kidding? After the first class of the new semester, there will be a freshman competition in three days. Every year, the school's outstanding tutors will go to the scene to watch and select outstanding students. You told me that you are still using transitional skills?"


This yeah made Yu Cunxiao lose his temper.

After a moment, he said weakly: "Freshman competition, I wish you good luck in martial arts."

After leaving this sentence, he hung up the phone.


In the afternoon, Su Gu asked Feng Yan and Ma Mingjie to go to the No. 1 lecture hall for the first class of the new semester.

And the combination of Su Gu and Feng Yan immediately attracted the attention of a group of people.

"Is it Su Gu and Feng Yan? One of them is the strongest special recruit among the civilians who can kill enemies above their level, and the other is from a noble family. How come these two are together?"

"The two strongest special recruits? Why didn't we see these two when we broke through the Seeking Myself Realm?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? One of them is a top-level genius, and the other is the young master of a noble family. They broke through during the summer vacation. It is said that the school even opened the Thousand Layers Martial Arts Tower in advance for them. It is estimated that the Seeking Myself Realm skills they practiced are also top-level skills that we can't imagine."

Listening to the buzz around them, Sugu and Feng Yan kept looking normal, but Ma Mingjie beside them was very excited, watching the people around them saying from time to time beside Sugu and Feng Yan.

"Did you see the man with the short hair and no eyebrows? His name is Xiao Junjian, a special student of the Assassin Academy. He has been looking at you. It seems that he regards you as his opponent."

"There's also Wu Zhen, a special admissions student from the distance college, and Liu Guang from the heavy equipment side..."

"Tsk, tsk, you two really attract hatred. Fortunately, little Karami like me won't be taken into consideration."

Sugu naturally felt the gazes around him, but he didn't care about them and passed through everyone's sights calmly.

"Brother Su, that Zheng Lu is here too. He just glanced at you a few times."

Feng Yan lowered his voice and spoke carefully to Sugu.

Sugu's footsteps paused, and when he thought of this guy who wanted to kill him a few days ago, he felt a rare murderous intention in his heart.

"Brother Su, regarding this guy, everything you asked me to do has been settled. After this class is over, I will find an opportunity to tell you slowly."

Feng Yan continued to whisper in Sugu's ear.

After hearing this, Sugu secretly concealed the murderous intent in his eyes.

Killing people in modern society is still very troublesome, and you have to find a suitable opportunity.

The three of them randomly found a seat in the classroom and sat down. When the bell rang in the classroom, a gentle old man with square glasses and silver hair walked into the classroom.

Looking at his figure, Feng Yan beside him said in surprise: "Is it Instructor Lan Qing? I didn't expect that it was him teaching us."

In addition to Feng Yan's voice, there was some commotion in the classroom. Apparently this teacher was quite famous.

"Who is this old man?" Ma Mingjie asked curiously.

It was the first time that he saw this guy with eyes above his head, so surprised by a teacher, and he was also an old man who looked to be over a hundred years old.

"There have been several federal generals among the students of this instructor. He is considered a living treasure of Starry Sky Martial Arts University." Feng Yan said with emotion: "It is said that instructor Lan Qing has never taught students anymore because of his old age. , I originally wanted to become his disciple, but it was a pity that it took me a long time to learn this news.”

The old mentor named Lan Qing cleared his throat and coughed.

His authority immediately silenced the noisy classroom just now. He cleared his throat again and said:

"Now let's start the first lesson of the school year."

"I didn't specially prepare the courseware for this class, or you have all seen the courseware."

"It's a very popular battle video in the martial arts dojo in the virtual spiritual world recently."

"A warrior named Almighty Martial God defeated Arnold from Kaiyang Martial Arts University head-on."

After hearing this, Sugu raised his eyebrows slightly.

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