Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 64: Controlling Instinct! The Difference in Realm!

After Lan Qing finished speaking, the battle between Arnold and the Almighty Martial God that day began to play on the three projection walls of the huge lecture theater.

The people sitting in the lecture theater looked at the video materials of that battle with mesmerized expressions on their faces.

They are all top martial arts students who have been admitted to Starry Sky Martial Arts University, a top prestigious school. They are not the many martial arts noobs on the Internet who have never even been exposed to martial arts and follow everyone else's advice.

However, the more people who have practiced martial arts, the more they can feel the terrifying martial arts skills displayed by the two strong men in this battle.

Those special recruits who were sitting in the front row of the college division watched the transition between offense and defense on both sides, and many of them stared straight-eyed.

They are all extremely proud people, but watching this video, they have to admit that the combat ability and combat literacy displayed against the opponent are far higher than their current abilities.

The more you look at it, the more yearning and admiration the expression on your face becomes.

Sugu was watching the video with a strange expression on his face. He realized that the entire lecture hall, including Feng Yan beside him, were all staring at the video of his battle a week ago.

Anyone who is used as video material and has the whole school watching and explaining will feel a little ashamed. Fortunately, his real identity has not been revealed yet.

At the same time, it was also the first time that he intuitively felt the influence of the martial arts dojo in the virtual spiritual world, the most powerful simulated combat system in mankind today, in reality.

Even top martial arts universities like Starry Sky Martial Arts University will choose the battles here as lesson plans for important courses.

When Ma Mingjie on the side saw this, he looked at Sugu and smiled with a mean look on his face. Seeing this, Sugu rolled his eyes at the fat man.

Finally, the video finished playing, and many students still had unfinished expressions on their faces.

Lan Qing tapped the projection wall with his wrinkled fingers, pulling the students back from their thoughts.

"This battle is indeed a classic among the warrior battles that took place during this period."

"Please, classmates, let's talk about how this battle feels to both sides."

After Instructor Lan Qing finished speaking, several special admissions students in the front row wanted to make a good impression in front of him, so they all raised their hands.

Soon, Xiao Junjian, a special recruit of the Assassin Academy, said: "I think the most commendable thing in this battle is the pace of the Almighty Martial God. Facing the pressure of the force warriors, he relied entirely on his terrifying pace to contain him. Walk."

"If he hadn't used his pace to contain him for enough time, he wouldn't have been able to resist the moment of the final counterattack."

Xiao Junjian's words aroused the approval of everyone around him, and even Lan Qing nodded slightly.

"I think the most important thing in this battle is the Almighty Martial God's control over the opponent." Liu Guangdao, a special recruit of the Heavy Equipment Academy: "After the whole battle, it seemed that Arnold had the upper hand most of the time, but In fact, the Almighty God of War's fighting rhythm has never been disrupted. Instead, he has successfully interfered with his opponent's rhythm."

"This makes me, who has similar combat attributes to Arnold, even more alert."

"Don't you realize how terrifying the Almighty Martial God is with his gun?" Wu Zhen, a special recruit from the Distance Academy, said, "I really hope I can reach his level before I graduate."


After the remaining specially recruited students expressed their opinions, they all received recognition from many people.

At this time, Lan Qing glanced around, paused and said, "I remember that there was a classmate named Sugu who was specially recruited today. What do you think of this battle?"

When the name Sugu was mentioned, everyone immediately turned their attention to him.

In an instant, Sugu immediately became the focus of the audience.

After feeling the gazes around him, Sugu stood up slowly. It seems that the title of Star Martial Arts University's strongest special admissions has attracted a lot of unnecessary attention to him.

After standing up, Sugu thought for a moment and said:

"Regarding this battle, the Almighty Martial God relied on his body's instinctive natural reaction to evade every attack from Arnold. During the battle, he should add some rational judgment to his instincts."

"Otherwise, if you often watch and study the Almighty Martial God's past battle videos, you may be able to read some of his physical habits and achieve countermeasures."

After Sugu finished speaking, the eyes around him that were paying attention to him suddenly faded away a lot.

And those students who had always regarded him as a competitor, who were also specially recruited, showed a trace of disdain on their faces.

Training the body's response to attack into an instinct is the realm that these students have been pursuing. Now, according to Sugu's words, all the paths taken by these people are wrong?

What a joke!

It seems that the so-called most powerful special recruit who can kill enemies across levels is a person who likes to make some incomprehensible opinions to impress people.

"You can actually see this from the video?" Lan Qing's surprised voice came from the podium.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard Teacher Lan's voice and the affirmation of Sugu's words.

Their faces showed confusion,

"As this student Sugu said, after you have trained your body's reaction to attacks into instinct, the next thing you have to do is to control this instinct of yours."

"According to the school's teaching plan, you can train your instinctive response to attacks in your sophomore year, and you will be considered an outstanding student."

"Controlling instinct is the difficulty you need to focus on during your junior and even senior years."

After hearing the explanation from Lan Qing, the other people looked at Su Gu with different eyes. It turned out that they didn't understand what Su Gu said before because they didn't have enough vision.

But according to Lan Qing, this is a course project that can only be touched by sophomores. Why can Su Gu see it at a glance? Has he reached such a level in advance?

Everyone looked at him with more alertness.

And Lan Qing looked at Su Gu with a little surprise. Can a freshman have such cognition?

Looking at his information, he is a civilian without any background, so it is impossible that he was told in advance by the martial arts elders at home.

Did he figure these out by himself? It seems that the school has really found a treasure this year.

But Lan Qing changed his mind and his expression became strange again.

Such a student is still using the transitional method of "Tianyuan Gong". What is he thinking? Does he not care about the upcoming freshman competition at all?

This made Lan Qing curious about a student, which was rare.

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