In class, when Sugu sat down, Lan Qing began to break down the skills and defenses of both sides and explain them in detail. From time to time, this excellent instructor would share some insightful insights into martial arts, and even Sugu listened with gusto.

From time to time in the class, someone peeked over to where Sugu was, sizing up this special recruit who could kill enemies at higher levels in the martial arts exam and who had just been praised by instructor Lan Qing.

From time to time, people were whispering, guessing what kind of technique he chose and how he applied for the command department?

"Brother Su, let's go to dinner together. I still have some martial arts questions that I want to ask you about. Of course Brother Ma will come too, and I'll treat you to this meal."

After the first class of the freshmen ended, Feng Yan said to Sugu and Ma Mingjie.

Generally speaking, Feng Yan would not take a serious look at people like Ma Mingjie who were at a lower level of martial arts than him. But since he knew that he and Sugu could be brothers, he immediately looked up to him and started calling him Brother Ma.

"Okay, Brother Su, go quickly. When I was in high school, I was always the one who was the enemy, and now there is finally a new one." Ma Mingjie said with a smile as soon as he heard that someone was treating him.

Seeing that the two of them had settled down, Sugu smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, let's get together."


After the first lesson of the semester ended, there was a burst of arguing in the school instructor's work building.

"What are you talking about? Sugu didn't choose any exercises. Are you kidding me?"

Jie Sanli stood in front of Yu Cunxiao and asked loudly, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Yu Cunxiao smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher Xie, why did I lie to you?"

"Why... why is this?" Jie Sanli couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Sugu had been coming to Xingkong Martial Arts University for so long and no one had taught him the importance of the freshman competition?

Many excellent instructors in the school will come to observe the students' battles and select students.

Why doesn't Sugu pay so much attention to it and doesn't even change the transition technique now? Although he is the best among the freshmen this year, it does not mean that other students are trash. Which student who can be admitted to the Starry Sky Martial Arts University was not the top talent in a city before coming here?

And even if you perform well in the cultivation realm, you have already entered the self-seeking realm by participating in the freshman competition. Now that a whole realm has passed, everyone has begun to practice the exercises.

What do you want to do with your broken "Tian Yuan Gong"?

"Actually, the reason should be very simple." At this moment, a female teacher wearing black work clothes and neat short hair came over and said.

She is Qian Liu, last year's outstanding youth instructor at Xingkong Martial Arts University.

"I have also heard about this student Sugu. It is undeniable that his performance in the martial arts test in high school was indeed excellent, but excellence in high school is another matter in college."

After hearing these words, Jie Sanli's face looked slightly confused, and then he asked for advice:

"Teacher Qian, may I ask if you have any advice?"

"It's very simple. Once many high school students are admitted to the university of their choice, they think that their lives are complete. Instead, they will waste their time and their excellent talents in the subsequent college career with a vengeance."

"I think Sugu is like this. Otherwise, it would be difficult to understand why he applied for the command department, and it is even harder to understand why he has not chosen his own method until now."

After hearing what Teacher Lan said, Jie Sanli and Yu Cunxiao began to recall their experience with Sugu. In their memories, both of them were deeply impressed by Sugu's pursuit of martial arts.

So they protested:

"But Sugu, according to our contact with him, Sugu is definitely not such a person."

"That's right, even if school hasn't officially started yet, he is technically still on vacation, and Sugu's training time is no different from that in high school. Such students are definitely not what you said, Teacher Qian, who give up on martial arts. people.”

Seeing the vice president of the student union and the teacher from the admissions office retorting to her at the same time, Qian Liu had a trace of doubt on her face. Could it be that she had really made a mistake?

"It is said that Feng Yan and Sugu have become very close in the past few days. Could it be that Sugu has decided to join the family, so he can delay his conversion of skills so that he will not steal Feng Yan's skills in the freshman competition? Limelight?"

Qian Liu frowned and raised another possibility.

"This... shouldn't be..."

After hearing this, the expression on Jie Sanli's face became a little stiff. Could it be that the students they had worked so hard to recruit decided to follow the aristocratic family in such a short period of time?

But this situation seems to happen every year. The family would invest the scarce resources needed by the warriors in school in exchange for some small favors.

Is this the case with Sugu?

"Actually, I saw Feng Yan and Sugu coming out of the Martial Arts Thousand-Story Tower before, and Feng Yan acted more like that little Karami." Yu Cunxiao recalled the situation that day and weakly interjected.

"Two teachers, is it possible that these two people get together, and Feng Yan is the younger brother?"

After Yu Cunxiao finished speaking, he was immediately glared at by the two teachers.

Qian Liu looked at him as if he were an idiot and said:

"Do you know that among all the families our school comes into contact with, the Feng family is the most arrogant? What's more, Feng Yan is the young head of the Feng family, and he is also a special admissions student in the school. What he has Just a lot more than Sugu. Why should he be Sugu’s younger brother?”

Xie Sanli also shook his head and said, "Su Gu is a commoner without any power. The conflict between commoners and those aristocratic families in the competition for educational resources has become increasingly acute."

"And Feng Yan is the representative of the aristocratic families this year and the strongest one. I can understand that these two people are together as having similar interests. You said Feng Yan is impressed by Su Gu? There is absolutely no such possibility."

Hearing the two teachers' categorical rejection, Yu Cunxiao's expression became a little confused.

Did I really make a mistake? After coming out of the Thousand Layers Tower of Martial Arts that day, those things were all my illusions?

It should be a mistake....Is it...


"Brother Su, I toast you a glass."

At this moment in Feng Yan's dormitory, he directly asked the housekeeper who was responsible for his daily life to pack a large bag of star-level dishes to entertain Su Gu and Ma Mingjie.

Ma Mingjie buried his head in eating, his mouth full of oil.

While Feng Yan and Su Gu ate and chatted, Feng Yan kept asking Su Gu questions related to martial arts.

Su Gu has been practicing hard for many years. Now that he meets a peer who can keep up with his thinking, he is naturally happy to share.

Feng Yan and Su Gu talked, and the more they talked, the more shocked they felt. Many problems that he could not solve when he asked his elders at home, were immediately enlightened by Su Gu's casual advice.

He even felt that the barrier that had been stuck for a long time showed some signs of loosening. So his attitude towards Su Gu became more respectful.

When the two of them were chatting happily, the smile on Su Gu's face suddenly disappeared. Then he said:

"Feng Yan, how is the thing I asked you to do before?"

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