Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 67 The freshman competition begins! Su Gu's choice!

Located in the Starry Sky Martial Arts University, in an empty undeveloped area, a high-density black gold battle field has been laid out.

The black and red battle fields, which are about the size of a football field, are as solemn as solemn altars.

Large and small aircraft with high-precision filming equipment are located outside the battle field. When the battle begins, these instruments will rise straight up and project the live battle scenes shot from various angles onto the screens outside the battle field.

All the students who have broken through the Seeking Myself Realm of the Starry Sky Martial Arts University are now gathered here. They are arranged in a square array and stand outside the battle field with a serious face.

The powerful aura emanating from these young warriors adds a bit of solemnity to the entire field.

The projection of a middle-aged man with a hideous scar on his forehead appears in the center of the battle field. His appearance makes the originally quiet and solemn field even quieter, with only the sound of breathing and heartbeats.

"I am the former general of the Federation, and now the principal of Starry Sky Martial Arts University, Cheng Ziwen." The projection spoke expressionlessly, introducing himself.

His tone was calm, and he did not deliberately boast about himself. But the word "general" still made the eyes of those students who stood still glow with a fiery light.

"I guess many of you here have already noticed that the school attaches much more importance to this freshman competition than in previous years."

"I won't keep you in suspense. This competition is also a selection. Not only will the school's outstanding mentors come here to select, but the seniors who graduated here and are currently serving in the army, General Yin, will also be watching you."

"Those with the best performance will be eligible to participate in a military trial in the starry sky. There, you have the opportunity to kill the starry sky aliens at the level of war generals with your own hands."

"Of course, in this trial, there are also opportunities that you can't imagine and knowledge inheritance about aliens that will not be recorded in books."

When the principal Cheng Ziwen personally explained the purpose behind this freshman competition, the neatly arranged square formations shook a little.

Many students clenched their hands excitedly, and their faces were trembling with excitement. Unlike the safe college entrance examination, this is a real opportunity to train themselves and kill aliens.

For humans who have experienced the dark ages in history and even their home planets have been occupied, this is an honor.

Not to mention, the army will lead the team. The military merit of killing aliens can definitely be exchanged for some benefits that are rarely seen in daily life.

"I think you all know what this means. In this case, I declare the official start of this year's freshman competition."

The day of the freshman competition has officially begun.

When Principal Cheng Ziwen announced the start, the huge projection disappeared immediately. At this moment, many people involuntarily focused their attention on Su Gu.

The rules of the freshman competition in previous years will not change. People from various departments will compete internally and select the strongest three as college representatives.

Then the three representatives will represent their respective colleges and fight a series of elimination battles, and finally select the first freshman of this year.

As the command department, which college will Su Gu choose to participate in the competition?

Feeling the eyes around him, Su Gu glanced around and soon found Zheng Lu in the crowd.

So you are from the Warrior College.

Su Gu smiled coldly and said to the teacher who was recording beside him:

"I'm participating in the internal competition of Warrior Academy."

After hearing this, Zhan You, a special student of Warrior Academy, almost jumped up with excitement.

He had expressed his expectation for this battle on the academy website before, but he didn't expect that he could really get what he wanted.

If he was in the self-cultivation realm, Su Gu, who could kill enemies across levels, would naturally deserve his serious treatment, or even decisive retreat.

But now he is in the Seeking Myself realm. Zhan You, who has already used a powerful technique, can clearly understand how great the improvement of a warrior is after practicing the technique.

The difference between the techniques, in the excavation of the warrior's power, is the difference between heaven and earth.

As a special student of Starry Sky Martial Arts University, he doesn't believe that he will lose to Su Gu. Defeating the famous figure of this school is his chance to become famous.

At this moment, Su Gu is operating and completing the identity level of the command system participating in the competition in Warrior Academy.

At this moment, Zheng Lu also stared at Su Gu's back with a cold look.

"I really didn't expect that your martial arts method is actually "Tianyuan Gong"."

Zheng Lu's face showed a scornful smile. He just got this news recently. Knowing this, his originally restless heart was completely settled.

If Su Gu didn't exist, he would be the provincial champion. Zheng Lu has always been worried about this.

He believes that his strength is comparable to Su Gu's. As long as he uses some props, he will definitely be able to break the balance of power between them.

"If I had known that you would be like this, why would I spend a lot of money to buy the Violent Blood Burning Soul Pill. If I want to destroy you, I don't need to use the pill at all."

According to Zheng Lu's original plan, he would find an opportunity in the freshman competition to completely destroy Su Gu, so that he could not practice martial arts and was forced to drop out of school.

When Su Gu leaves Starry Sky Martial Arts University, he can control him at will with the influence of his Zheng family.

Now it seems that this plan is much smoother than Zheng Lu expected.

At this moment, on an immobile airship high in the sky, wine and food are intertwined here. A group of people in formal attire are holding wine glasses and socializing here. From time to time, he pointed his finger at the battle venue of the Underground Starry Sky Martial Arts University, showing the projected images. Commenting on a student who appeared.

These are all prestigious figures from all walks of life invited by the school in this freshman competition. Many of them are the heads of regional halls of some aristocratic families, as well as some important officials of the local federation, and outstanding lecturers at the Star Martial Arts University.

For them here, apart from the freshmen competition, the more important thing is actually socializing.

In the VIP room on the airship, a man with a short and curly beard, wearing a battle armor, and a face as dark as coal was pouring a bottle of wine down his throat.

He glanced through the window at the group of people socializing outside, and suddenly asked curiously:

"What's going on over there at Warrior Academy? Is that student who attracts a lot of attention famous?"

General Yin, who came from the solar system space garrison base, asked curiously.

If only the students had cast their eyes on him, the federal general would not have asked this question. But when he just looked outside, he found that many instructors from Xingwu University, and even his mentor Lan Qing, briefly let his eyes stay for a moment after the Sugu boy appeared.

This aroused his curiosity.

His question was quickly answered by the intelligent AI in the room, and he clicked his tongue after hearing the original meaning.

"It turns out he is a student who is destroying his own future."

He immediately lost interest.

Everyone has seen a high-ranking person of his level. This kind of thing is completely unworthy of his attention.

At this time, the door to the VIP room was pushed open. After seeing who came, he smiled and said:

"Lao Cheng, you are not authentic."

"When you gave your speech just now, you didn't tell the students the full purpose of this freshmen competition."

"You still have to keep your hands on your own students."

Listening to his friend's teasing, Nariko asked with a wry smile on his face.

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