"What can I say?" Cheng Ziwen said with a wry smile: "Tell these students that according to the school board's intention, if they can follow you to participate in the Star Air Force Brigade, they may be selected into the school team? And thus participate in the Solar System Martial Arts College Conference?"

"Do you think those people on the school board who spend every day on the moon and think about policies with their drunken butts can be trusted?"

Listening to his old friend's complaints, General Yin silently took away the bottle of wine at his mouth. And Cheng Ziwen continued:

"I don't have such high expectations for these freshmen at all. After all, they are just freshmen and too immature. In the competition a year later, the juniors and seniors will be the main force of our school."

"I asked you to help lead the freshmen, just to let the potential children among them gain experience to cope with the next conference."

Hearing Cheng Ziwen's words, General Yin's face also showed a trace of nostalgia and helplessness.

In the Solar System Martial Arts College Conference, he and Cheng Ziwen also represented the school in the battle.

But even with two young men who have the potential to become federal generals leading the team, the Starry Sky Martial Arts University's ranking has not broken through the top 500.

It's not that they are weak, but that their opponents are too strong.

The organizers of this conference are not the federal governments of the major planets, but the top ten families that have stood at the top of humanity since martial arts was not born and humans had not yet left the solar system to explore the starry sea.

The contestants of the conference are not only the colleges and universities registered within the federation, but some powerful families will also send their outstanding disciples to participate.

"The situation this year may be a little more complicated."

"Arnold, the captain of Kaiyang Martial Arts University, who has always been our rival in previous years, began to have a sudden enlightenment in martial arts after the battle with the Almighty Martial God, and is now in seclusion. There is no doubt that he will become stronger after he comes out."

"This time, the freshmen of Kaiyang Martial Arts University will be led by him to the trial. When you take our students to the trial, you will definitely run into people from Kaiyang Martial Arts University. If the two sides meet, there will inevitably be a fight between the freshmen."

"I specifically asked Teacher Lan Qing to use the battle between the Almighty Martial God and Arnold as the lesson plan for the first lesson of the new semester, just to let these freshmen get familiar with the opponent in advance, so as not to be afraid before the battle."

Cheng Ziwen pressed his temple and said with a headache.

Not only did the captain of the rival school break through recently, but even some people from large families also tried their best to fight this year, and I don’t know why.

Thinking of the complicated situation this year, Cheng Ziwen, as the principal, no longer holds any hope for the university ranking to rise this year, and only hopes that it will not fall too hard.

"Heh, the defense battle has already begun. I didn't expect this kid to have the courage to defend the ring."

General Yin looked at the battle that had already begun on the projection screen in the VIP room, and looked at the figure of the boy named Su Gu, whom he had just inquired about, walking onto the ring and said jokingly.

The rules of the freshman competition of Xingkong Martial Arts University are rough and simple.

The ring is built with alien blood black gold. If you want to be the winner, you have to defend the ring. Once you stand alone on the ring, you are the defender, and anyone from the same college can go up for a one-on-one duel.

The final winner is the one who successfully defends the ring the most times.

Generally speaking, few people are willing to be the first defender. After all, at this time, the physical strength of all students in the college is at its peak.

If you are the first to go up and be challenged in a cycle, you will inevitably suffer, so most people are waiting and watching.

While these people were watching, Su Gu walked up alone. From the perspective of others, he seemed to be a reckless man with courage but no strategy.

"The first defender of the Warrior Academy is Su Gu."

Su Gu held a long knife in his hand and stood in the center of the fighting arena. The aircraft in the sky used a mechanical sound to broadcast this news to the whole audience.


Many people couldn't help but look at the arena of the Warrior Academy. Seeing Su Gu's figure, a trace of heat flashed in their eyes.

The most prestigious special recruit in the school, before entering the school, the video of the cross-level battle was spread on the Internet. Such people enjoy a great reputation.

But at this moment, he who is still practicing "Tianyuan Gong" does not seem to be worthy of his "reputation". Many people are interested in defeating Tianjiao in public.

Su Gu is like a piece of fat meat, which makes people salivate.

If they were not from different academies and could not challenge according to the rules, many people would have rushed over now.

Zheng Lu looked at Su Gu with a sinister smile on his face. Today, he will beat Su Gu to pieces! Just as he was about to say that he wanted to challenge Su Gu, a loud voice rang out beside him.

"Su Gu, I'm going to fight you!"

As he spoke, Zhan You seemed to be afraid of being beaten by others, so he directly used the step "Tiyunzong" and stepped into the air to stand on the ring.

Zhan You stared at Su Gu, with a hint of heat on his face. Ever since he found out that Su Gu did not use the privilege of special admissions to exchange for his own skills, he had the idea of ​​defeating him in public in the freshman competition and becoming a real celebrity in the school.

Unexpectedly, everything went so smoothly, Zhan You even felt that even God was helping him.

Compared to Zhan You's excitement, Su Gu just raised his eyelids, glanced at him casually, and then began to play with the long sword in his hand. It seems that he doesn't care who his opponent is.

"Over at the Warrior Academy, students have already gone to the ring and are ready to start fighting. Who do you think will win?"

In the social venue of the airship, many of the excellent instructors of Xingwu University who were watching the ring from the dark turned their attention when the first duel took place.

They also hope to find excellent students in the freshman competition and recruit them to train them.

"Su Gu vs. Zhan You? Both of them are special recruits. I didn't expect to see such a fierce competition in the first game."

"Zhan You is a warrior special recruit, and this Su Gu is... the command department?!"

"Don't be surprised, this Su Gu is this and that, this and that..."

The information of the two students quickly spread around these instructors, and when they looked at Su Gu's situation, the expressions on their faces became extremely strange.

Even though these instructors have been in the industry for so many years, it is the first time they have seen such a strange student.

Obviously, he is the champion of the martial arts exam, but he took the initiative to go to the command department. The school had clearly promised that he could choose from all the top martial arts, and he could also consult top instructors at will and plan his own martial arts path, but this student is still practicing Tianyuan Gong.

"Many martial artists think they are different and unique when they are young. As a result, they rebel and take some paths that their predecessors have never taken. Many years later, they look back and realize that they are wasting their time."

"This Su Gu is probably in this situation."

Instructor Qian Liu said this indifferently among these people.

These words were recognized by most of the instructors present. As instructors who have served in Xingwu University for many years, they have indeed seen many such situations.

"With Su Gu's fighting qualities, this battle will have a ten-minute scorching period, but the final winner will be Zhan You."

Soon someone made his prediction, and most people nodded after listening.

Standing among these instructors, Lan Qing, the oldest, has always ignored what these people said.

He looked at Su Gu's back and recalled the first class of the new semester. The young man pointed out the theme he wanted to teach in class.

Is this kind of person really someone who has no knowledge or plan for his own martial arts path?

Lan Qing looked at the battle that was about to begin, and his wrinkled eyes narrowed slightly.

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