Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 69: Fighting and still caring about the opponent? He really, I cried to death

Zheng Lu looked at the two people on the stage with a rather dissatisfied expression on his face. Damn Zhan You, he actually took away what he wanted to do.

The information that Su Gu's practice method was still the transitional method of "Tianyuan Gong" had long been spread in the school.

Zheng Lu thought that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to take action. Maybe as long as he could seize this opportunity and completely cripple Su Gu, he would not need to take the Burning Blood and Violent Soul Pill he bought.

And now this opportunity has been destroyed by Zhan You.

Zheng Lu gritted his teeth and stared at Su Gu on the stage fiercely. He prayed in his heart that after Su Gu was beaten down, he would have a chance to fight him on the stage.

"I planned to use the gravity bracelet to trick you, and you crippled my little brother in front of me. The grudge between us has long been irreconcilable."

"In this case, I will definitely get rid of enemies like you as soon as possible." Zheng Lu thought silently in his heart.

On the ring,

Su Gu and Zhan You stood on both sides and confronted each other. Zhan You's face was full of excitement. Defeating Su Gu was the first step for him to become famous in Xingwu University and become a famous figure in the academy. Compared with him, Su Gu seemed a little absent-minded.

When the mechanical referee confirmed that both fighters were ready, the countdown projection for the start of the battle began to light up.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

When the number turned to "five", Su Gu raised his eyes, as if he was seriously looking at his opponent.

"Use your strongest defensive fighting skills immediately." Su Gu said in a flat tone.

There was an imperative and unquestionable command in those calm words. But it didn't seem like a verbal deterrence given to the opponent before the battle, but more like a suggestion.

Zhan You frowned, and his thoughts flashed through his mind.

His brain was kicked by a donkey, giving advice to his opponent before the battle?

Su Gu, who do you think you are? !

And at this moment, the countdown of the projection returned to zero.

In an instant, Zhan You felt an extremely terrifying pressure coming towards him. He felt as if he was pulled into the deep sea, completely unable to breathe. The pressure around him almost made him vomit blood.

Damn it!

The black gold sword in his hand pierced into his feet fiercely, and Zhan You forced himself out of his unconsciousness with the pain.

He looked at Su Gu, his face full of fear.

What was that just now, a mental shock-type combat skill? He didn't practice "Tianyuan Gong"? What on earth is this pressure?

As a special recruit of the Warrior Academy, after quickly adjusting his state, he began to list all the possibilities of the situation that just occurred in his mind.

Zhan You put away all his contempt, his muscles tensed, and looked at Su Gu ready for battle.

And Su Gu seemed to have been waiting to recover. Seeing this, he nodded slightly, and then casually swung a slash in the direction of Zhan You.

At that moment, the long sword in Su Gu's hand seemed to have turned into an ancient wild beast, and everyone could hear the roar of the beast coming from the blade.

An extremely terrifying sword light attacked Zhan You's direction, at an extremely fast speed, and there was no way to avoid it.

Zhan You didn't have time to think about it, and immediately did what Su Gu said before the battle, using his strongest defensive skills.

Bluestone Jade Body!

Zhan You's body was wrapped in a ball of blue soul power in an instant, as if wrapped in a layer of blue armor.

The terrifying sword light collided with the blue armor, and the two did not hold on for about a second. The blue armor began to disintegrate layer by layer, and was almost chopped into pieces in an instant.

The sword force contained in the sword light did not seem to weaken. After crushing all of Zhan You's defenses like a rotten wood, it chopped Zhan You's body without mercy.


Zhan You screamed in the sky, and blood splattered. He flew out like a piece of garbage thrown away at random.

Zhan You, who was a special recruit like Su Gu, was slashed out of the ring.


Zhan You fell to the ground, covered in blood, and cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead.

If it weren't for the bluestone jade body that blocked the knife light for a moment, giving Zhan You the opportunity to unload the force and adjust the posture of the force, I'm afraid it would be more than just being slashed out of the ring.

I'm afraid that if he took this blow, he would be unconscious for at least a week.

Suddenly, Zhan You remembered the advice Su Gu said before the battle, reminding him to use his strongest defense.

Damn, this guy is actually thinking about me?

An unbearable sense of humiliation rose from Zhan You's heart.

For a warrior, the most disgusting thing is to fight with an opponent, but the opponent is worried about whether he will hit too hard and accidentally injure the opponent.

Zhan You recalled the excitement he had just felt when he wanted to fight Su Gu, and suddenly felt like a clown.

He seemed to feel that the physical pain was no longer so unbearable, and the mental blow made him feel sick.

Zhan You's head went sideways and he fainted. Several medical staff rushed over to him. When they confirmed that Zhan You's life was fine, the mechanical judgment sounded:

[Warrior Academy's first defense match, winner: Su Gu. ]

At this moment in the ring area, the people from the Warrior Academy were silent, and their eyes were full of incomprehension and disbelief when they looked at Su Gu. This silent atmosphere even affected other colleges. Many people cast their eyes on Su Gu, with fear in their eyes.

The two people fighting nearby, who were attacking and defending the ring, paused for a moment because of Su Gu's knife.

It has been said that Su Gu practiced the "Tianyuan Gong". Has he lost his competitiveness in this freshman competition?

The so-called loss of competitiveness means that he killed the special recruits in one second with one knife?

Does this look like losing competitiveness?

This is definitely a seeded player who can win the championship!

"How can he be... so strong."

Among the many fearful eyes, there is a beam of eyes that contains resentment and fear. Zheng Lu's face was pale, and he murmured as if he had a nightmare.

All along, Zheng Lu believed that even if Su Gu could cross the border and kill the enemy in the self-cultivation realm, it would only be the upper realm after all. Who can go further in the search for me realm is still unknown.

Even in his subconscious, he always thought that he and Su Gu were on par.

After all, even if Su Gu's talent is a little higher than his, he has the resources of a family to support him.

Could the future head of the Zheng family lose to you, a commoner with no background?

Now watching Su Gu slashing that knife at close range, Zheng Lu knew that he was wrong, extremely wrong.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!"

Zheng Lu cursed madly in his heart.

He asked someone to assassinate Su Gu in the martial arts Thousand Layer Tower area, and the hatred between the two could no longer be resolved. Now it was more than a personal grudge against Su Gu, and he had to cut off this future big trouble in advance.

Zheng Lu took out the Blood Burning Violent Soul Pill that he had bought in advance from his arms, and his expression was uncertain.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to use this thing before, but now it seems that it was a wise decision to order the clan members to buy this thing in advance."

"Increase your own body function tenfold! Although the side effects are a bit big, it's worth it for Su Gu!"

Zheng Lu quietly hid his figure in the darkness. He wanted to take this pill and then adapt to the emerging power as much as possible in a short period of time, so as not to let others see the flaws.

"Student Su Gu, according to the rules, after completing a ring battle, the defender has one to ten minutes of rest time."

"How long do you need to rest?"

A small camera flew to Su Gu in the sky and spoke to him in a mechanical voice.

"No, I don't need to rest, let's just start."

Su Gu said calmly. While speaking, he moved his shoulders. He hadn't used a knife for a long time, and he was not used to it.

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